I'm an Jow Forumsigger. Fight me bros

I'm an Jow Forumsigger. Fight me bros.

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why would i fight you
what have you done warrants the effort of a fight
this is an anonymous image board, i don't know your past deeds

racebait thread #457354345

I unironically love nigger, as long as they aren't all in my face about it, or just worthless thugs.

Well now you're making me feel bad about my choice of words here.
>well played fren

Here, since you cant do it yourself, Ill do the reasoning for you
>OP is a nigger
>Niggers like to do things like raping, acts of violence, and stealing things like cars, bikes, and TVs
>OP likes to do things like raping, acts of violence, and stealing things like cars, bikes, and TVs
How is this okay?

Are you??
Can you prove that?

>regurgitated Jow Forums nonsense.
You're silly user.

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I'll take you on you dirty coon. Truth or dare: I dare you to be my cool friend

i'm a half nig linving in a brazilian jungle, i wont fight you.

How do you have the patience to post here? As a white guy the Jow Forums tier racism leaking into Jow Forums (not edgy or ironic) is maddening

black b0i here
watch my new le edge YouTube video, lul

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mah nigga

*comes at you with a rasengan*

Who gives a baker's fuck

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lulz, later i asked a nurse what happens if someone goes to a blocked site and she told me it gets sent to someone. laughed my ass off

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Haha, you got me!
Racism kinda amuses me. It's like, why should I care what they say? If people hate you because of something you have no control over, it actually better than being hated for being a douchebag. Because you know you did nothing wrong.
Also, people need something to hate, that's how they form groups so it's perfectly natural. And lastly, I've spent a lot of time analyzing those people, they really are just people who are at the bottom of society. So they turn to hatred as a coping mechanism to deal with their own inadequacies. Basically, when I see a racist, I know that he's not going to prove much competition for me in any capacity. I sympathize with his struggles but since he chose that outlet I can also get a good laugh without the need to feel guilty.

This. I'm not black, but these neonazi wannabe faggots can kiss my ass. I'm never going to feel guilty for being brown. I had no control whatsoever over that.

Show cock op... for research purposes...

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I don't want to make people feel self conscious.
>t. well endowed.

That's all the more reason to post silly. I need to finish my tottaly not made up research paper too..

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>quickly prone to committing acts of violence
sounds about right.

this is why white people don't like you niggers.

why don't you share your soundcloud link with us while you're at it?

I agree with this fully and I'm Mexican

what did we do to you?


stormcucks just got dumpstered

This OP, physical violence is not the right way to solve problems. Settle your problems with Bible verses
Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you

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>If people hate you because of something you have no control over, it actually better than being hated for being a douchebag. Because you know you did nothing wrong.
That's an interesting way to think about it

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Better to not give the stormer attention, lest you wish to help make him feel better about his own faults, but you can only do that as a martyr. I recommend against it honestly.

>Nick pretends to be black again for his 12th racebait thread of the day

Just post bbc and leave

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How many other black people rely on racism to make themselves feel important do you think?

Walk into your dad's room and request this RIGHT NOW

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>Not taking the pink pill
>Not getting grindr

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Please don't use pejoratives like that to talk about your racial group, it doesn't make you cool and it serves to undermine the struggles of your forefathers.

That being said, what brings you to our fine message board today my goodman?

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when did your asshole get bleached

>take the pink pill
>posts normal faggotry

what did he mean by this


I refuse to let a word have any more power than just being a word. My ancestors may have suffered, but I did not. Recognize the events in moments past and refuse to let them define me. I am who I chose to be and will let no other man, person, entity, or group decide otherwise.
I recognize where your coming from my fellow user, but feel that so long as a stigma is surrounding that word, it holds power. So to me it is but a mere word.
>what brings you to this fine board?
Same as you I presume, it's a fine little community that I find both relaxing and triggering so I rarely get bored.
I doubt too many care, I honestly don't. But nice shot user. - there are some pretty stupid black people out there in the world, same as any group.
You're not triggering anyone by this, you've simply made yourself look foolish.

How do I shut down cuck-posters as a blackbot man? All they do is ruin my threads and bolster the hatred towards my people. They have to be fucking stopped.

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