>go to class
>ignore everybody around me
>people think I hate them which is why no one wants to talk to me
>mfw theyre right
>mfw I just want to graduate already
Fembot thread
why is this a fembot thread? this seems just generally relatable for any robot.
>try to sell my body online
>get reported to the IRS by some fucking incel
>on the hook for thousands in taxes that i already spent on purses and makeup
ugghh, being a woman is so hard!!!
>being outsmarted by walking cootie transmitter
What are you doing trying to sell your body online when you're still in school?
males have these issues too roastie. stop being so self centered
>went to class
>ignored everybody around me
>none of them noticed me because why the fuck would they
>it was 5/10 uneventful
>got worthless degree
>used to get worthless middling job
>continue to do nothing of note
>most people will probably skip this greentext
>feels like nothing
nobody here is going to love you.
you just want to get a little attention and affection but you're pushing them away, help yourself.
you're obviously mentally ill and probably autistic to boot.
>implying people hate you for not doing anything
They don't notice you.
>b-but what about men's problems?!
why cant women just have one thread without your moronic egotism
wud u fugg thisd
Do you ever worry about the fact that half of the population is at least three times stronger than you?
>all that tactical garbage strapped on
why is this autistic shit so qt?
i used to be into airsofting, now ia m lazy boomer mode, i still work as a mechanic tho
Don't worry friend, I read it, but yeah sounds pretty fucking boring desu
nice. After you lose a little more hairline you might think about going full buzzed though. It'd probably suit you.
it is just around the corner
I used to think people hated me, like OP, but I think I was just making it up all along because I was bored.
There was no evidence or reason for them to hate me.
you look like you could be a dad, which is pretty hot
I could be YOUR dad
i am unironically proud of this, even when i was round 20 people thought i looked 30ish
>Go to school
>5/10 Roastie bot sits there staring at me never saying anything
>just want to go home and do heroin
I wish people ignored me try being the only black person in your classes, I would love to blend in but nope, some chink or cumskinned cracker has to look at me every five seconds.
dey wnat ur dicc/vagoo
My life. I realized yesterday in the last day of my classes that I hadn't had a conversation with a single person in any of my classes and that they'd never notice if I disappeared. Doesn't matter, I'm just there to learn. Still feels isolating though.
It is said that around black(s) one should never relax
why do women need a thread? almost every fucking thread is a normal thread till you disclose you're a girl. fuck i hate how you "fembots" crave attention like a fucking drug.
>be class wallflower
>identify the black kid as one of those black introverts/weirdos maybe a blackbot
>an ugly girl who sits behind him is always trying to force him to talk to her
>she starts not-so-subtly dropping hints about having had "a lot of black boyfriends"
>can tell he's disgusted and embarrassed
>every time old French lady teaching us needs an example for a retard she picks him out
>everybody laughs at this
>one day leaving class it almost looks like he's about to burst into fucking tears from this kind of shit
Usually I'm an edgy racist but I felt really bad for that specific black guy.
i will rescue any fembot if you move here and live with me. i make 140k a year. i live by myself. i'm 26, white male.
Do you want me to eat your pussy to cheer you up?
>try to make small talk with black weeaboo bitch
>she ignores me and moves away
fuck women desu, famalamadingdongs. I wasn't even hitting on her, was just saying hi, I've sat next to her several times in class. At least Stacies and other pretty girls are fucking nice and receptive even if they are mental midgets.
>am biologically female
>have a giant fucking beer gut despite not even drinking alcohol
>as firm as it would be on a middle-aged guy
>rest of my body is relatively thin
>always get people asking when I'm due
>wasn't allowed to ride a roller coaster the other day because they thought I was pregnant
I live with it usually but then something happens like the roller coaster shit and I feel dead inside for the next month.
Have you tried doing situps user? I tried that as a skelly hoping it would help develop some muscles to hide my ribs that are always showing but it just ave me weirdly protruding abs, I'm sure if you had some fat or whatever it is to get rid of in the first place it might work.
I'm almost starting to believe this isn't a larp because you keep posting it, but I'm still gonna keep asking you to poast tum tum.
Alright just this once. You sure are persistent.
be gf pls.
That isn't that bad. I'd hit it. It might be a tumor though seriously. Probably benign but it's a possibility.
nigga just go to the gym for a lil bit
I (male) got myself one of those by drinking some much water everyday that my stomach seems to be always swolen, either that or I got fat, though I mostly just drink water
That's not me, that poster is just pretending to be me. I'm much worse than that.
Lol it's the kinky negro hair which reminds me of a sheeps hair . Then theres the big lips and big nose it's just comical sometimes desu I can't help but stare they are probably trying not to laugh
post tummy and be gf. i like big tummies
Another heroin bot? I know the feels fren
Just take a shit lol
Isn't that just bloat?
Well it's annoying, knock it off. I hate how much people stare at me like a black woman in high level cs courses is some kind of anomaly, it's at times like this that I'd wish I was an asian or white guy.
They seem very scared like I'm gonna chimp out at them, it sucks knowing that once I graduate I'll probably have to deal with the same behavior from my colleagues at work.
Not surprised, shy/quiet unassuming black people who come off as socially awkward or weird are easy targets.
>like a black woman in high level cs courses is some kind of anomaly
...Isn't it, though?
relax girlfriend, don't be so aggressive
I'd like to think it isn't
Black people showing the slightest bit of emotion registers as aggressive to pussy ass white people.
Black people in my experience think that "the slightest bit of emotion" is something like shrieking "HAHAHA YAAAAAAAAAAS" or breaking out into a weird flailing arm dance while telling an exceptionally mundane story.
lol original nigger
off yourself nigger shit skin faggot
y..yes you're right, just don't hurt me
>Black people showing the slightest bit of emotion registers as aggressive to pussy ass white people.
yfw your entire continent got dominated and raped to shit by a handful of "pussy ass white people"
You probably have a hormone disorder. Go to a doctor.
pfft whatever, we had civilization when you was still living in caves
fuck off user poop head
take women rights away , rape them again and a gain
Hmm, not true at all. You probably don't encounter a lot of black people irl and are basing this off of imagery you gathered from the internet.
You seem quite bothered? Is it cause you're a pussy ass yt boi ;)
Are you a chink or a cracker? Must be one of the two since my comment got you riled up.
subpar and tired bait, negro.
Why is it so hard to be friends with you guys online? I'm not talking about the ones who try to milk retarded anons or the ones who are generally mean to everyone. I'm talking about the ones who appear nice and we talk some and seem to get along but then you ghost me without any explanation
>femanon here
Men disgust me.
I'm a lesbian and am sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my tits. I don't see how any of you have the right to tell another woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you're 'stronger' or 'better'. You describe women as 'cumdumpsters', quite frankly I'm enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you'd be in a comma for the next month.
What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a man. Actually I'm so passionate about this I managed to get this ******* guy suspended from my work for making sexist comments about me and ordering me to get him a ****ing coffee every minute. Now he's learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.
I weep for a world without men, a paradise. Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.
Unfortunately I can't see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, women's rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you misogynist bastards.
>TL;DR you misogynist bastards will have your privileges taken down soon
As a man, chances are they are looking for a relationship. If you want a male friend that will never think about you romantically just get a gay friend or find a guy who is very much in love and happy with another women already.
Online and especially here you are gonna find men who are love starved. Its unrealistic to think that in that demographic you are gonna find a single straight guy who spends hours talking to you and only wants to be friends.
Good copypasta, i'm gonna use it next time another fembot thread is made
>your privilages
I have a shitty job, i have no gf and i barely talk to women outside of stuff like cashiers at a market. What fucking privilage?
Don't answer me by the way, having conversation would be pointless.
Beat of luck in your lesbian adventures.
You're talking to another love starved man dipshit
Welp, I agree completely. I wish more women were openly misandrists.
What? I thought you were a femanon. Go fuck yourself then.
So you're really saying women are only good for being cashiers? You're part of the same system so you benefit from the same privilege. It makes me sick people like you don't even recognize it.
>You probably don't encounter a lot of black people irl
I live in the state with the largest population of African migrants in the US.
I guess my wording made it sound like I was talking about "guys" but I was trying to make it sound like it was directed towards the OP (and fembots in general).
somalis aren't so bad, fuck off sven
You don't have to fucking work with them, they stink, they fucking shout into their phones in their gobbledegook language, and they're incompetent at literally everything. I once had a Somalian come up to me and ask if the section of meat labelled "BEEF" was chicken. Fucking CHICKEN. They're disgusting, intolerable people and they breed like rats.
Have you worked with african americans? I've worked with both and there's no comparison
I've worked with a few and in my experience, other than being marginally more competent and smelling less, they're about the same. I'd take a black American over a Somalian every day but in the grand scheme of things I'd rather not have either.
At least black people from America can speak English.
nice beard and glasses
just caught up with the thread, and I wish to tell you how stupid you are. Anyhow, good day.
>see fembot at HEB
>looks really cute has pimples as witch profile
>feel like's were equal
>want to talk to her and shit
>too beta
>pay for my sushi and go to my car
>she walks behind me
>literally following me
>realize she parked next to me
>think about talking to her
>too beta
>turn car on and go home
>feel like's were equal
>want to talk to her and shit
>too beta
>realize she parked next to me
>think about talking to her
>too beta
Looking lit, famalam.
I had those feels once. Only once.
I don't want to have them again.
We just emit a pungent aroma due to the dishes we consume containing a lot of spices resulting in a distinct smell.
>I once had a Somalian come up to me and ask if the section of meat labelled "BEEF" was chicken. Fucking CHICKEN.
You do realize most of them have a poor grasp of the english language, right? This isn't surprising since they're immigrants from a war torn country.
>They're disgusting, intolerable people and they breed like rats.
We aren't disgusting, we are very clean, most of you can't even be bothered to shower but in Islam we are expected to cleanse ourselves before each prayer. I don't practice Islam anymore but I still follow the hygiene practices outlined in the hadiths.
I do agree with you on them breeding like rats though, I have six siblings, that doesn't count the kids my dad has with his second wife. This is pretty common, not sure why Somalis feel the need to have so many kids, by doing so it's inevitable some will be neglected.
Destiny gave you one chance bro. One chance
>We just emit a pungent aroma due to the dishes we consume containing a lot of spices resulting in a distinct smell.
Whatever it is it smells like shit.
>You do realize most of them have a poor grasp of the english language, right?
If you can't tell the difference between beef and chicken by looking at it i don't know what to tell you.
>We aren't disgusting, we are very clean
I meant disgusting in a metaphorical way.
At the end of the day, blacks and whites don't belong in the same society. Intermingling makes no one happy and just causes violence and strife.
>go to class
>everyone stares at me
>hurry to my seat in the corner and look down permanently, only listening to lecture
you must be reaIly ugly
Woman logic in a nuthsell
if you are in community college for some trade shit and all fucked up hit me up girl or boy I know some niggas in this spot and I want to help them fix their shit
this is literally me but ill still talk to people if they approach
If any female robots want to just talk or vent or get something off of your chest or need advice
>Yellow beryozhka
jesus dude orbit a little harder
>like this in school
>got a short-term contract office-esque job and tried to turn it around
>if you didn't fit in EXACTLY with their lifestyle, you were out
>I would've had to binge drink, eat out often, be on snapchat, facebook, watch X netflix shows and generally be a dipshit
>when I pushed back against any of these (for only myself) there'd be visible discomfort and the door would close on me a little
>BEE myself and quiet but still discuss things with them, verbally get across that it's not that I don't like them, I'm just not that talkative
>day comes that I leave, nobody cares
>kicked out of the group chat hours after I leave (many ex-colleagues were still in there months after)
It doesn't get better. All you can hope for is finding an actual friend.
OP are you black by any chance?
You look like a serbian mercenary from the yugoslav wars