Can speak 3 languages

>can speak 3 languages
>can play 2 instruments
>mfw still no gf

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You forgot to add you're ugly kek

make a profile on okcupid where you essentially brag about all of your accomplishments, and take pictures of yourself with friends, or even acquaintances or co-workers posing as friends. Take photos of yourself with your instruments. Claim to be a polyglot and bullshit your way through a few languages.

Lie about your income.

Boom, instant female attention

assuming you're taller than 5'9

maybe you're not good looking. you should spend less time being a faggot.

I'm 5'9 and women call me tall all the time. Even one's 5'6/5'7

I'm not anymore ugly than the average person.
>mfw still no gf

such a waste of time
What's even the point of all this? God damn, this all seems so meaningless.

op is 6'1
>still no gf

why would languages or music help you get girls? You need to look good, talk good, and not be insufferable. Get a decent haircut that doesn't make you look like a faggot, don't dress in walmart t-shirts, lift weights 3-5 days and exercise daily, clean your skin, and have a social life.

Or just get a hot body and fuck girls on tinder.

Nobody gives two shits about your faggy guitar or that you can say fuck in spanish

You dont get a gf for showing up, you actually have to message them and invite them to do things first.

If you're 6'1, and have talents, you dont have an excuse to be single. even if you're of average appearance of even ugly, all you have to do is talk to women, if they respond to your message on tinder or okcupid, that means they have at least considered fucking you at some point.

>what's the point of life
No one knows user

>Thinks English plus Spanish and French = 3 languages when they're practically indistinguishable from each other.

How cute.
t. Skolt, Inari, Suomilinen, Eesti keel, Komi and Ur speaker.

This is pretty wrong.

You can get women without working out. Especially when tall. I've gotten laid with my hair looking neat, and looking like a homeless man.

Having talents can impress certain women. If you can speak spanish, that is a huge plus to any hispanic woman already. Playing an instrument is an instant plus because it shows you have at least some discipline, and you're more likely to be goal driven in life which means you have more money

Also "clean your skin" lol what? I shower like once every 3 days and still get bar slags.

I wonder what people care more about, Very popular languages used almost everywhere in the world... or... a bunch of nordic languages people didnt even know existed...

>English, German and Russian
Some other shit too but not fluent-mode.

are you me? origionello

Congratulations, you learned 6 different languages so you can talk to a grand total of about 100,000 people who all speak other languages anyway.

bar women are equal to basement dwellers in value and choices in guys.
Nobody gives two shits you can speak spanish or play the guitar unless you are doing something insanely faggy like online dating when the vast majority of online dating is just hookups.

Its like when fags go on tinder looking to date a girl just because she has a 3page bio doesn't mean she isnt fucking everyd dude with a six pack

Okay, if you're a native English speaker, the Ruskie is kind of impressive but I like being able to say, "Look at this Russian Idiot" and laugh with friends when I'm in the Kola.

>to a grand total of about 100,000
7 million in two countries alone.

I'm not a native English speaker tho. Native languages don't count.

those are all variants of the same family of languages... practically indistinguishable if you consider English and Spanish indistinguishable.

Only if you don't have a gf. Originallo

So a normal non-retarded Euro, then.

Oh, sorry, I mean you were born speaking one actually used language and learned 5 others to speak to less than 2 million other people who speak your native language already.
...And all those languages are in the same language family.
not really impressive, it's like if I bragged about knowing German, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, Afrikaans, Luxembourgish, and English--except that those languages are actually useful.

Whats the point in learning these languages other than to brag and pat yourself on the back? Most people speak english these days anyway

yep definetly me :D. god damn it, we're all gonna make it breh

You know user not all foreign countries have English as the native language. For someone that likes to travel with his friends learning the native language of the country you visit is very respectful instead of just screaming in english hoping someone will understand you.

I'm a native English speaker who grew up with Finnish in the house. Had to learn the rest and use them for work during the Reagan years (widowed Old Fag)

the world don't owe you shit, you little bitch-ass motherfucker

hahahahahaha your fucking wife is dead

Yes it does! The world gave me the autismo and I demand gf reparations.

Yeah, arrested near Nautsi, probably got a 9mm in the basement of Lubyanka but we were never able to verify where she died.

U serial useless languages widow fag?

The Reds gave us a great gift when they forced the Kuhmo Friendship School to be opened.

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I have no idea what this is but you have my attention.