How likely is for somebody with a body like this get a gf?

How likely is for somebody with a body like this get a gf?

Attached: 20181204_171625.jpg (574x834, 320K)

jesus christ thats hot but no face so probably not if theyre uggo

it still depends on the face my man. But considering he has big wrists and a thick neck he probably looks good.

Very likely.
You should be well aware of this yourself.

Build delts also improve posture
Eh long as you aint a kikenosed recessed jawed uggo you should be able to land a fattie.

Like 9.9/10 likely. He will at least get sex a handful of times.

Also don't be bug eyed. Eye area is important too. Distinguishes predator from prey. Don't forget to have good teeth. That helps. Hairline is very important. But you know it's just vanity in the end. Just be neurotypical and get a hot bitch.

To illustrate my point, look at this. Do you really think this guy is going to be some sex machine?

Attached: Deer head on a lions body.jpg (574x1161, 373K)

I used to have a better body than that and have a humble 8/10 face and it doesnt mean fuck all. Girls (and guys) will mire you obviously, but if you are autistic you will have 0 fucking chance still. Might land a drunk hookup or two if you are verbal, but there is no hope for us robots getting a gf

Alteration 100

wrong. working out changes your face, gives you a better jaw line etc. so pic related cannot happen

this. but his face has to be beyond fucked up for him not to be able to get a gf. like, worse than english patient fucked up. he'd have to be a fucking cenobite, but not pinhead, because pinhead could definitely get laid with that bod. just like a super hideous cenobite.

yes, a cenobite like this. a twisted abomination rendered from the flesh of the worshipers of leviathan like this creature.

Now, how likely is it for somebody with a body and face like this to get a gf?

Attached: machinist.jpg (720x576, 37K)

>Now, how likely is it for somebody with a body and face like this to get a gf?

He looks like he shoots heroin and is likely HIV+

Unlikely. You have to be white too.

Christian Bale? Over 100%.

wear all black, paint your nails black, grow a scene haircut and you're golden. nobody that's emo or scene is ever expected to actually be a man.

not christian bale but someone of equal or greater attractiveness face-wise

>changes your face,
>gives you a better jaw line
Working out does fuck all for your bone structure. If you're a fat fuck with a decent or good jawline then working out is going to burn up the fat obscuring your jawline, but if you're already pretty slim and have a shit jawline because your jaw bone is small and weak, then working out does nothing at all.

he needs to do his FACEPULLS


>implying women care about how cut a guy is
Will gymcels ever learn? That being said, those abs are hot.


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