Just realized my oneitis had a black boyfriend

>just realized my oneitis had a black boyfriend
Should I drop her robots? She was a solid 10 before this.

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Drop a fucking rock on her head yeah

Why does it even matter? It's not like you'd ever stand any chance of ever getting with her.

this is some good advice right here

>>just realized my oneitis had a black boyfriend
>Should I drop her robots? She was a solid 10 before this.

Absolutely. Black guy cum permanently stains any pussy it hits. If you were to manage to fuck her, the black guy stain would leap from her snatch and on to your dick. Then YOU'D bear the black guy cum stain.

>should I drop her

I love how robots go on and on about how theyre sooo self aware, but then say shit like "should I drop her" about a girl that doesn't even know they exist. shits fucken comedy.

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Yeah, you should def drop her. However, it's not like you stood a chance anyway, so...

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Shouldnt you be eating andy stixxes logs of shit faggot?

It's more about dating a degenerate. I'd be just as ashamed if she dated a white guy covered it tats and was always in jail, like most niggers are

You are what you love, Tim. And not what loves you back.

>I'd be just as ashamed if she dated a white guy covered it tats and was always in jail, like most niggers are

That would be bad, but fucking a nigger is insurmountable.

>believing that there's such thing as a oneitis
>crushing on a coal burner
Burn the coal, pay the toll. She likely has an STD from the nigger, which shouldn't matter to you because you're an autistic neckbeard who'd never get even a glance from her.

She drop that bitch, she is a fucking degenerated that's into zoophilia, niggers ain't human

Fucking stormfags. I see the same shit everyday. Leave her alone!

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At this point the only difference between you being with her and you being a cuck is time.
Or, ask yourself this?
Do you deserve to be the second choice compared to that?

i always knew it worked like the symbiotes from marvel

>i always knew it worked like the symbiotes from marvel

Sometimes I'm convinced I can *smell* it.

Like a girl will walk by and I'll smell something strange, like if Yankee Candle made a candle that smelled like the hood and the shower at the gym and a crackwhore's despair, and I'll turn around and it will just be some white girl. But then later on I'll find out she's a coalburner and I'll realize it was the black guy cum stain smell wafting out of her pussy.

>big lips
>big nose
la creatura los americanos

drop all nigger lovers

>Jew nose taking up half of her face
Just assume kikes burn coal, boss.

drop her anyway

theyre all shit

If that's her, she's a solid 5/4

Dropped like a brick