>be me, asian user, on my computer in bedroom
>little sister comes home with her white boyfriend
>hear them fucking in her room next door
>hear her begging for his "thick white cock"
>turn up volume on headphones to try to drown them out
>finally the noise stops
>i leave to take a piss
>they hear my door open
>"omg, was your brother here this whole time?"
>she laughs and says quietly "he was probably jerking off."
Asian feels thread
Other urls found in this thread:
im sorry that happened user, race traitors are a disgusting breed.
racebait #478842368
will there ever be good content on the internet again?
>she laughs and says quietly "he was probably jerking off."
Well? Were you?
there's like 5 up now
But in case it's not made-up shit: I'm curious if you're that user that lives with your similarly-aged aunt or something. I remember another post like this.
mfw i became Top
>will there ever be good content on the internet again?
The absolute state of Jow Forums recently
Its all just this racebait, asian cucks, traps bullshit
>t. Nigger tryimg to start a racewar between whites and asians
I think its a bunch of faggots over from r/hapas doing all this
didnt elliot like a blonde girl? why are hapa poops hating on White women?
Don't fucking steal my gimmick spictrap
fuck no. last thing i want to think about is my whore sister getting plowed. i was just trying to play my vidya in peace.
you guys
be less filthy frank
and be more joji
you understand???
be less sam hyde
and be more Lil Peep
i am asian. i don't hate white people. i don't like that my sister and other asian girls i know only date whites though.
Sorry Asiananon.
My Asian gf has an elder brother, but I don't have sex with her when were staying with her family, that would be inappropriate.
Why would they drink piss when they can drink milk instead?
As a white dude that has fucked several Asian girls, I can tell you you should just pity them, friend. In the same way I pity white girls obsessed with nigger and Arab cock. The Asian girl obsession with whitebois is slightly different though. It really is pervasive and bare.
It's like they literally detest Asian men, I don't know what to do for you my friend. They're not that good in bed though (just submissive fucktoys) and they make terrible gfs, these white cock craving Asianoid fems.
Whites and asians have no reason to hate each other, niggers are the ones making these threads because they are jealous of asian sbeing more sucessful in america and because asian girls reject them
>tfw asianon who has a decent life and hasnt felt my race has ever cucked me
Now asian actresses who only date whites are publicly mocking asian guys who object to that as 'asian incels':
how much lower can these hos sink?
I'm white and I have an asian gf who has a younger brother and you need to fuck off. That guy is a total bro, we hang out and do shit all the time. He is a bit stereotypical and wears "streetwear" shit, but he's otherwise a cool guy, gives me gym advice, plays pubg with me and my friends and you can tell he gives 0 fucks about who his sister dates.
i wouldn't care if she didn't mock me and if she didn't exclusively date whites. i am glad you are nice to your gf's bro, unlike my sister's chad bf who is an asshole.
>when you're so detached from reality that you don't know how to make a believable scenario
Did you see a Korean dude with a white girlfriend in public today, and it pissed you off to the point that it made you make this thread?
Except for the part where this is a larp. Listen user, I understand why you're doing this but these threads actually achieve the same thing the Jow Forumsasianmasculinity spammers want. Asians and whites aren't supposed to be enemies, the Leader knew this and you should too.
>niggers are the ones making these threads because they are jealous of asian sbeing more sucessful in america and because asian girls reject them
Incorrect. White "robots" make these threads because they get a kick out of stomping on the other races and using them for sexual fantasies. You're very gullible if you fall for the white empathy meme.
>Asians and whites aren't supposed to be enemies
White "robots" have a funny way of showing it.
>Asians and whites aren't supposed to be enemies
Only because you're after their women.
No, because asians are the only other race who are capable of maintaining civilizations and cultural customs. I don't have a preference for asian women, I just really liked my gf and she happened to be asian. If I lived in a white country and not a multicultural shithole this wouldn't have happened, but I'd still want asians to be on good terms with us since our numbers are dwindling and they're the only ones besides us who can and will stand against the savage hordes.
>cram different cultures and races together
>surprised that one of them ends up being vastly more successful than the others
This wouldn't be an issue if everyone stayed in their own countries.
>don't have a preference for asian women, I just really liked my gf and she happened to be asian
White "robots" don't even try to hide it anymore
Your sister is a ho and so is her boyfriend and I feel for you brother. As a white man I would never disrespect an Asian man's sister in such a disgraceful manner.
>Jow Forums is so deluded that they actually think appearance is the only thing people are interested in in a long term relationship
My previous (white) gf was objectively prettier than her but she was too normie and didn't care about any of my interests.
Does it really bother you that your sister is dating out? I see tons of asian people in general (both the guys and the girls, obv) dating whites or any non-asian persons in a very large percentage.
I live in a sizable suburb in CA and its almost rare to see an asian-asian couple
>tfw korean and regularly meet qt slav girl to fuck and watch anime while cuddling afterwards
If any one tried to have sex with my sister I wouldn't even let the bastard in my house, even if I got in a fight and lost, I'd be sure that he threw the first punch and call the cops immediately, I'd at least ruin the moment for them, you shouldn't just let men go around and fuck the women in your life user, I'm white btw but race doesn't matter, your problem has nothing to do with race the problem is that you choose to distract yourself from your problems rather than face them. I will make sure no one has sex with my sisters before they are married, and I know they won't anyway, we're Catholics we don't do that anyway.
Don't sit and pout and say your problem is your race. That's wrong and internalizing these feelings are going to end up bad in the end.
Don't end up like pic related who wrote in his manifesto about a similar situation.