Most of the self proclaimed robots here are actively friendzoning at least one average or below average looking female...

Most of the self proclaimed robots here are actively friendzoning at least one average or below average looking female in their life. I guarantee it. Stop pretending like you have zero options

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Joke's on you, you have to actually talk to girls to friendzone them

It's true. There is one. But tattoos are absolutely unacceptable. It's too bad she got them.

Possible, yet if she is not a landwhale/horribly deformed, unless they give me CONCRETE, obvious signals, I really have nothing to do about it.

>female in their life
No such thing.

I'm not. There are literally 0 women in my life outside of family members.

I'm not gonna date an autistic furry who's fursona is a nigger pig, you wouldn't either

>studying computer science
>not so many girls
>all are heavily orbited by other betas and some chads
I won't orbit girls like some fag, so no, I don't have even one woman in my life

>Fem"bot" gets it completely wrong
Robots don't have women in their lives you dumb cunt

>I'm supposed to drop all of my standards and look for women objectively and unbearably worse than me
>I'm supposed to magically know who's genuinely attracted to me
>I'm supposed to make the first move
>I'm supposed to provide more than the woman does even if she earns a lot of money or has high intelligence

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yes, one ugly, fat, black girl in highschool

>girls all over me
>they're brown

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Nope all women I interact with are in relationships and think I am a twelve year old.

I've intentionally and unintentionally friendzoned MOST girls that were interested in me lol.

>Most of the self proclaimed robots here are actively friendzoning at least one average or below average looking female in their life. I guarantee it.
nope im a shut in
try again

if I could give them to you, user, I would. Just a heads up, she's probably less attractive than you think

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Only girls that show interest in me are black women and Im really not interested in them. Might date an Asian but I'd perfer children of my own race.

Only girl interested in me now is mentally retarded, not only am i not attracted to her it would probably be a crime to bang her

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I don't even realise it till like 5-10 years later.
I only could've gotten somewhere with 1 of them though.
I can tell she didn't care about my autism.

It's okay though.
I accept I'm blind.

Fucking triggered me when I think about it.
>Genuinely got a kick when I bullied her
I wasted it.

It's okay though.
What's done is done.

But secretly it's not okay.
But that's okay.

those aren't options

I will have sex with ANY fembot here who isn't fat. That's it. Just don't be fat.

There isn't a SINGLE fembot on this board that could ever say the same.

fat girls deserve to be friendzoned. lose the fat and you'd be wife material, bitch

>tfw i accidentally friend zoned my crush
I know, i fucked up and there is noway no recover

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All the woman who willingly talk to me are married.

This is very true, trust me none of the guys would give someone as ugly as this girl a chance. Men are VERY superficial, they don't even consider ugly women lol.

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you sure thats a woman

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I would remember, though.

Yup, lots of women have mustaches.
Would anyone date this girl?

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>blatantly obvious herpes
I won't date a whore, faggot. Especially not one that'll give me fucking sores on my face and dick.

I don't have any friends fuck you

>another newfag tries to prove Jow Forums is the cause of their own suffering by assuming things
>gets BTFO when its proven what they assumed is wrong
every time.

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Yeah but she's really manly, plays rugby, likes fishing and shit. Works at a gym, like I'm sure she gives a nice strong handjob but honestly with the utter disgust I have for normies at this point, I don't think I can ever date a girl again, and I'm pretty ok with that.

Yep 100%

Realistically though, she's the kind of girl who wouldn't give me a second look.
I physically look chad as fuck, with my actual-autism being the game killer.
Sad because they think I'm "out of their league", and ones who DO give a shit are instantly turned off when I don't socially perform to expectation.

I wish I could have a girlfriend like that, if she was nice to me.
I'd keep her forever for being the one girl who can stand me.

even the ugly ones in my school never had a single interest in me
fuck you op, FUCK YOU

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No. The characteristics of a robot are that they are robotic. The types who socialize and have people to talk to even if it's just online are failed normies.
Also discord is cancer

Rugby girls are hot as fuck though.

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look at those non-existent titties

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>Most of the self proclaimed robots here are actively friendzoning at least one average or below average looking female in their life. I guarantee it. Stop pretending like you have zero options
i'm so horny a could fuck any girl that comes my way

If I did I wouldn't know.

Probably. I've had a couple normie girls at least ask about my relationship history while i was at work, but the fact that i lie to everyone i meet in the real world about almost every aspect in my life means that none of em are actually interested in me.
My own fault for hiding my powerlevel so well.

Shit that'd be one of my first choices.

It's acne
Aww that sounds like a load of shit, do you really not care about looks? Would you date the hambeast I posted?
Lets be honest, most robots are superficial but lack the social skills and physical traits to bag a qt so they bide their time shitting on them instead

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I haven't talked to a female outside of my immediate family in months

not true, go out with agirl that is bit below average, she invite me to her house she drinks my cum she lets me cum in her and we sleep all nigth and she sleep on me filled with my cum, and sometimes in the middel of the nigth i fill her wit more cum she hugs me and kiss me, tough i admit that i also have feeling for other woman that friendzoned me too much years ago

try years

If you are friends with a female you are not a robot.

try to do it and make it a secret :D and hope she doesn't talk about it, but go and cum in her

lol like I'd fuck a fat chick

>tfw you friendzoned the only woman who ever took sexual interest in you for being smelly and ugly
>tfw you regret it every day

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i don't have toruble i can have sex with any woman unless she has a very complicated personality or hygiene

I don't even have any male friends, let alone female ones.

I'm not. The last time and female expressed any interest in me what so ever was 6 years ago at community college and she was easily a 4 out of 10. I understand that I'm likely in the same league as her, but I'd honestly rather be alone than be with some disgusting landwhale.

b-but my coworkers were bugging me and before I got to even start knowing her more my mcdicks boss, who was a detective in the past, got onto me if I already slept with her, she was underage. I quit and she got offended I bet, but I didn't want to tell her I was quitting because I didn't want to openly acknowledge it. She did contact me a month ago, but anons she reads shounenshit and is part of a wholly christian family which with my cynical anti-religious autistic parents there would be hell, and she's out of shape and I doubt I could change that

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the women i friendzoned were clingy, stalkery and psychotic so i'm not really losing sleep over it or looking at them as lost opportunities.

irrational women can go fuck themselves.

I haven't had female attention in literally over half a decade, but that is beside the point. I'm not going to drop my standards ridiculously low just to be able to say I'm dating and having sex with someone. I personally don't even feel like I'm dropping my standards that far, either. Literally my own prereqresuites are, 1) just be sub 20 BMI, 2) dont be absolutely repulsive to look at. That is literally IT, but the true crushing reality of the matter is that there are simply SO many fucking fat and tubby women in North America now that skinny girls have literally become a rarity. They know how desirable they are and as a result their worth in the dating game has grown a ridiculous amount, meaning dudes like me who aren't Chad McThundercock have literally 0 chance outside of blind luck.

So, I'm basically just going to be single forever and that's okay.

I fucking despise relationships tho

I quite literary haven't had a casual conversation with a women that wasn't my mom or my sister, in years. I don't count the random conversations that last 5 seconds at places like the supermarket.

>implying that I have had contact with a girl in years

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I apparently friendzoned a fucking goddess. Get on my level! Spoiler alert, you won't because you will please thirsts before investing into her.

Tbqh, that's not a bad idea, just be careful with what you do by then.