>Men can go years without sex
>Women cannot even go a month without sex
>Your crush is likely getting fucked on a weekly basis
>Men can go years without sex
>Women cannot even go a month without sex
>Your crush is likely getting fucked on a weekly basis
Other urls found in this thread:
Women don't have to go without sex. If a women doesn't get laid, it is purely by choice.
This is unrecoverable, thank you
A girl recently complained to me about how she's going to have to go 3 weeks without sex before seeing her boyfriend like it was the end of the world
3 weeks
You could have just offered to help her with her problem and you'd no longer be a virgin.
I think that's exactly why she was complaining to me lol. I value my honor above losing my virginity tho
graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRAAAAAAA
>female coworker overheard i'm a virgin
>asks if i am
>i say yes because of religion
>"good, stay that way"
why do whores project this badly? if they view my lifestyle as so righteous, why didn't they follow it?
this is what i don't get about people, they just act like self control is impossible, i don't get it.
you mean women.
Women are perennial children
Why are you talking about your virginity at work?
I keep my personal and professional life separate. Everyone is free to believe what they want, but I'll never come close to confirming or denying anything about my personal life to coworkers.
There is nothing I find more ridiculous than the normies who complain that they haven't had sex in weeks/months. The fucking notion that both men and women will literally consider cheating on their partners in the circumstance that they can't have sex for a few weeks is just SO fucking unfathomable to me.
top kek meanwhile I am still a kissless virgin that never had a gf for 30 years :^)
I'm in the same situation as you, except i'm 20. I hope I am going to lose it before 21 though, how did you manage 30?
Kissless virgin at 33 here. Are you planning to change your ways, or will you be me in 3 years?
I worked with 6'5 literal meme chad 10 years older than me for a few weeks
If men had ANY idea how the actual numbers are society would literally stop working, there is no meme in this sentence
>why do women hate virgins?
>why do women not hate virgins?
can you elaborate just a bit
They were not projecting user. She was just making fun of you and you didn't get it. It meant that she thinks you should never get laid based on your appearance and/or personality.
Most people that tall aren't "chads" which actually is a stupid concept imo.
I'm 6"1 and actually glad that i'm not any taller
ah that explains it, why didnt i think of that before haha :)
but if he did that then he wouldnt be an orbiter anymore
Are women just as horny if not more horny than men and just mask and hide it through (((romance))) and (((love)))? I've suspected this for a long time. Considering you're more likely to win the lottery than meet a girl above the age of 18 who is a virgin.
The inverse is also true. I brought this back from female version of r9k.
>jacking off
The two aren't even in the same universe. I can't contract std's or leave somebody pregnant when I beat my meat.
You haven't had sex before so you wouldn't understand. If I couldn't be with my bf for a month you better believe I'll be looking elsewhere and most normal people would agree
which site is this from?
i must know, for science
>jacking off = sex
You clueless roasties, I sincerely pity you all.
>Your crush
>If I couldn't be with my bf for a month you better believe I'll be looking elsewhere
And yet as soon as he marries you, he'd be lucky to get sex twice a year. Women don't make any sense.
>open thread
>already got mogged hard by an innie
The concept is called alpha fucks beta bucks.
lolcow DOT farm
Lack of self control = lack of self control, you idiot. We don't have a higher moral standing when most of us are addicted to porn and half of you faggots have decided to become traps.
>Are you planning to change your ways, or will you be me in 3 years?
no I want to die a virgin then to be enslaved by the pussy. i feel I would become a pussy addict the moment I get the taste of it and be turn in to a slave paying for dates/mortgages/child support.
>how did you manage 30?
just be shy and introverted. also I don't really talk to women.
You don't speak for me or most of us for that matter you white-knighting dweeb. If you really think jerking off is in the same ballpark as throwing yourself at attractive men, go ahead, nobody is stopping you.
>You don't speak for me or most of us
Oh fuck off you underage faggot, you're fresh off the Reddit boat if you are justifying any of that. That isn't even white knighting, I know you like to pretend tranny porn and pleasuring yourself isn't as degenerate as most women but you being a faggot without any self control is also part of the problem.
>If you really think jerking off is in the same ballpark
Masturbation doesn't serve any real purpose and keeps men powerless as they entertain themselves to death for shitty orgasms and increasingly degenerate tastes. Sex at least serves some purpose, although unfortunately has the side effect of also creating mouthbreathers like you.
Go take your hormones and fetishize being a woman in order to get someone to fuck you. Totally makes you better than them. I dream of the future where you get lynched.
If you are a male in your 20s approaching a female, you are already off the track, you dont even understand, all these women are actively pursuing the literal meme chads like men are pursuing women
Let that sink in what that means
>Oh fuck off you underage faggot, you're fresh off the Reddit boat
lol as if you couldn't make it more obvious you're completely delusional, off-base and new.
>drivel about tranny porn and traps
Totally fallacious garbage, you're generalizing and based off what? Buzzfeed or Jezebel articles? I mean come on dude lurk here at least for a year to get a real sense of what the hivemind is like.
>Jerking off doesn't serve any real purpose
>and keeps men powerless as they entertain themselves to death for shitty orgasms and increasingly degenerate tastes.
I don't disagree here as I am not addicted to porn.
>Sex at least serves some purpose, although unfortunately has the side effect of also creating mouthbreathers like you.
But just as you made a cogent point about jerking off you completely contradict yourself immediately right after. Sex with multiple partners due to no self-control or self-respect is undeniably more damaging mentally and physically as it is an act that isn't confidential with only yourself.
>Go take your hormones and fetishize being a woman
Seriously where are you pulling this from? You really don't have your finger on the pulse of this board you bootlicking dweeb.
>lol as if you couldn't make it more obvious you're completely delusional, off-base and new.
It should be obvious that I've been here long before it was invaded by trannies and 18 year old virgins pretending that it gives them some special wizard status despite their only disability being that they are mildly awkward.
>Totally fallacious garbage, you're generalizing and based off what?
I'm basing off the thousands of degenerate posts and threads I've read over the years. Porn use doesn't normalize, you fucking idiot, it goes from vanilla to as far as blacked and cucking porn, providing you manage to stay out of a normal relationship or seriously cut back on it. This place proves that.
The fact that many people have gone their lives without doing it with no side effects beyond positive ones. Go read some pop science articles about it in order to keep believing you jacking off to degenerate Stacy getting fucked doesn't make you a degenerate and it's perfectly healthy, you literal cuck.
>Sex with multiple partners due to no self-control or self-respect
Ironically you talk about contradictions when you just made a giant fallacy. We are talking about sex generally speaking compared to masturbation using porn. Having no self control and jerking off everyday is the moral equivalent to some Stacy that needs sex from her boyfriend at least once a week. If you could get laid, you would be in the same boat as her. Don't act like you being unwanted is some great virtue when you have zero self control.
> dweeb.
You know you can swear here, you cringy faggot.
>how did you manage 30
Literally just being introverted and having low self-esteem is all you need as a man.
>the concept of very attractive men is stupid
If you haven't ever seen any Chad's, you were probably born yesterday which means that you don't know anything about any of this