>Started Muay Thai only 6 months ago >Keeps me super in shape, don't even have to cut that much food out because the intense cardio burns alot of calories >Being a fat fuck can actually work to your advtantage, more mass can make your punches super powerful, could practically KO anyone under 180 in one hit if it's well placed >Learning to punch, kick, onee and elbow is super easy at a basic level, you're pretty much guranteed to defend yourself one on one against 90% of people >Builds confidence like crazy, women become attracted once they know you can fight >Did I mention you can kick ass? I got black out drunk and according to my friends got into a fight with some meat head at a party. I can't remember much because I was black out but apparently I caught him with a right hook and then a left kick to the head, his nose started bleeding and he couldn't see out of one eye, he went to hospital with concussion. Don't even remember it >Depressed? I dare you to be mopey and sad while training. I went through the worst break up of my life and the only time of day I didn't feel like killing myself is when i was training >You conduct yourself alot better. Being surrounded in a gym by other people who could kick your assakes you extremely humble amd friendly, which carries over into your day to day
Seriously, go to your local gym and find something to train. Doesn't even have to be a striking art, I do Muay Thai and Jiu jitsu, with a little bit of judo and sambo thrown in.
You're men, tap into that lizard brain and be an alpha. It doesn't even need to be 24/7, maybe 1-3 hours a day. Go home and play Vidya or sleep knowing you're doing something
And for all 5 of you femanon's, martial arts is extremely attractive, and dudes treat you a whole lot better when you know how to handle yourself like an adult. Go to your local gym tomorrow and sign up.
I'm sure you, a fat fuck, got blackout drunk and headkicked a "meat head" at a party and sent him to the hospital with 6 months of kickboxing lessons and dont even remember. And youre super humbled now from being at the gym all the time and being a "martial artist" training "sambo" and "judo"
Jason Bell
Muay Thai is super fun. The place I used to go to had a system where you could learn two arts at a time so I learned Grappling as well. The two pair really well together. I'm a small fat dude so I'm not very athletic but Muay Thai clears me head hell good. Probs gonna go back into it, thanks for reminding me OP.
Shit user I've been training since I was a kid. Dad was big into martial arts I did a lot of training true mixed martial arts. Not shit you can pick up from some faggot in a gym. You got to study each and every element. I trained doing Tang soo do, jiu jitsu, judo, sambo, kickboxing (traditional and Muay Thai) hell even studied aikido. Martial arts is fucking life bro.
I didn't mean to sound like a badass, just trying to illustrate how quickly your body can adapt to the new reflexes and how it becomes muscle memory at a certain point. That's why even though I can't remember, I still had the basic muscle memory to keep a good stance and use kicks to keep him away, dude was shorter than me tbf. It was in an apartment block and I learned he was fine the next day, nothing serious just caught him good.
And I don't really train judo and sambo, my gym only offers it on like one day as a takedown class, so really it's at most an hour a week, I wouldn't call that training as much though. But we do get some pretty high level judo and sambo instructors coming in, and our head instructor is a certified international combat sambo instructor, so little things get sprinkled in to our Jiu jistsu classes.
It has humbled me a fair bit. There's people half my size or way more out of shape then me that basically ragdoll me. I've been tapped by 50+ year olds dudes, boxed up by hefty slow people, strangled almost unconscious by people a good foot shorter than me. It's taught me that, although I could handle myself well against 90% of people who probably have no martial arts background, there's still a good 10% out there that could easily whoop my ass, and you don't know who is that 10% so you treat everyone fair until you have to defend yourself. The reason I call this dude a "meat head" was because he was a built dude who was just being a general asshole. According to people at the party He tried bullying my friend into letting him have some of his weed, friend didn't like it, I stepped in and tried to defuse it, and he just got mad and wanted to throw hands. If I wasore sober or in control I would've tried to defuse it, or at least used Jiu jitsu or judo instead of MT so he wouldn't have gotten really hurt, that's my bad and I do feel bad, I don't like hurting people outside a controlled environment
Ryan Bennett
Literally no one will laugh at you, that stuff rarely happens at regular weight lifting gyms, but definitely not at MMA gyms. Alot of guys start martial arts when they're young from being bullied, they won't do the same. If they do, tell your instructor, they'll be kicked out of that gym. If they're not, tough luck you found a shitty gym. They're not all like that
Dylan Adams
>Shit user I've been training since I was a kid.
See this is the thing though, when you're a kid shit just sticks to you, you have to out in minimal work to start learning something and be good with it. Not knocking your effort, I'm sure you work your ass off daily, but as a kid you can pick stuff up so much quicker. That's why people who are bilingual usually had a second language from childhood, you're just alot more impressionable at that age. Most people browsing this board are in their early to mid 20's, got jobs and shit to worry about. What you're saying is like "hey to get really good at speaking other languages you gotta do a bunch at once, just learn 5 at a time". It's just not realistic for most unless they're really gifted or have insane work ethic and alot of time
>I did a lot of training true mixed martial arts.Not shit you can pick up from some faggot in a gym.
This is kinda weird though. I don't get people who brag about their form of martial arts because "you cant learn it in a gym". I can trace the lineage of my instructors, find their fights, their matches, ask them any questions I want about martial arts and get a good response. That's why they have a gym, they're so peak that they can make money off of it. 30+ years of international competition started from a gym for these guys, and ended in a gym teaching the next generation.
>Martial arts is fucking life bro.
I'm just suggesting people pick up a useful hobey, if they're really good at it and want to make a life out of it, I wish them luck, it's a long and dangerous path ahead. I've only been doing it half a year, I'd like one day to have an amateur fight in Muay Thai/ kickboxing and see where it goes from there, but that's a ways off yet.
Hudson Moore
No problem! I had a big lay off for a bit, I struggle with this thing where once I stop going to something even for a week or so, my anxiety and depression just start this cycle that keeps me from getting up and going. But martial arts has been good to me, Muay Thai I found is a direct way to get out my frustration, I feel like a sniper when I'm hitting and kicking a heavy bag. And jiu jitsu and other forms of graping are so technique based I literally cannot thing about other stuff.
If anyone else is reading this, I implore you to try, you won't regret it. Keep grinding user
Juan Jones
I didn't mean you can't learn in gym. I'm saying today's standard of a mixed martial arts is scrutinized basically watered down. I meant that I went from class to class learning individual styles instead of finding a gym that would focus on all at once. When incorporating multiple arts it should be from one pure discipline that you can transition to another. I find mma gyms to be disposable. I have no problems with gyms that have a week or so where they do wrestling or boxing. I find it more beneficial to do or stay rather than mixed study. I didn't mean to brag about anything my apologies. And as for it being life it is for me at least. I do it everyday. Even if it's just shadow sparring for an hour.
Nicholas Allen
And I didn't mean to say that you should pick it up and revolve your life around it. My training has slowed down greatly ever since I started working a while back. But as a kid my dad one and taught me the value of it and it's something I want to pass along when I have kids off my own
Jordan Rogers
Oh yeah I totally agree, I don't train MMA , I train multiple styles and just for sake of simplicity say to train MMA because it's mixing several martial arts, but not really mixing, just training simultaneously. I don't believe training at a gym that does "MMA classes" is helpful, it's basically those shitty self defense classes, it's not really MMA because you're not learning any martial arts. To get into MMA you need to start off with separate disciplines, train them alot, and transition into how to combine them together. The deadliest guys are those that can go from striking, to take downs, to grappling all in one fluid motion, and do each very well. If you train at a strictly MMA gym, you can transition between all, but your knowledge and skills in each is severely limited.
My gym doesn't do any MMA classes, maybe the closest we get is our judo/sambo/takedown day that is centered around grappling in an MMA sense, but even so it's really just judo takedowns.
Cooper Davis
A lot of my sparing growing up when it wasn't just classes was freestyling. Standing to clinch to grappling. Whatever you could successfully do. That's true MMA. Being there short guy made me understand mixing it up was the only way to match up against different sizes of people. Short being like 5 foot 9 inches
Matthew Thompson
Keep in mind that sambo and judo have very similar takedowns both being "jacket fighting"
Charles Wright
No boxing?? pretty gay user.
Sebastian Turner
Sambo's way better desu
Wyatt Collins
I did a little but not enough to consider it something I trained under.
Carson Long
>Why don't you do a martial art, user? Because every single place only teaches kids or women. Apparently men aren't allowed to know how to defend themselves.
William Phillips
unironically this, except do mma instead, its much more well rounded
Carter Morgan
Where the fuck am I gonna learn Pencak Silat in fucking Carmel, IN
I saw The Raid 2 and fucking fell in love with the brutality of it
Jacob Martinez
I think youre a bit confused because learning each martial art separately and trying to transition between is a fucking nightmare, where as in mma its all in one. Take this example, if you train boxing, judo and ju-jitsu and get into a fight, he takes you down, and starts ramming you in the face, but you have only trained ju-jitsu and as such are not used to being punched while on the ground, nor can you punch them. You lose to a ground and pound knockout. But with mma you dont have to "transition" between styles its all in one. dont get me wrong there is definitely value in each style but i just think mma is better.
I'm a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu person by heart, I love the sport. Earned my blue belt before I'm even out of high school, but all of them convinced me to go back and do my senior year of wrestling (I'm still in HS mind you) so that's where I'm at. I just love grappling man, but the Mauy Thai I've done is sweet, but I've only done about 3 months of it before I went into wrestling.
If any of you want to know what I recommend, it's Jiu-Jitsu. Most street fights end up on the ground in the first place so it's most applicable irl. You do have to embrace the suck though, for the first couple of months, there's no other way around it, you're just gonna suck. But after that time, you start hitting stuff and before you know it, you're confident and ready to take on anyone. It's changed muh life man. :)
Andrew Jones
If your martial arts place has separate classes for women, it's a fake ass martial arts place. Separate kids classes makes sense, but all our adult classes are co-ed
Yeah this is the shit part , decent gym can be anywhere from $80-$150 a month. Usually the higher cost it's either you're getting ripped off or the instructors are waaay better. You should be able to do a few things at a good gym. One is trace the lineage of your instructors, that means figure out who trained them, and their trainers trainer and so forth, also look up their fight/competition record. The next is be able to watch a class/participate or do a lesson for free to see if you like it. If gyms don't do this then be wary. The only thing that gives you brain damage is competition, if you're getting CTE from training then you're an over aggressive dumb ape I come from a heavy Wrestling background but went in jiu jitsu after being graduated for a year or so. Having the background of Wrestling then going into jiu jitsu was the way to go. First off, I have instant advantage on so many types of take downs, front head locks used to be my bread and butter and now I can just transition into a guillotine, lift their arm and drive my way over to get side control, stuff their arm and swivle around to get back. Also I can scramble out of a bad position fairly well, it's just instinct now from years of drilling
I'd say Jiu jitsu is obviously better at submitting, subduing an opponent, but Wrestling is better at takedowns and teaching how to control an opponent and scramble
Leo Wright
The world's best martial artist does not fear the world's second-best martial artist. He fears the world's worst martial artist, because there is no telling what that moron is gonna do!
Luis Thompson
>Jew Jitsu
Is that that fighting style the Israelis created?
Jackson Anderson
>did mma for 10 years >Literally no attention from females as if i dont exist
Andrew Myers
You don't need to. You interact with others only when sparring and even then it's not like you have to talk to them. If you think you'd like it, go and find out.
James Turner
>it's not like you have to talk to them
True warriors let their fists do the talking.
Dylan Torres
I do, OP: I've been doing karate for 16 years. >inb4 everyone laughs at karate I'm not in America, so none of that McDojo bullshit. We do full contact and throw in some techniques from other disciplines for takedowns and the like. I do also love the individuality of kata, I think it fits well with the robot personality.
It hasn't helped me much with girls, but that's because I don't talk to them anyway. It did improve my confidence a lot, especially now that I'm in the highest ranks. Too bad no girl ever gets to this level, I miss sparring with girls; these days I only get burly fifty-year-old masters.
Luis Rogers
Mainly the fear of brain damage and a shoulder injury. I'm planning on picking up BJJ and kickboxing though, and maybe move to MMA eventually. You don't have to do a martial art though, any sport is great. There's no better vent for your feelings than pushing yourself as far as possible.
Matthew Rodriguez
how do you know you're being trained by pros and not mall ninjas?
Oliver James
Any instructor worth their salt will have a reputable lineage (who taught them, you taught their instructor, who taught their instructors instructor) and a decent record in competition
Asher Myers
Well you need to beat the shit out of them first, I figured this went without saying
Dylan Ward
I've never been too versed in karate but I recently saw a gif from some world karate championship final, one dude got front kicked and pretty much all but completely knocked out, seemed pretty serious to me so I don't knock it.
The only martial arts that are fucking useless are the ones taught by old ass flabby philosophers who claim to be able to kill a man in one touch. Joe Rogan had a funny bit on one of his podcast about this
Connor Kelly
boxing is a fun martial art and decent work out
get a bag or one of those dummys and you can take out a lot of energy and aggression on them
Chase King
get a book there's tons
Charles Perry
Picked up on boxing a month ago, feeling like I'm alive only during training. I fucking hate uni
James Allen
Same, fucking college and fuck getting a degree, the one thing everyone would be universally happy with if it didn't exist is money, yet that's what we are all striving towards
Cameron Harris
>Depressed? I dare you to be mopey and sad while training. I went through the worst break up of my life and the only time of day I didn't feel like killing myself is when i was training This x1000. If it hadn't been for boxing I would be a rotting corpse