Jow Forums therapy thread

Tell me all your insecurities but also all the positives about yourself, hopefully it’ll help you realize that the positives outway the negatives

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pencil dick 16.5 x 11.5 I just wanna end it all.

I think the fucking vegan fags are right but I just love meat.

I keep dreaming about my ex a year and a half after we broke up.
Last week I fought a man who weighs 20kg more than me for 3 rounds and I dominated the whole time. I have a gf that loves me and I'm finishing my studies

I enjoy life but also hate life at the same time but I enjoy life more.

Dick size only matters when it comes to whores, if you kind find someone who really loves you it won’t matter to them

/cgl/, the blackpill, general misanthropy, and schopenhauer have thoroughly disillusioned me of the romantic ideal and the reality of the situation isnt exactly very appealing. that with the additional effort it would take a sperglord like me to actually achieve some kind of romantic success makes me incredibly unwilling to pursue this. i imagine its a similar story for many others on Jow Forums

>Who really loves you.
No one will ever really love me user thanks tho.

stressing whether I will get a job after my studies and securing resident permit.
have a gf that loves me back equally.

i wear long sleeved shirts rolled up because my arms look really thin from the front but my forearms look thick

All the chicks I want to date end up being in a relationship already. I console this fact with the idea that they're out of my league anyway.

If you can’t find love then just find your passion and lose yourself in it. You should still try to find love, even if it’s unlikely somebody will find it, why not you?

>No one will ever really love me
That’s not true. You might think it is, but it’s not

iktf, whenever I go outside I feel like shit seeing all those girls/couples while knowing that a socially retarded fuck like me is so far behind
Not him, but how to find a passion?
Isn' that the same thing as escapism?

How do you know this?

He doesn't, it's all about having great genetics. Some people have perfect lives others just live in bullshit cope.

>how to find a passion?
I was lucky in that I’m passionate about cars and so is my dad so I was exposed to it from an early age, but I’ve also found other passions of mine just by watching YouTube videos, reading and classes at school. Really the best way is just to expose yourself to as many different activities/fields of study as possible and see what sticks

Saying that it’s all genetics is a cope. By saying that it’s all genetics you’re resigning yourself to a life of misery, because you’re just convincing yourself that you don’t deserve to be happy

I am afraid and insecure that LDR with my gf will fail. I am afraid I love her more then she does me. I am afraid we don’t want the same things out of life and are just wasting time. But fuck do I want to make it work! I don’t even care about moving to some random country/city if we can be together. I am enslaved to the pussyjew.
One more semester of studies left.

Just remember that you need to allow yourself to be happy, otherwise you’ll be sad forever. Also remember that everyone’s life is hard and sometimes shit happens whether you deserve it or not

>tfw no volkisch friends

Eh what do I know? I'm just your average fucking loser user. Failed at everything related to sexuality and relationships. I don't even want to see my friends anymore.

>everyone's life is hard

Pathetic cuck calves, my gf doesnt want to have sex with me

But I have a fairly large penis and chad looking face

Some more than others, but yeah nobody’s life is easy, everyone goes through hardships

I'm 19 and have been banging my gf 3 days a week for the past 2 years.
I still don't last very long at all despite being Jow Forums
She doesn't care because I can make her cum quick and we were both virgins before each other so she's used to it
I have a fear that shes gonna get sick of this shit one day though, I don't even feel like a man when it happens
Feels bad man.

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You’re depressed user (but you probably already knew that) you need to try to get rid of the things in your life that bring you down and focus on the things that make your life worth living. DO NOT STAY IN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE ALL DAY EVERYDAY OR IT WILL JUST MAKE THINGS WORSE, Also when you go out make sure to have friendly conversation with the people you encounter (waiters, cashiers, etc.) you don’t have to sit down with them and talk about really deep topics, just small talk about light stuff like the weather, sports, or if you’re at the store just say something about what you’re buying. Making small talk with strangers sounds dumb, but it makes a huge difference

If she cums that’s all that matters

That's not true

Every fucking time I hit a really hard workout and feel exhausted after like I really hit that shit hard I get fucking cold sores. I went in for a 10-mile run and the next day I wake up with some shit on my lip. I feel like I cannot do anything unless I want to have a fucked up lip for the rest of my life.

Not that user but, how do you know she cums ? Just a lot of a moaning/screaming ? She has to squirt too or that's just some girls ?
Sorry to be a porn brain dead who doesnt know how to satisfy a real woman.

Yeah it sounds a stupid post
Its just hard to feel a stallion when you can't hit it as hard as you wanna because you'll bust

Guy who made original post about it here
She squeezes her legs together usually and shakes and goes AHHHHHHH
Then shouts stop at me me if I carry on doing it
Then she usually lies on the bed for a while like exhausted for like 2 minutes

I’m an expert on how to live a happy life, not on the female orgasm. He said she cums, so I believe him

I've been going to the gym 4 times a week I have some conversations there but minimal. I meet my friends once a week or 2 weeks. These things doesn't do anything for me anymore. I got raped when I was a 6 and it fucks with my mind also. If I had some fucking balls I would have ended this long time ago.

Tinder makes me feel like shit, I remake my account and get like 30 matches the first day and then drop to nothing. My pictures aren't great(can't smile) but people have always told me I'm good looking and I don't know what to think anymore.

I've slept with 4 women so far. I'm 24 and was in a long term relationship for 4 years. Now I'm single and been thinking that sleeping with other women has fucked me up.

Am I screwed up for sleeping with more than one woman in my lifetime? I've asked God to forgive me for this but I stil feel guilt over these poor decisions I've made.

What happened to you was horrible, but life goes on. You shouldn’t let one event ruin your whole life. Life is worth living, but you need to allow yourself to believe it

Everybody makes mistakes user, try keeping it in your pants for a while and hopefully with time the guilt will fade

Life is for people who had great parents who taught them how to live a good life. It's for people with no traumatic events. It's for people who live in the bluepill and for people with great genetics.

nah life's for everyone. it's easier for some sure but you gotta keep your head up my user.

Nobody lives a life without traumatic events

i can't talk to girls

how fucking profoundly decrepit do you have to be to actually think this

Negatives and Positive
Having established 2 successful businesses (working on my 3rd one), medals in marathon and boxing, generally fit, a Masters Degree (working on my PhD), I have thought myself superior to the average human being thus thinking that the degenerate actions I do are sanctions; worst among this is cheating for the 5th time on my sweet and loving gf.

>never had gf
>only women who hit on me are ugly cougars
>social anxiety
>regular anxiety
>a bit overweight
>6" erect penis, but a grower
>full time job that sucks my soul
>no energy or motivation
>have been lifting for a while now, body comp getting better
>unironically rather be playing videogames than be seeking a woman
>family tragedies have numbed my sensibility, I'm cold to most things
>good sense of humor
>good friend, will not leave anyone hanging
>got S+ Rank on RE2 harcore with Leon

How bad is it?

>dating gf for 6 years
>sex all the time in the first half of relationship
>now i can't stand it
Don't ruin it when you're young. Only have sex when you REALLY want it.
Fucking women only gets in the way of my true goal.

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30 yrs old, divorced. Scared of being alone for the rest of my life.

Strangely enough, it also feels liberating not being tied to a relationship that wasn't going anywhere.

I'm kinda like you, with gf for 3 years I love her and I still want to fuck her but I want to fuck every girl I see in the street 10 times more. Just because it's new pussy I havn't seen I guess. Is this normal ?

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Could you give me an example of someone who never experienced trauma?


>Blue Eyes
>Moderately intelligent
>Face probably 6.5/10 on a good day (Could be so much worse)
>Fast learner
>Extremely Loyal
>Hopeless romantic
>Don't do drugs/Alcohol
>Good taste in music
>Dropped out of High School 10th Grade
>No motivation
>Indecisive (This is a huge obstacle)
>Yellow teeth
>Sleep constantly
>No friends
>Never leave house
>Don't want to leave house
>Get emotional when my 'friends' don't care as much as I do
>Mood swings
>Addicted to pics of cute anime girls
Idk, Overall I've just lived a really quiet life so far and I don't hurt anyone doing it.
I have pretty good genetics but I waste it by consistently making bad decisions.
I think about ending it sometimes but I remain indecisive and the whole situation is tiresome

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balding, autist
decent looking, face 6.1

I'm afraid my girlfriend isn't right for me (or anyone for that matter). I would feel bad for whoever has to date her after me. She's mean and insensitive and not in a shit test kind of way. I don't want to have children with her because her own mother is bat shit crazy and she constantly hints at how much she hates children but that her biological clock will want them soon. She doesn't ever suck my dick and won't ride me. She's also cheated on past boyfriends. I'm afraid that if I break up with her I will only focus on the good things about her and will go into my thirties single and childless.

Imagine being this insecure

>moderately intelligent
Sounds like ur a dumbass desu that would explain a lot

I'm 19 years old, I hopped on roids like 8 months ago and have made crazy good progress with Test and anavar. I've noticed alot of female attraction because of this and there are situations where they touch my grab my arms when I'm out drinking with friends which usually continues towards the bedroom. The problem is that I feel my friends act jealous and grumpy when this happens. Especially the lifting buddies that I always trained with (I've now switched over to my gym at work because it's free but none of my friends work out there). People tell me stuff like: "do you workout?" or "you look like you lift" and I can just feel my friends radiating with anger and jealousy. I have serious goals of competing in bodybuilding but I wanna keep my friends. What do I do?

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Sometimes you gotta just say fuck it, pour your fourth scoop, and leave humanity behind

I know that's the rational mentality towards success but I've lived age 13-17 with 0 friends and 0 social life whatsoever. I moved to a different place, nobody knew me and made social gains. Now I take having friends for granted but I don't wanna go back to playing TF2 all day with the curtains closed

haters gonna hate, make new friends, work on social gains. you had no friends from an important developmental point in your life, so you might not realize it but whatever you call your friends today might just be jealous of you or hang out for attention. Don't hinder yourself because of others.

Just tell the bitches that come up to you to fuck off you're busy hanging out with your friends, you can fuck another time if you're a buff dude. Pick between the pussy jew or meaningful friendships.

Do it and keep lifting. Time heals all wounds

i'm fun to be around, i have humor, i like exploring the world, no problem with just doing nothing too
i can't let go of girls i have feelings for
tend to invest my self so much into those that i give way way more than i should receive
my self esteem is low even though i've been told multiple times i'm a good looking guy with a great personality
might be a little shy, introvert tho

I lift, I got a good body with thicc ass and nice chest, long hair, I have been called extremely good looking. With the right makeup and taking pride of my looks I know I’m pretty decent looking.

I’m funny, kind, caring, got my shit together. Weird in my on way, control my emotions well. Able to hold a conversation, I want kids, fuck and suck dick like a pro.

Yet here I am, well into my twenties and still a single girl. I met a nice guy recently, same interests, good sex, great conversations yet once again he just kinda faded out of my life and haven’t heard from him in a while.

I just don’t get it. I’d have so much to give and I’ve worked on myself to a t. But no one ever falls in love with me. Obviously I take care of my hygiene and don’t cling. I don’t know what is it that I’m doing so wrong.

Post Hair

>moderately intelligent
>high school dropout

>extremely loyal
>criticizes and refers to friends as "friends"

>hopeless romantic
>never leaves the house

You're a pathetic NEET waste if space. The sooner you admit you're a total failure with no redeeming qualities the sooner you can work on self improvement. These delusions about what you think are redeeming qualities just hold you back from facing reality.


It’s funny how that works, I am looking for a serious thing myself but when i invest myself into a relationship the girls always bail.

Go vegan only part of the week then, that's a better effort than nothing at all

Yeah man, it's normal.
I love my girl too and she will be wife material. But you just get used to the same woman/body/sex. You (I) want and crave 'new' tang, but, as Kanye say
>One good girl worth a thousand bad bitches.

I am 26, live at home with my parents. I dropped out of school, learned no trade and must have been a neet for 3years or so.

Started working in a Gelataria, I think I stayed there for 3 years. Stopped going there because the people simply cannot stop bickering about others.

Frankly. I have no ambitions whatsoever, nothing I could call a dream or passion, I feel like I just float through life. I've been thinking about becoming a physiotherapist or somehow get into a job involving sports. But I am an incompetent cunt who fucks up the simplest of things. I haven't even gotten a drivers license. Failed the practical test last week. Already spent a bunch of money on it.

There is not a day where I don't think to myself that it would have been better If I never woke up. I'm not sure what joy is anymore. I don't even feel like talking to most people anymore, given that the situation I am just invites justified mockery. Little desire I have to do anything is immediately crushed by even the slightest bit of mockery.

Working out feels good, I enjoy the heat that my muscles produce when I lift weights.

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I'm an electrical engineer, 26yo, graduated three years ago and have been working in the same first job since then. I believe that I have too low of an IQ to be an engineer; I've forgotten much that I once knew when I was in school, and now I see other people in my age group at my company excelling while I am stuck in a very specific niche not learning anything. I worry that I have a low IQ and that in wasting my time; I think about quitting all the time, because I want to go somewhere I can be mentored and learn more, so I feel worthy, but I also worry that I'm just stupid, and that leaving this job would be foolish because it's unlikely that I'll ever be able to do better.

On the plus side I have a loving fianceé, she is fantastic and we get along amazingly well, and have for many years.

Even with that, though, any sense of accomplishment eludes me because I suspect I'm just too stupid to ever find reasonably success in my career.

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>No one will ever really love me user
You don't know this either.


I have a drive to succeed but suffer from the disease of procrastination. I want to be able to achieve my goals and future and motivate myself to everyday, but it just never feels like enough. It feels like a hopeless ride where I just tell myself everyday "don't worry, just work hard" that never ends.

prepare to die with a clear conscious. is all i can say

the good times will not last

Software engie here, I'm having those same kind of feels. When I finish a full day at work, I would rather lift and go do other things than study or work on other software projects, I think that's what makes what they do fly so far above my head.

You don't have too low of an IQ, I guarantee if you put the effort (and most importantly TIME) in you would be the engineer you dream of. But only do it if you actually give a fuck. If not, probably best to do something else before your soul rots from the inside slowly, that's no fate for you

pectus excavatum
twig arms and generally poor ability to gain muscle
weird nose
weird voice
lack of facial hair/thin eyebrows
bad fat deposits on lower abs make muscle tone poor
generally my personality

have good features, get called handsome occasionally yet not openly checked out often
god tier curly hair like the David
good calve genetics
very good swimmer/lifeguard
decently intelligent
very knowledgeable
quite funny apparently

actually makes me feel better about myself having written this out

The first thing to do is to overcome that fear of mockery, I bet most of what you think is a lack of interest in tasks is really a fear of being mocked for messing up whatever the task may be. If you mentally power through the embarrassment of failure and realize that all failures are lessons, you will ascend to a new level.

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It's really all about the mindset. Thank you.

helo doctor i want a giant gf

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I'm 24 and have never had a gf because I was a complete sperg (voice would quiver when I talked to girls and hands would shake) until college, now I'm socially competent but am just focused on working and have thought I won't get a gf until I have a good amount of cash saved up. Then someone in my family says "user it's okay if you're gay" non-ironically. Never was insecure about possibly being seen as gay but now I sure as hell am.

those who are "redpilled" and "blackpilled" are often the most lost of ignorant members of society

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That's the same as me, after work I used to spend hours studying my electronics textbooks to try to keep myself from losing the knowledge I had gained in university, but since I don't use that in my work, it's a losing battle, like sand in a sieve. I could study all I want but I would still forget it before long since it isn't being used; that's the low IQ issue. I suspect an intelligent person wouldn't forget engineering knowledge they once had.

I have a few technical hobbies but I prefer to spend my free time practicing violin, hiking etc. I just hate feeling as though I'm becoming less and less hirable every day as I fall behind my peers. It isn't easy finding work as an engineer if you aren't exceptional.

>tfw no personality
>no stories to tell people so I default to listening
>always feel like I'm a boring bitch nigga and am "just there"

>27 years old
>lost friends in HS which made me socially isolated with no friends/girls, lack of social development led to few friends, no girls, and continued social isolation in college and now post-college
>become weirder and more awkward over time, as well as bitter, angry and miserable all the time
>get annoyed by everyone and every thing and think friendships and relationships are just a big hassle, yet wish i had a social life
>just the weird funny guy that makes people laugh but hardly laugh or even smile myself and I'm an aloof asshole so no one wants anything to do with me
>too insecure about not ever having had the slightest romantic experience and my humiliating worthless life to even try to get a girl or make friends
>have driver's license but too scared to drive
>live with parents, hate it and need to/forced to leave but the thought of being on my own scares me
>work pathetic job because apparently too dumb to get into the graduate programs i've been trying 4 years to get into
>have no motivation or hope for life to improve even a shred because of how horrible its always been so i just do nothing ever

please help doctor

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I-I'm scared to cut doctor. My lifts have increased by 30% in the last 2 months, but my manager said I'm looking a bit fluffier this week.

My gains.. the hunger.. the cravings. It's so much easier to just lift and eat, EAT.

>recently met a guy
>good sex

try not being a whore

You aren't good looking. Sorry. Maybe a butterface?

read how to be a 3% man by Corey Wayne. It has a lot of great advice on keeping a woman in a relationship.

I found out I love to paint and I think I'm okay at it, honestly helps me relax too.

Teaching yourself gutair is really hard though and I've been struggling keeping up with practicing.

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Throw one of your buddies a bone.

There’s strap ons out there for dicklets, there’s even a dick sleeve that you can put on top of your weenis to enhance size, all hope is not lost yet

one of the hardest things in life user is terminating toxic/destructive relationships

it sounds like its time to leave those friends behind

Interesting ;)

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Fat, ugly, khv, 23, balding but still have long hair, 5' 9", 232 lbs when I weighed myself this morning.

I make decent money, I rent a place but have a room mate, I am trying to lose weight.

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maybe keep it in your fucking pants when you're around your friends you fucking dumbass

get your friends test and help them pick up bitches too

dude just stop eating

Why that old man has this stereotype psychiatrist look?
Why do they all look the same and dress the same?