Realistically, how much can autistic rage help you in a fight? Can I defeat Chad with mere anger alone?
Realistically, how much can autistic rage help you in a fight? Can I defeat Chad with mere anger alone?
No. You also need honor, courage, and most importantly, perseverance. Just remember: when it feels as though all hope is lost, like defeat is closing in from all sides, like one more punch from Chad's fist will scatter your teeth all over the pavement, that is the prime moment to dig deep inside your heart, summon your warrior spirit, and restore peace to land in one awe-inspiring combo of devastating lightning-fast karate moves.
Also, do not let your guard down even when he is quivering in a crumpled ball on the ground behind you. Chad is most dangerous when he is most humiliated.
No, he is bigger than you and you don't stand a chance. It doesn't matter how angry you are if you hit like a little girl.
go take boxing or jiu jitsu courses if you want to learn how to fight
Watch Jow Forumsstteetfights
Size matters. Also being black matters
If you shout SHINRA TENSEI like a sperg you can probably defeat chad
No. try to pressure point his arm(s). or slam hum open grasped in the throat. You have n chances unless you can weaken him quickly or it'll be like that proud boys one shotting that antifa dude. You have no chace and could die or become a vegetable as i have no diybt you are less than 150 pounds
Retard strength is a real thing and is multiplied 10 fold when the autist is angry. Trust me i have never lost a fight after going full retarded gorilla mode.
Do blacks win more fights than whites?
No. Not even a chance because Chad is much more athletic and stronger than you that he would just either knock you out or body slam you right onto the concrete before you can even blink. Wrestling and football are Chad's favorite sports and he spends his free time tackling much bigger and stronger guys than you.
You shouldn't fight unless you are being fought. Children fight for no reason.
Dude at a certain point there's nothing you can do. If you're a complete weirdo it doesn't matter how well you know martial arts. Unless you're a lot bigger, chad will always beat you.
Sure if you use the element of surprise on him.
it helps because it makes you focused and unafraid
it won't help if the guy is YUGE or just a better fighter though
why would you fight a chad in the first place? if he is assaulting you then just assault back. win or lose he'll be too afraid to try again.
They only ever out number or do sneak attacks so not really
Only if you're black. Remember: an athletic white guy is about as strong as your average black woman.
>be me
>at school
>jump on chad and push stacy out the way
>start punching
>get thrown across the room by chad
>look up chad is running towards me
>chads fist collides with my face
>nose is broken for sure
>chad is throwing a storm of punches onto me
>everyone is filming and laughing
>remember what anime heros do
>images of naruto, luffy, goku rush into my head
>power up.jpg
>throw chad off me
>go for one a punch and scream
>everything goes dark
>wake up in hospital
>chad broke my jaw and i fainted
Don't worry, it's not your fault user. A lot of anime villains ruin the hero's special moment too
Bring a weapon. The brave man fights barehabded but the surviving man brings his best weapon for the job
This just means that your special moment isn't yet. You have a long journey ahead of you
No, be ice cube and calculators.