i am it and it is me edition
Is F-phenibut less addictive (physically) than phenibut?
trying to score some right now
Basically I'm looking for something that I can take a couple times a week to make working easier as I have bad anxiety. My goal is to use one or the other as a tool to expose myself to social situations so that over time I'm not as anxious.
What's a good hand vape to get for weed? Was looking at a Magic Flight Launch Box but they look expensive
Get the cheap dynavap
what makes wanking on weed so good ? i cant pinpoint it for the life of me
>inb4 astral sex with an ancient succubus
what is the cheapest drug in europe ? euro to fucked up ratio. i can buy bulk. i need a cheap daily high. im not interested in meth or amph
When I hear europe the two words that pop into my head are speed and ketamine, but there are also some good RCs in the netherlands like 2cb
>never been an addict or a drug fiend before but trying meth made me into a degenerate and now I wanna try other stims
Best RC stims to try? For some reason I'm really interested in cathinones even though they drive people insane and used to be my ultimate "never ever" class of drugs
speed.... the next level are weed. Or you drink alcohol. but when you have no money then fuck up poor junkiefuck
My San Pedro powder came in the mail today. Does Jow Forums recommend making it into a tea or just eating it raw?
DPH is pretty cheap :^)
all of this is false go to sleep
i cant take dph every day
For a daily high weed is basically your only option, you'll still have to take t-breaks though. Assuming you don't want to majorly fuck up your body that is
3-FPM was good, but the Canadians stopped selling it. 2-FMA I heard is good as an adderall replacement.
I'm gonna buy some benadryl and play around with it, combine it with different drugs, use it to sleep etc. Maybe I'll take larger doses but probably only fap doses, definitely not shadow men doses
why not? orotini
any experiences with LSA in the form of morning glory seeds? saw some at the store and heard about their psych properties but not sure if i want to try them yet
i dont personally find it very unpleasant however its very harmful to your body
You could always make jenkem for free
A friend of mine has taken them before and said it was the worst bad trip of his life. Similarly online it seems like LSA commonly causes bad trips
is it worse than alcohol? I used to drink about half a handle a day and been sober for 6 months but still looking for a replacement and was considering dph either that or just relapsing on booze
or would it be better to do them both in moderate doses? I heard that is quite comfy, but is it sustainable every day?
A benadryl and a couple beers will knock you out
why not do weed or dabs you can get fucked up on it you just gotta push it and get a lot in in a short time
Im kind of on probation so I really don't want to risk smoking until February. I could probably get away with it but Im just so close and don't want to fuck it up.
but wont you build tolerance to each? or can you do that day after day for a while and still have it knock you out consistently? dont really want to go over 4 beers or 400mg of dph in a day
Is there a site for RC stims like lysergi that ships to the US?
no. and yes i go to sleep.
Buy Hawaiian babyrose seeds instead. You need like 5 of then vs hundreds of morning glories.
please keep in mind that lsa is shit tier compared to lsd and has nasty side effects. all people i saw doing it had a baaad time. could also be down to morons not being able to handle a more challanging substance but still.
LSA isn't really psychedelic. It's like a small high, some very light CEVs, being pretty drunk, and being really nauseous. There's really no reason to use it desu. Yes, the molecule looks like LSD, but it doesn't relate to LSD in any other way. I personally think that the accounts that ascribe other psychedelic qualities to it are just people falling for the placebo effect.
user that bought bulk melatonin here. Yesterday I mixed 20mg in a cup of water and it made me so drowsy I fell asleep. Normally I wouldn't dose so high but the dose cost less then a cent. Much cheaper than store supplements. 10/10 will high dose melatonin again.
I read that high dose melatonin isn't as useful as a low dose.
I passed the fuck out immediately in minutes. One 3mg store pill usually takes 30 mins before I feel like sleeping.
honestly kratom is gonna be better for that. both phenis are very addictive.
i work a job as a counselor and when I'm feeling very antisocial I'll do some kratom and it greases the wheels for me. I usually look for a bali blend.
With I knew a site for RC psychedelics because I really want some
Just did like 5 or six spoonfuls of kratom. Waiting for it to kick in right now. Can't tell if its working r if it's the whiskey.
he just said lysergi... also chemlogix sells a lot but ive never used because you have to go through some bullshit verification process. also dont know how reputable they are but lysergi has best reputation out of clearnet at least.
buy a scale reeeeeee
Gemini-20s are perpetually $20 on Amazon and have acceptable performance.
anyone else blow reefer in their cats ear?
threadly reminder to leggo your ego
Just kava extract and kratom tonight for me
Took some CBD earlier as well
Also ordered a lil syrian rue seeds and yopo seeds today
Stoked to add more thangs to my stash :p
based all natural poster
Why would you use a gemini for kratom? Dont people take like 10 grams of that shit at a time? Wouldnt you want a bigger scale? Dont really need to be accurate to the mg with kratom either. I can barely fit 2 grams of most powders on mine. Just seems like it would be annoying and messy to do that multiple times every day.
What is the best way to ingest kratom without the capsules? I long ago gave up on tossing and washing and pouring the powder into OJ isn't cutting it anymore.
I need it but it tastes so fucking awful god dammit I can't stand it!
Damn, I wish I could try it but Indiana is one of the illegal states
God I love cannabis
Not trying to troll here, why can I not have a good high on weed. Tried multiple strands, multiple methods (vaping, edible, joint, bong, pipe) and everytime I feel like I am dying. It almost feels like I have heart burn or something but amplified radiating out of my chest. And I don't think it's a psyche out necessarily, I'll be watching a movie enjoying myself, and then it comes on almost like an orgasm (it feels kind of good and tingly at first but then goes to the point of no return but pain instead of pleasure). Anyways I'll stick to liqour and percs
Whats wrong with toss and wash, user? Works for me just fine.
nice trips also as someone who has never tried Kratom whats it like? I see it on the occasion at the head shops I go to but havent heard anybody I know using it.
Depends on the strain and your tolerance. At best you feel a warm, euphoric feeling overtake your body and you'll feel great about everything and nothing will get you down. Conversely, you might feel very relaxed but not so much a body high, just a very mellow feeling kind of like being high on weed but without fogginess that the "high" comes with.
haha this nigga said phenis
>what's wrong with toss and wash, user?
The taste and texture is terribly disgusting? I actually enjoy bitter drinks but kratom is too damn much in its wretchedness. I just reflexively barfed up my kratom trying to down it. My body is trying to reject the very thing that is trying to help me.
I also don't want the capsules to fuck up my GI tract so that isn't really an option for daily use.
I get you. For me its really no different than the taste of green tea. I've just taken to dropping a tablespoon onto my tongue and immediately swishing it around with orange juice.
>Go on amazon to buy my Robocough
>Prize went up $4
I guess I won't be able to get high this christmas..
Lysergi's quality has gone down somewhat from my experience. I ordered some 4-HO-MiPT and 4-AcO-DMT from them a month ago, and it tastes shitty and chemically and made me throw up when I was tripping on it.
Guys, Im on perhaps 35mg of edible and might have had a prophetic experience just now. Wat do?
>35mg of edible
That's nothing try going up to 100mg
swiped some oxy while caring for my elderly dad who broke his arm. having a glass of whiskey and sprite now that he's asleep. forget my dab pen at home so i just have a fucking cart with no way to smoke it.
Stims or downers, anons? I took 30mg dextroamphetamine this morning and ate a pot cookie around 5. I was planning on having a cigar too but I didn't feel like going out in the cold.
you ever eat a half ounce of abv peanut butter crackers in one bus ride? I was swimming in a sea of tingles
>tfw spent maybe 5 days out of the entire year not high
I ate a whole pack of some cheebachews and let's just say I was glued onto my chair for like 6hours.
Thats precisely why Im worried.
These some kind of notes you took while you were blasted?
whats a good drug i can swallow and get easily? hopefully online/not illegal
From what I can recall, I was trying to write some reminders for tomorrow and suddenly just let my mind write itself. Or something else write for me I guess, I dont know if Im talking to myself or if Ive just lost it
Sorry, I was talking here to you.
Every aco ive done tastes pretty bitter or sour whatever you want to call it. You are buying pretty pure chemicals so ya they will taste like chemicals not candy. and lots of people throw up on shrooms so I dont know what you were expecting from 4acodmt. How does any of this mean their quality has gone down over the past few months?
bumperino orginatio
Did some coke with some friends earlier, and been drinking since i got off work, a little bit of weed and benzos on the side as well. All alone now, coming down off coke and wasted. Also had kratom around noon. Id buy more coke if i didn't have to wagecuck tomorrow.
>got completely blasted on ambien last night
>texted my mom my christmas list
>was so high I was typing one key off the entire time
e wa typ likr yhis
Ambien+a strong indica is the best high you can have without worrying of ODing. Just take some adderall before and you'll be awake for it.
Vivant alternate. Its a crafty except it has a removable battery and only costs like 50
Boutta get drunk for the third time today, first time not in public. finna brain damage myself with alcohol until I live />if only you knew how bad things really were/
so I'm almost out of meth and it seems like my tolerance for it has sort of peaked. how much time should I take to recover before I buy and smoke again? I don't really binge it, unless I wanna fap on days off. mostly smoke in the morning before work and during lunch. been smoking like this for about 2 months now. can't say I feel a dependence for it, and I've only experienced the "comedown" twice. but that could have been due to a few hours of sleep and lack of water. a break would help, I still get the focus from meth, but the rush and hunger suppressant have really weakened
Wife and kid are in bed and I'm sipping on some extra strength sleepy time tea.
So fuckin high
just smoke a little bit, be very conservative with your dosing and that won't happen
I got the herbstick eco. I've only had it for a week but I'm pretty happy with it. also it only costs 50-60 bucks
Made a bit extra at work tonight so I picked up a little bit of blow. Not too great, but not too bad. Guess I'll do some rips and listen to electronic music.
What's in your stash, robots? Future acquirement plans?
>some Papaya weed
>shitloads of acid
>some clonazepam
>some antipsychotics
Got some codeine on its way, also gonna cop some high quality coke soon. Always on the lookout for new psychs as well.
So yeah boys
we ballin'
> Ambien
> Acid
> Xanax
> Valium
> Heroin
> 3-HO-PCP
> Fluclotizolam
> Tianeptine
> Oxycodone
> Tramadol
> Weed
> Salvia
That's a lot of downers user, you OK?
>tfw no salvia
I'm on suboxone and it sucks, I miss getting high. This shit keeps wearing off randomly and too quickly either that or hits me like a ton of bricks. I just want opiates right now fuck.
/drugfeels/ discord come in
spread the disease
I stopped using all downers. I have pretty severe anxiety and it was a really stupid way to cope.
You can fuck right off with your cancerous discord, stop trying to kill the thread when it's not even a solid general yet with your shitty hugbox. Just stay user like the rest of us you shitty cocksucking faggots
Well, just finished it off. Probably not gonna buy it from that guy again -- that was worse than the last time. Feel moderately high. Not sure if I'm just doing so much coke that bad coke seems extra worse, or it was just really bad coke.
Wish I could still find acid. Should probably just order some myself.
it hasn't even taken off you bell end, besides there was a drugfeels discord before this one that got closed down i'm just putting up a 2.0 for the regular users, get fucked. it was far from a hugbox anyway, what you saying
I see you shill your shit in every single fucking thread
Just fuck off already
You're diverting activity from the thread to your shitty attentionwhoring hugbox
i've shilled it twice you fucking mince.
>attentionwhoring hugbox
have you even been in there yet you spastic, it's far from a hugbox
reminder all discord admins are megalomaniac psychos
anyone else who doesn't know how to buy drugs in real life?
As long as you're not one of those brainlets that cant use the DN, then yes thats me as well
It's a dance of its own. Always fun when it works out though, the skitzer the deal the better when it's over.
say what you want, not like i could give a rats arse anyway