L want kids

>l want kids

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>gf tells you she wants kids and a family when she can barely support herself
Why are women so retarded?

Why the NPC face? Is propagating your genes not the meaning of life?

>girl i've orbited for years starts talking about having kids with her bf

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>hurr muh jeans
Why would any rational person give a single fuck? What does that do for you personally?

Children are a money vacuum and idgaf "muh jeans"

I have it on good authority that everyone on earth will become infertile very soon, finally suffering will be at an end

>muh dick is the meaning of life!!!!

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>he decides to be attached to this one existence when there are many others

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If you want to have kids in your 20s you're one of several things:

1) Literally retarded, like actually braindead and should be euthanized.
2) Some stupid roastie who knows she can bag some working man cuck and be provided for.
3) You're some trustfund baby or well off enough to not have to worry about financial security, so why not.

Most people would rather not be immediately forgotten about after they die. But yeah whats the point in that? Maybe we should kill ourselves now. Let's all be nihilists

>Most people would rather not be immediately forgotten about after they die.
And that is completely irrational. You are fucking dead. It does not affect you. Even if you have kids youll still be forgotten within a couple generations

this made me lulz thanks user

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People should take responsibility for their shit genes and opt out of having offspring if they have objectively undesirable traits. The notion that everyone deserves a chance to have kids isn't an excuse to ignore these glaring facts.

I don't want to HAVE kids but I wouldn't mind teaching them. There's so much crap they should be learning before their brains get fried by depression and substance abuse.

I want to have kids. To mold them in my image. To indoctrinate them with my philosophy of life. And if they anb their descendents do the same, then in a way I will have achieved a sort of immortality.

My meaning is to serve my parents they wanted a helper, but I don't want a helper.

>not steering your children into your image
>not raising your kids to be the man you wish you could have been
>not having children to fill your house with love
>not having children to support you in your old age

I think someone got jewpilled and doesn't want to propagate his ideology and race

>I don't like sex I just want comfy cuddling

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>not projecting your failures onto your children and ultimately just forcing them down the same path you took

Why the fuck does it matter if you're remembered or not? You're dead. That's that

>not steering your children into your image
>not raising your kids to be the man you wish you could have been
why should I think I am able to do so when my own father failed at it?

This user knows what's up. You disgusting breeders are literally no better than the animals you eat.

This. 20s are for living your life single. Any man who gets married before 30 is a tard.

Because you know why he failed, you experience a father who did it wrong and know what that looks like.

This is me, orginal

Wow, one example is all it takes, nevermind the fact that he can put you in debt at the very worst. There are no persuasive arguments to perpetuate a cycle of nothingness just so life might be easier for *your* kids.

Just buy some idiot lmao

user, some people have this thing called sex, and it creates babies. It's not always planned or wanted, in fact most times it isn't. Kids just happen sometimes, and people adapt to the change in circumstance. It's what functioning humans do.

this is why abortion is so important

>-l dont want kids

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It depends on whether you value your lifestyle enough to deny your unborn child a life of its own I guess.

you couldnt have asked it if it wanted life in the first place so why does that matter?

not cool there friendo

You know, I am pro-choice but this is the hardest pill to swallow in regards to this. You have to decide for yourself what the odds are that they will be able to survive the tidal wave of bloodshed and insanity that you may or may not see, and have no faith in anyone around you to stop it, and may pass up the opportunity to stop it in the process. But if human life is so valuable why are we pumping out hundreds or thousands just for the chance that someone's child can perform literal magic?

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>Had a shit life
>Kind of want to have kids to give them better life than I

based af desu man

that isn't real...
is it

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The keyword is "want." Unplanned pregnancies are a thing and if you find yourself in a position where abortion isn't an option then I am extremely sorry for your circumstances and hope you can make the best of effectively not having an opportunity to live your own life with any degree of freedom.

>tfw you didn't even bother to see if it was pizza
I need to stop coming here, this is ridiculous.

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>tfw met a woman online and had a baby with her

it was
cat pizza

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You can have somewhat of a life if you have support but if you don't, it will drain the life out of you. Children need more than to be just fed, clothed and shipped off to neverland ranch.

Yeah desu I'm a britfag and it's almost 6am and I've been up all night, my brain just totally blindspotted the word "want" and I only noticed it after I had already posted.

Oh it certainly was user, welcome to Jow Forums

Christ, tripfags are annoying.

I want kids because I was raised poorly so I want to pass on the lessons on how NOT to be a parent that I learned from my parents, so that my existence will end up being a net positive for the world.

>fatman posts in literally every antinatalism thread


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fatman is the opposite of based. He is a disgusting breeding normalfag who subjected another male to decades upon decades of misery on Earth. Fatman is scum.

>even the ones with digiorno

I share these feels. My brother and I were raised by a poorfag single mom. We lived in a crummy apartment in the shitty part of a nice city so growing up I was always around kids from families with way more money. I remember realizing how poor we were and how much better off most people I saw day to day were than us at a very young age.

Now I have a respectable job and a very good income. I really want kids and I want to give them a happier childhood and a better life in a two parent household. I want to break the circle of generational poverty. Just have to solve the >tfw no gf problem first.

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go to the park and get one there are kids everywhere.

but then you would be raising kids based off of being against your parents trying to prove them you're right, which is probably no different on how they raised you.

Natalism is required for a successful revolution.

>204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person's genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn't matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

>205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world's population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world's population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

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I'm pretty sure your dad was the same as you but mommy took custody. What makes you think it'll be any different this time?

lol this guy thinks he's gonna have good kids. ohh man here's billies dad creator of the best crack head that ever sucked a dick.

>isn't giving in to your bio programming not an NPC thing?

>he wasn't even the best dick sucker that ever smoked crack

Not at all. My dad has his life together now but he was an alcoholic junkie when I was growing up. Constantly in and out of jail for drugs and petty crimes. They divorced when I was 5 or 6 because of the drugs and arrests. He was never abusive towards me or my brother or mom but he was a big liar and all around piece of shit when he was going through his problems. I would never call him a good father.

I don't want a funeral. Yet you can't even prevent one from happening as your dying wish.

Yes, having a family sounds great.

Your bioprogramming? Everything you do is bio programming you dumb piece of shit

what was it my dudes?

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i dont think thats true, plenty of people just get cremated with no ceremony

This guy was pretty based. I liked his memo

nothing special

People can have a ceremony without a viewing.




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if a person has a ceremony and theres no one to view it, did it really happen?

there's nothing wrong with wanting kids if your finically stable and have a good job.

There is though, you are creating life that hasn't had any say in it.

The issue is that literally almost no one acquires this nowadays without support. Literally every single woman I've met across my personal and professional life who has met the criteria you speak of has ONLY acquired it through virtue of essentially being a leech to someone else.

The ceremony won't be hosted if nobody wants it, it's unbelievable that I have to tell you this.

Don't tell me, tell the guy that said you cannot not have a ceremony.

Meaning in life is rational. Neck yourself, child.

le edgy nihilst kid