My brother is 6'2, my sister is 5'8 and I'm 5'7

My brother is 6'2, my sister is 5'8 and I'm 5'7

I know why

>I didn't play any sports growing up, my brother and sister did
>During high-school I would have tons of all-nighters playing video games, my brother and sister did not do that
>I never ate vegetables or fruits, my brother and always ate that stuff
>I was diagnosed with server asthma at age 2 and was put on tons of asthma medication, which probably also stunted my growth

My SHOULDERS and WAIST are actually wider than my brothers, despite him being much taller than me, AND I was the biggest baby out of the 3 of us, all that taken into account, I believe that my true height is probably around 6'3-6'4.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your true height is 5'7". You are a genetic dead end and are the scum of the gene pool. Your only hope of procreation is by finding an equally disgusting female mate, such as a quadruple amputee, colloquially known as a "nugget".

jjesus christ that was brutal


don't be yourself up, your genetics are for 5'7 maybe two inches more at most

I bet im better looking than you.

Reality is oft the pill which is found difficult to swallow whole without liquids such as water to assist in the process of ingesting consumable materials into ones own body for purposes of digestion in which the chemical compounds are redistributed for use around the bodys varied systems

Cope. I ate junk food and played video games all throughout highschool and middle school and ended up being a 6’2 skeleton

I feel you brother.

Both of my brothers are 6'1" but I am 5'7".

I know why

>I masturbated at least twice a day. My brothers did not.
>I gave up my belief in God. My brothers did not.
>I am a dedicated bottom. My brothers only top.
>I ego lift 2.5x body weight on squats even though I have bad posture and a small dick. My brothers have huge dicks.

My SHOULDERS and WAIST are actually wider than my brothers, despite him being much taller than me, AND I was the biggest baby out of the 3 of us, all that taken into account, I believe that my true height is probably around 6'3-6'4.

Your mother cheated with a manlet :/

This is the worst man.
My brother is 6' and im 5'9". Probably shouldn't have masturbated every fucking day during my teenage year.

>know your brothers are tops
>know your brothers have huge dicks
They don't call it a bro-job for nothing, huh?

fking hell my sides...

what do you mean you forgot the nugget

doesnt matter, people perceive you as manlet trying too hard to look good

>didn't play any sports in school, only video games
>still above 6ft

I have a feeling that if I was active, I would have been even taller

Don't worry about it so much man just workout and be the best version of yourself

Join a basketball club

nigga why u a mormon tho lmao

Not how it works. I was average height and playing a ton of sports mid teens but when I stopped exercising as much I had a growth spurt and hit 6'0" after being like 5'9", both of my parents aren't 6'0".

It's not actually that good being 6'2", nothing is built ergonomically for that height and whatever confidence I get from height get nullified by crippling depression anyway, being tall won't fix your problems.

what does baby size mean

no. How come i always ate my fruits and veggies and i was always outside getting some form cardio, but i ended up 5'7

Heh you think you have it bad

> my mother is 6'2
> my older sister is 6'4
> my younger brother is 6'4 and he's 14
> my younger sister is the same height as me and she's 12

and i'm 5'6ft the same as my father

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>always outside getting some form cardio
That's why

>5'6 dad
>6'2 mom
god i wish that were me

I'm 5'7 and not even mad

literally all africans do is run around outside because they dont have buildings. they still end up like 185 cm tall

I don't think that's why you're short. I never ever played sports stood up all night playing video games since middle school, and during high school which were my growing years all I ate was two meals a day, usually the school lunch and 3 slices of dollar pizza for dinner. and I'm 6'3

>be 5'5" 18 years old
>5'8" little sister (who's 12)
>6'4" little brother (who just turned 16)
>5'10" mom
>6'1" dad
>6'4" grandpa

I've wrestled, played basketball, ran track, and have gotten into Olympic weightlifting throughout middle school and high school. Didn't eat bad, but not too good either. Pretty sure I've always gotten pretty good sleep.

I blame my height on my mom smoking when she was pregnant with me, and probably doing drugs and shit too (her excuse was she was only 16 and didn't know what she was doing).

>server asthma
hotfix that shit bruh

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Have had asthma since I was born, I am 6ft tall. You just have shit genetics OP

Audible kek

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my friend was born with server asthma and he was shorter than everyone all his life up until grade 10 or 11 he had a massive growth spurt and now hes 6'

Nah nigger, your genes just suck. I was always a lazy as fuck kid, and yet I outgrew my 5'11'' pops by reaching 6'3''.

>mfw played tons of vidya as a kid
>am 6'6

you just have shit genetics

cucked by a manlet

Vegetables aren't going to make you grow you DUMB FUCK you're short because you didn't eat enough animal foods. Probably raised on processed shit.

Nah, gene tree gave you the recessive left over after birth shit. I did 3 sports from 7 years old to freshman year of college. Super active childhood, worked out all the time, and never did recreational shit. Just ended up being a super lean manle. Just a twink....

Shortest male besides me (5'9) is 6'1. Shortest female in my family 5'7. This is from both sides of tree. Either mom cucked ya dad or just piss poor genes.

I was a sedentary gaming fag my entire youth and I ended up being a foot taller than my mom and 4 inches taller than my dad. It's just luck

>my true height is probably around 6'3-6'4

With that mindset you are the one with the genetic defecit

>I believe that my true height is probably around 6'3-6'4.
Repeat this to yourself the next time you're walking past the manlet police, little man.

Both of my grandmother's sides have some really severely short people (like 5' tall men), so I count myself pretty lucky to be 5'9. Father's only 5'7.
You can still get wamen when you're short, OP, my existence is evidence of that.

Man, I'm 5'7, 19 years old. My brother is slightly taller than me at 16 years old. My brother barely eats and he has never played any sports. Me on the other hand is the opposite, I've always been active, played a lot of football and now I've worked out at the gym for almost 3 years and I eat a lot. Life isn't fair.

Your dad has truly made it in life though holy shiiit. I'm 5'7 and I'm really into taller girls. If I could get a 6ft+ amazonian gf life would be good.

Honestly its so fucking unfair OP and I feel your pain completely.
My mother is 6'2, my sisters are both 6'1, my dad is 7'0. Most of my extended family are 6 feet and more. My grandma has been losing height and is 90 years old but she is still 5'8.
I am 5'5.

Family gatherings are a fucking joke, whenever they need to make a short joke, they make it at me. When we have family meals, my dad sits at one end of the table and makes me sit at the other end and everyone makes jokes that 'is this a table or a see-saw?' because its like I am at one end of the see saw (the low end) compared to him. everyone laughs and makes fun of me. there is even a fucking family betting pool for every baby born to predict the year they will outgrow me. I am in charge of looking after the pots of money, so guess what? they call me the 'Lawrenson Family Leprechaun'. I hate being a fucking dwarf in this family.

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>I didn't play any sports growing up, my brother and sister did
>During high-school I would have tons of all-nighters playing video games, my brother and sister did not do that
>I never ate vegetables or fruits, my brother and always ate that stuff
>I was diagnosed with server asthma at age 2 and was put on tons of asthma medication, which probably also stunted my growth
That's all bro science m8, height is determined by genetics and nothing else. The only way other factors can limit growth is if you're severely malnourished or taking drugs while growing.

The only joke you should be making at family gatherings are about your 'dad' been a literal cuck. I'm sorry to tell you this user, but your mom couldn't resist that big manlet cock

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>Am 6'4" Asian
>Was an all-season athlete throughout high
>Slept and ate a lot
>Parents made me do weird "height exercises" like plyos, jumping rope, and leg stretches, so I wouldn't be a short Asian dude
>Obese younger brother smoked weed and did LSD throughout high school
>He's 5'6" on a good day

Bullshit, it's just genetics and random selection. I was an obese fat kid until I was 19, never ate vegetables unless you count pizza, never worked out, played WoW and runescape all day and night

Now I'm 6'2, father is 5'10 and 2 older brothers about the same

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This guy is right.
Somewhere out there, there's a family of 5'5" leprachauns who are your true relatives. your lanklet "dad" isn't your biological father

Don't beat yourself up over it,
I (oldest) am 5"8
Younger brother (second) is 6"4
Younger sister (third) is like 5"1 or 5"2
Youngest sister is 5"9

So yeah, that's how genetics worked out for us lol

My parents and sister are all mega manlets, while I'm sitting at 5'9 duke of manlets. I should be happy that I'm not 5'5, but I choose to be bitter that I'm not 6'0+

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Fuck man your life sucks, im 6’2 but all my friends are 6’5+ Giants, 2 of which are 7 foot, bothers me when people say im tall because of this

yu are tall

Lmfao unironically sperging like this over a 4chink meme

did you grow when you were 19?

Same 5'9 duke here. Are you done growing? Maybe we can both grow into 5'10 princes hopefully


You are like a little child
Watch this
>Me, 21, 5'4
>Brother, 18, 5'11

Kek at all the manlets getting triggered by this post based in reality

Oosh. Do you have a wide frame, at least? Maybe you can go dwarfmode.

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what does bby size mean nigga


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It's not so bad. Could always be worse.

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based and nugget pilled

Have you tried fixing your posture? I had terrible posture and grew like 3.5 cm by fixing it, I can probably grow a bit more too.

Emperor of manlets, disgust for his own subjects

Any manlets need a big guy™ to cuddle with just let me know

>tfw 5'11
Why can't I be tall

You're a fucking retard, I never played sports growing up and I spent my childhood playing video games and eating crap. I'm 6'4. You just lost the genetic lottery.

My younger brothers are 5'8 and 5'9
Im 5'7..

My parents were like 5'2 so we did something right.

100 % guaranteed your dad lies on your moms lap and sucks her titties while she jerks him off.

What a fucking hero

Triggered manlets itt

5'7 reporting for duty.

Fucking hilarious, have a (you).

I’m op and I’m back

Do you want to fight me 1v1

Wtf is your The Great Khali?

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I didn't play any sports either yet I'm a 6'4

You're a bitch user. If these people treat you like this why you going to these gatherings? Move out and tell your shitty family to fuck off aside from those that treat you well. Sitting there and taking this without doing anything about it is what women do, and you're supposed to be a man.

>wide hips
>playing vidya for hours everyday
is there a correlation?

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6'4" guy here

kys manlet


I have a pro-gamer cousin, he has a legit 20 inch waist, and hes been sitting on his manlet ass playing vidya for his entire life.

>I was diagnosed with server asthma at age 2 and was put on tons of asthma medication, which probably also stunted my growth

this one is probably the only legit one, breathing problems = less HGH

t.cucked by manlet

Attached: manlet BTFO.webm (964x720, 2.63M)

>I was diagnosed with server asthma at age 2 and was put on tons of asthma medication, which probably also stunted my growth

Yeh this isn't true, nor is most of what you typed. I'm 6'3 and have been on salbutamoal and bethlametasone for Asthma since I was 5.

>too tall to be a fighter pilot
>too asthmatic to join the navy

Childhood dreams shattered

You think you have it bad,OP?
I'm 5'3"
My two younher brothers are 6'1" and 6'3",both of the have massive dongs(we shared our bedroom so it wasnt uncommon to see them changing their clothes)
Fuck you,mom,you and your manlet genes.
Also i might be short because i was a premature baby and had to be in an incubator.

me too bruh. 5'3 with taller younger brother

The fucker is clearly trained.

the 'ol switcheroo
.t 5'11'' indifferent to heights

>having an amazonian mother and sisters
>having a shota lil brother that mogs the fuck outta you

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Based chad dad

how do they treat you? i can't imagine being that mogged daily

My dad is 5'4 and I'm 5'8 so I'll take it. But my uncle is 5'10 so fuck

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that's really fucking mean. Your family is fucked up.

>4 kids
Imagine her tits full of milk

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But he's 6' under now