stop stuffing your face, tubby
take the natepill and join. skellies only
I didn't go over my limit today, feels nice. Going to pass my GW soon, and will continue moving towards my UGW.
what's your GW and UGW?
50 kg and 45 kg. I'm 165 cm.
My bed blankets are a mess right now. I want to lay in bed under them but I am not certain if I want to undertake the effort to make my bed and fix all the sheets. What a dilemma.
what have you been eating?
make your bed and then lay on top of it you will feel better
Whatever I want. I don't give a shit about what I eat as long as I stay under my limit.
Brings me back to my eating disorder days. I'm fat again but overall happier for being recovered.
What type of skirt do you call this? Usually most skirts are too flimsy
good for you user. i used to be bulimic for a while but stopped after too long and am thin now without obsessing over it. much nicer to just not have to carry all that shit around
A-line skirt?
Thanks, you too. It's definitely a much better life now, even if I'm not skinny. Sometimes I consider starving again, but I know it's bad and makes me miserable, and I never think about it for long.
I've made my bed now. I use 4 blankets, the first three are relatively the same fabric. The first one is blue and rectangular, fuzzy on both sides. The second is kind of an anoying blanket, it is square and brown and rather long, since my bed is in a corner the sides of it hang off the two outward edges of my bed quiet a bit, and contrast with the normally tidy nature I like to present. The third blanket is a lot like the first, only it is gray and has a few holes. The last blanket is a large one made of cloth and stuffed with cotton or wool, one or the other, I'm not sure which. I've turned my space heater on and I have it facing me now while I sit at the long edge of my bed. My room gets cold in the winter because of the door that goes right outside and is less than two steps from my bedside. I step out - it is dark and cold, and I don't see any stars. There is some snow falling. I am going to listen to an album now that reminds me of angel food cake, and watch some anime in bed.
yeah glad youre happy user. i know you may be tempted but i hope you can keep fighting off thoughts like that. take care
>love skinny girls
>big butts become the cool thing
Just fuck me up senpai
>/fa/ invading Jow Forums
You can be skinny without having a disorder you know. That's actually the norm. If you are starving yourself you are most definetly doing it wrong.
This is a picture of a dog I orbit on Instagram. He is a very handsome and nice dog. I didn't bother to read your thread. I just wanted to post a picture of this dog.
>46 kg
>170 cm
how do i gain weight
Don't, you are perfect the way you are.
bmi is inversely correlated to IQ. In the future when hereditarianism will inevitably gain traction, skinny will be the most desired again
that is an EXTREMELY fast and excited doggo
wow that sounds really /comfy/. be careful not to crave angel food cake too much though!
What are you losers doing on this board? Jow Forums is Jow Forums territory you walking cardboard cutouts.
Technically r9k was never created for neets. It just turn into that, no reason it can't turn into something else.
>t.malnourished skeletor
fitspo is thinspo
Take your skinny jean wearing, boots that weigh more than your body owning, blown over by a light breeze ass back to /fa/.
Why can't people just leave people that aren't bulbous whales alone
nice trips. It's because fatties are always seething at anything that hints at them not being the height of desirability.
Im a man retard. But i do want a thin gf. There are girls that naturally have that bodytype.
Not yet, unfortunately, but hopefully soon.
Angelfood cake always gives me hiccups. It's the same with wild rice, and if I drink water too quickly. I'm listening to some chopin now, although I couldn't tell you what concert it is. I have some of them on records, but I'm listening to it on a cassette tape tonight because of the auto reverse function on my cassette player. When it reaches the end of the tape, it will simply switch over to the other side. This way I can listen to piano all night. It will be nice in case I wake up before morning. Waking up before morning is always dreadful, its dark and uncertain where you are. The tape has just reached the end of side one and switched to side two.
How is that fit? She looks like she can barely even hold up that racket. Absolutely 0 muscle definition. That's like Auschwitz survivor tier.
still listening to cassette tape? wow i'm brought back to when I couldn't sleep as a kid unless I was listening to Harry Potter being read on cassette tapes by Jim Dale. Being on adderall during the day, sometimes I couldn't sleep for hours so I would have to get up to change the cassette tape multiple times.
jesus why do people love to shame people for being skinny so much
One day I will get a dog. I will make sure it lives a comfy and happy life. I would pet it, and walk to daily. I wouldn't feed it that cheap shitty dog food either. Nothing but the best for my future dog! Until then I must live through this dog that I orbit. Here is another picture of him. I hope he is comfy as I type this.
Collecting odd formats is a hobby of mine. I have a large amount of records, lots of cassettes, several different forms of the compact disc (minidisk, mini cd). I can only play the mini cds through the step down cd reader on my xbox 360. I have some 8 tracks in a trunk, although I don't own a player for them. I also have some vhs tapes, my most prized one being a copy of the blair witch project, which just feels right on tape.
>be skinny petite
>thicc and amazonian body becomes popular
Being thicc signifies an active lifestyle which is very popular these days.
You think Jow Forums has the discipline to improve themselves?
I'm pretty active, but will likely never be "thicc" just toned. The best I can do is focus on getting a round butt
I am a recovering bulimic and self-mutilator. I love long, thin women. These threads fill me with many conflicting emotions.
These threads just make me hate myself. I'm a fat unattractive mess, nothing looks good on me and I never look good. How does thinspo inspire anyone, it just makes me jealous and want to bash my head in for being an ugly waste of space.
>jealous fatty itt
Stop being fat and you'll stop being jealous.
Just don't eat for a week. Drink plenty of water and no carbs or sugar. Your body will use up your fat reserves.
That doesn't sound healthy or safe at all..
No, what the fuck. Dont do that.
If you really wannna lose weight you are gonna have to hit the gym and find a good and HEALTHY work out routine. Doing retarded shit like not eating is just gonna make you sick.
Yo, this sounds comfy as fuck. I am laying on my queen sized bed in my tiny attic bedroom sipping kreken rum, and shitposting myself to sleep
Alright maybe not for a week. Unless you're really fat.
It's called fasting, look it up.
Scartch that. Try an intermittent fast. 18 or 16 hours. Do this for a few weeks, it's not hard. What i do is I just eat dinner and nothing else for a few weeks.
Make sure you drink plenty of water and vitamins, especially potassium.
This trains your body to naturally use your fat reserves.