She is so fucking lucky. That Asian guy wouldn't even give her a glance if she were fat or ugly.
>be born beautiful
>get to ride good looks all the way through life
>even get sweet Asian guy to marry you into his family and culture
Its not fair
She is so fucking lucky. That Asian guy wouldn't even give her a glance if she were fat or ugly.
>be born beautiful
>get to ride good looks all the way through life
>even get sweet Asian guy to marry you into his family and culture
Its not fair
Other urls found in this thread:
That guy must make a lot of money
Is it Tenda or is it aznidentity? One of Jow Forums's great mysteries.
You have no idea. Asian dudes are like the new Oil Arabs, only for legitimate business conquests as opposed to inheritance.
it realIy is not fair
oh shit!!
*tips this thread*
Why do you care what white roasties are doing? They're garbage anyway.
i got an asian bf by having a pure heart and unwavering devotion
Poor bastard. Probably thinks he found a great girl when he's just a walking wallet to her. Seems like it's either inceldom or beta bux for chinks.
Yesterday was about cute Asian gf and now is cute bf? What is happening with Asians god dammit
East Asian power is growing so rapidly that it's probably a good idea for you to start learning Mandarin.
why are asian languages so shit sounding?
except for japanese, japanese shoegaze is good. but it still sucks in comparison to Whites.
Don't kid yourselves. Chinks are pathetic. They're lower than scum beta male bugs. They'll never amount to anything because of how weak and pussified they are. If there was one race that exemplified the worst qualities in humans, it's the bug eyed chinks.
Gen no
I think the main 3 sound lovely. It's those crazy 'brown' Asian countries that sound like cackling vomit.
The Asian is built like a grey alien
ayyy come on, Japanese is ok
They're literally subhuman.
I really don't think that's a fair comparison.
the only people who say shit like this are EOPs
whats an eop? im a gook asian language are not pleasant sounding, theyre just functional languages.
with the exception of japanese, japanese is alright sounding
Oh here comes r/asianmasculinity. Get your passive aggressive butthurt out of here, fucking chink.
where do you think we arre
english only peasant
sorry, i'll amend my statement- EOPs and people with terribly low self esteem
oh no, i can speak two languages. japanese is okay, mandarin/korean are pretty gluttural languages.
japanese is the only decent sounding one, the rest, ESPECIALLY w/e the gooks of china speak, are headache inducing
hah. yeah,
For the most part I agree, especially cantonese.
That shit sounds like a bunch of seagulls on helium that are fighting over food
I think you're unfamiliar with the purpose of these threads. OP is one of a couple shills that have been doing this for years. You can find the OP pic on Jow Forums as part of his usual image dumping.
You act as if every Chinese speaker is speaking Cantonese.
Sichuanese sounds like music.
Granted, dongbei accents are rough sounding as well, but again, Sichuanese is very flowery.
It's like saying you should judge all of English by cockney and New Jersey accents.
post some examples user, educate us
Being a pretty girl between 12 and 28 is the best.
Nothing can beat being a young cute girl, life will be good to you
The best example I know of is the episode of Anthony Bourdain where he went to Sichuan/Chongqing. It's the closest thing I can compare to the way my girlfriend speaks, both when they speak English and Chinese. Sichuanese speakers tend to have less harsh sounding accents when they speak English even if their grammar isn't any better.
This video captures the contrast pretty well between Dongbei and Sichuan, but the Cantonese girl apparently isn't speaking good cantonese and the Sichuanese guy is too quiet for a gweilo like me to get a good gauge.
white girls are definitely coming around to chinks. I just found out a blonde haired blue eyed big titty white girl I used to obsess over is dating an asian chad, a lot better looking than that guy but I never thought she'd be with an asian.
come on bro. sec
in b4 its in english
Well I'm not saying Japanese isn't good. I'm just saying that not all Chinese sounds bad.
its not bad, its just functional. wheres the music in the tongue?
fuck off back to r/asianmasculinity. this is not a plausible, realistic thread. you guys are not objects of desire. remember that time you commissioned a porn of an asian guy cucking a white guy? lol. stop trying to meme yourselves into being wanted, it's sad and pathetic.
Is r/asianmasculinity the new JIDF to butthurt stormfags like you?
Obvious shill is obvious. Asian chads are about as common as black geniuses, and chinks need to be very accomplished and physically fit to make up for being chinks. The average rice nigger doesn't even get a glance from white women.
I'm willing to bet that he's a doctor, lawyer or professor. The only way chinks can make up for being chinks is by being highly skilled and well educated, and normal chinks on the street don't have a chance with whitey.
only masculine asians i can think of are martial artists like bruce lee or jet li. take up martial arts if you want to be semi-desirable. even still, be aware that most white girls and even most asian girls will not be interested.
lol you caught me the CPC is paying me to post on Jow Forums.
i'm just saying i'm noticing more AM/WF couples, and I live in the bay area in commiefornia and there's plenty of decently attractive chinks here
yall talkin shit, but I doubt any of you betafags are getting married
Asian men are ugly, no amount of posting will make the opposite true.
then how do you explain the ray of sunshine and beauty that is my bf
OwO;; nobody has ever called me their bf before.
i love asian men but they rarely find interest in me
>nobody has ever called me their bf before
that's true