How to avoid wet dreams while you doing no-fap?
How to avoid wet dreams while you doing no-fap?
you can't
wet dreams don't set you back. they'll stop eventually. It's a will power thing, not semen retention
Edge to pron, last fap was October 30th and still no wet dreams, in fact I have never had any in my entire life
Who is she?
If you lay on your side with a pillow/bed sheets layered between your thighs, you will (probably) cum in your sleep. Keep sheets or pillow no closer than your knees, or sleep on your back.
have sex
its actually a shooped on face
i have this problem, when I first did nofap I would have wet dreams at least once a week and I didn't even masturbate all that much.
From my experience, the best things: do not drink too much liquid before going to bed, when I wake up with a fucking urge to pee I usually do so with a raging boner, which coupled with nofap + rubbing against underwear/mattress can lead to ejaculation, so I avoid drinking anything 2~3 hours before bed.
Also avoid sleeping on your stomach to avoid stimulating your dick by making pressure against the mattress and avoid using tight underwear.
Another note from my experience, wet dreams stop between 30~60 days, after that I get none, probably because your body was used to having to produce a lot of sperm since you would ejaculate (almost) every day and now you don't, so I believe it adapts to not ejaculating anymore. But I mean, its a natural way of eliminating excess, as other user said, it doesn't set you back since your deposit remains full even ejaculating.
Its a pain in the ass, I know, but keep going, I gave up nofap like 3 times because of this but I pushed through and it stopped.
Shut up
Thanks bro
why would u get rid of it? I actually prefer wet dreams sometimes over real sex, somehow good wet dream gives u best feelings, and not necesseraly physically but everything that comes with it. Like I have felt true love only in mt dream. Like I know my brain is ABLE to feel that feeling, but I just can't reproduce it from anything in real life.
>nofapped for 60 days no wet dreams
Low t?
>do not drink too much liquid before going to bed
This x1000. Don't drink anything later than 6.
nofap is jewish
don't eat too much stuff like sour things such as yogurt which make your peepee sensitive(idk why)
Lay on your side with nothing between thighs, so your penis doesn't bash against your clothes. DON'T lay on your belly
Don't drink too much before bed
yes, stop watching porn you dumb fuck
You can't.
I'm at my second year now, and I've had at least 3 nocturnal emissions. 2 on the first year and 1 on the second.
The weird thing is, the first time I was having a wet dream, but the other two I wasn't. I actually don't remember what I was dreaming about at all. The last time happened when I was taking a nap at work (I usually nap 15min on tuesdays and thursdays). Imagine waking up to that at work.
So you’re deliberately doing a program that you believe will reduce sperm production...
>tfw never had a wet dream
>always manage to wake myself up just as i'm on the brink of cumming
what does it mean bros
natural nofapper
what is the point of producing more sperm but throwing it all at the drain? and nevertheless I believe the body still produces a a good amount but reabsorbs it on nofap, I think the body simply isn't producing that sperm you would throw away regularly.
Our body is a surviving machine, and the single most important function of that machine is adapting. If I start cumming regularly it will adapt the sperm production again, no big deal
Imagine actually thinking this has any effect on your T levels.
Imagine being such a weak faggot, this is the shit you worry about.
Fucking gas yourselves pathetic plebs.
wet dreams and sex is fine. looking at porn and masturbating is wrong
Nofap + no sleep.
>no edging
>piss before bedtime
>don't think about it while laying down going through your nightly >tfw no gf episode
Do the opposite of all of the above for lucid dream-like wet dreams
>that one time where a succubus paid me a little visit(hoofs, horns tail and all)
Don't think you can man. The female succubi have our minds completely controlled. Even if we try our hardest to avoid fapping they will get to us in our sleep. I have my most intense sex dreams while sleeping and often feel like I am having real sex in such dreams despite not having had a gf in a couple years now.
how have you had so few? If I go 2 weeks without fap I get wet dreams.
I want the girl at the gym with a fat ass to roleplay as Hitler and gas me to death like a filthy kike