Black fembot here, how do I get a hispanic bf?

Black fembot here, how do I get a hispanic bf?

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Assuming you're not LARPing, I'm half latino, half white. My advice is to be confident, exercise, dress well, do skincare, and be an interesting person in general. I like to talk to people and it's not fun when they show no interest in talking back or act bored. Personality is important. And ass.

Are you African American? I would imagine they are everywhere

>go to LA
>be attractive
its that easy

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>My advice is to be confident, exercise, dress well, do skincare, and be an interesting person in general.
I do that and no hispanic guy has ever asked me out, I only get attention from other black guys sadly
Yes they are everywhere but I dont know if they like me

Are you feminine?
Can you be submissive in the right circumstances?
Do you know how to cook?

>I like whites, but I was raised to hate them
>I'll go after half whites instead

>Are you feminine?
Yeah, I dont behave like the average black girl
>Can you be submissive in the right circumstances?
Yes but im pretty independent too
>Do you know how to cook?
I know how to make a few dishes
No its not that, guys with brown skin are pretty attractive

I would love to take you but i'm from Mexico

Hispanic boi here AMA

>make a dating profile
>use pic and profile to casually affirm that you're not a hoodrat
>wait for a Hispanic guy to send you a message
pretty EZ

Why do hispanic guys never show interest in me?
They never send me messages

I'm a Hispanic dude looking for a black girl in NorCal. I love that fluffy hair

There are many lonely black men out there you can make happy. You shouldnt take away that happiness away from a blackbot

Im from atlanta georgia atlanta sadly

You have Kik or Snapchat? I'm older though closer to 30 than 20 now

I dont want children with nappy hair

>They never send me messages
Weird, I'm an ugly white girl and I figured that black girls went through the same dating stuff and just had a natural -3 ratings penalty, meaning average black girls were as romantically successful as me.

well if you're a negro then you're outta luck, sister

your kids are still going to inherit your shitty hair either way

Not if I have babies with a hispanic guy

I kind of assume that desu, I think society as a whole says black girls have a natural -3 rating penalty while Asian girls have a +3. It's pretty unfair desu.

Well yeah cause Asian girls are hot, what do you expect?

>It's pretty unfair desu.
eh, if you date a black girl it's assumed that you have to deal with her family or angry black guys, all that kind if stuff.
Assumed baggage is dissuasive.

Because they prefer white girls

Don't get me wrong, I'm a white half latino guy with yellow fever but you can't deny that it has very little, if anything, to do with how different races naturally look and everything to do with cultural, socializing, racism, etc. And you can't deny that it's unfair.

Fuck you roastie
Whites are seen as the most attractive and successful people on the planet, there's no reason you should be here
Whites CANNOT be robots

>And you can't deny that it's unfair.
you're already through the "hard" part of coming from a multi-ethnic background, but crossing that line first takes legwork and hassle.

Its not fair, im not even ugly:(

>Asian girls have a +3
Only like 10% of Asian women are actually attractive, and almost all of those have shit personalities. I think you'd be pretty surprised how many guys don't want Asian women at all, especially if you include the ones who aren't Japanese or Korean since they're the only ones with any chance at all of looking human. Southeast Asians and Chinese look like brownish bug people and mostly attract losers or ugly well-off men.

>to do with how different races naturally look

Nah. I see you're mixed so you have to cope with that, but it's as simple as this: some races are more attractive, full stop.

Is it "fair?" no. But it is the truth so it's better to just accept it.

>Black fembot here, how do I get a hispanic bf?

Claim to be from the Dominican Republic

I dont want a black hispanic bf though

You will probably have better luck if you move to southern california. lots of mexicans here.

>it has very little, if anything, to do with how different races naturally look and everything to do with cultural, socializing, racism

So racism is the cause of the radical difference in average height and weight between Asian women and black women?

Lol dude, no offense but I am probably better looking than you, can almost guarantee it. I'm extremely grateful for my Brazilian/Portuguese facial features and my white skin, pretty much the optimal combination. I'm not projecting my insecurities, I'm just commenting on blatant sexual racism that involves cultural biases instead of biological distinctions. I have an Asian gf and lift weights so I'm not insecure. I just feel bad for black women and because they are often seen as undesirable. And it has very little to do with biology - you think if a child was raised in isolation away from society he would still hold the same beliefs?

Spanish 7/10 boy here, why should I date you? Name those reasons lmao

I'll be your bf if you let me suck on your tits while you play with my balls

a true SJW could probably argue for weight because "muh privilege" and "poor wittle dindus have to eat only McDonalds and candy because they're so busy with their 12 part-time jobs"

I dont want a spaniard, I want a brown mexican looking hispanic guy

OK but if you're from the DR that makes you a hispanic officially, and that gets you that much closer to getting a hispanic boyfriend.

It's like how it would be easier for me to get a Jewish girlfriend if I pretended to be a Jew.

Lots of hispanic guys WILL NOT date a "black" girl - but WILL date a hispanic girl who's dark skinned. Does it make sense? Nope.

But you could argue that taller women=less attractive is a social construct, no? I don't necessarily believe that myself but I could see the reasoning. The point I'm trying to make is that many of the things that make x race "objectively" more attractive than y race are not inherent, but rather considered more attractive due to socially constructed definitions of masculinity and femininity, as well as white supremacy/colorism. Like I said, I don't know if I believe it myself, but I think it's a valid point of view. And this is coming from someone with yellow fever.

That's me fembot.
Play with my ballsack and I'll be your bf

What about this guy? I look pretty much like this, but I dress normal.

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>no offense but I am probably better looking than you, can almost guarantee it.

One, that doesn't matter at all to the argument at hand. I see you inherited the huehue genes for intelligence. And actually I doubt you're more attractive than I am, but it doesn't matter.

>blatant sexual racism

yeah no such thing. those huehue genes again, sad. Like I get it, you're mixed, it's hard to admit that there are massive differences in races and that's your cross to bear, but denying it and using buzzwords doesn't change the facts of life.

Brown? Uuuh why do you want such horrible thing lol?
They're ugly, don't you want to have cute kids? I'm slightly tanned myself and also pale but doesn't count, don't think Mexican niggers want some black female, they probably just want a cute white girl

you're a sad man.

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You say that the only reason I hold my views is because I'm mixed, but you realize that ethnicity and race are different things, right? My mom is half Brazilian half Portuguese, but she is white. And so are her parents. So I'm white, I just got brazilian/portuguese face shape, eyes, hair, nose, mouth, and eyelashes. If you don't think Brazilian features are more attractive than anglo features, idek what to say at that point. Also if you think the reason people don't like black girls is due to biology, all I have to say is lol.

Damn those guys are rly ugly I want my kids to be Chad and Stacey not spic pajeets

You are too perverted
Yeah id date someone like that
Brown skin makes guys look more masculine in my opinion

(I'll be loyal only to you, tho)

that is nice to hear. too bad I live in LA :(

you lost the genetic lottery, sorry.

explain your reasoning please

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Hola, my fellow brown spic brethren. :^)

Server for Hispanic people


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white hispanic 9/10 chad reporting in.
Do you like submission? that is kind of a deal breaker for me if not. Also, im not to fond to niggers. Are you qt?

No I wouldn't date trash like you

orale amigo

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OP, post a pic of yourself on soc and link here.

This is for Spaniards

>You shouldnt take away that happiness away from a blackbot

that is what you get for treating your women poorly and for cheating on them. Hispanics are more loyal and know how to treat them better.

There are people from south America too

it's maffs i ain't gotta explain shit

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I doubt this blackbot has treated any women poorly

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I'm not a virgin you wierdo

eat shit nigger


I dont think you are a one to lecture

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Its a family thing, nobody has the balls enough to bring home a black girl. Mexicans judging is asain tier.
SOURCE: Im Mexican

Only an incel virgin would settle for a sheeboon

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Full latino.Stop get a black man.

fuck off mexican spic
Hey OP hispanic guy 7/10 here Im not usually attracted to black women but the times that they have caught my eye it was in the ass and hips and a cute face but i usually pref white/asian girls

I would date you but I am not american.

Well you think wrong, ape lover

agree unless she is a quality top tier female. My Mexican family is not judging my cousin for marrying a black guy because he is very successful,respectable and a good person.

Racial identity shouldn't be your primary/initial attribute to look for a partner with. "Mingle" with males, digitally and physically, until you find someone who has a quality personality, someone whom you can connect with. Let this be your guiding factor and you'll likely find someone who will be physically attractive.

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