How you holding up, user? Wanna talk about it?

How you holding up, user? Wanna talk about it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

no leave me alone mom


I'm having a hard time breaking out of this rut. I can see some things I want to do and change about my life but I'm not even sure how to start

i lost multiple games of chess, been depressed ever since that. Im dumb and will never amount to anything

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I was really bad yesterday, but I'm feeling a little better today. I'm not really sure why, hoping it continues though.

Haven't jacked off in exactly one week. I feel neutral.

Nofap is vital to reclaiming your lifeforce. Whenever a man orgasms, his testosterone is converted into DHT which basically feminizes him. It's not normal for us to cum daily, and it wreaks havoc on dopamine levels. I have been doing nofap for years. It fundamentally changed who I am and how I experience life. I don't feel the benefits a week or even two weeks in, but your mileage may vary.

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It's 2:20 and I've been thinking what to say to my tinder match since around 21:00, she's super cute and I really want to talk to her, why is it so hard? Last time I tried to start a conversation with a girl I was 16, it's been 6 years I feel so lame

I know that feel, you have to try to get a few matches so there's less pressure. That way you know if you mess up with one there's another.

my virgin gf committed suicide on thanksgiving and i just found out. i never even wished her a happy holiday. i feel like the worst human alive

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Honestly, my world is collapsing all around me and there is no one left to talk about it with.

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>he actually got a match
that's more than I can say for myself
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong I thought I was kinda cute.

just talk to her like you'd talk to any of your other friends. the best relationships I had were those where I was good friends with the other person

My hatred for women has increased.
Got a cute girl's number for the first time. Text her, she ignores me. Look at her social media, she's got a fucking boyfriend. Chris-Chan was onto something with his infinitely high boyfriend factor theory, but then even a broken clock is right twice a day.

If this is your first conversation with a girl in six years.. then it's probably not going to end well. But keep trying, and around try twenty or thirty you'll snag one.

I feel like a ghost.
I have nothing, friends, relationships, only have 6 family members left alive.
I go to work, come home, play vidya/watch anime, sleep, repeat, zero difference, zero real reason to even do it being I still live with my parents.
Everything reminds me of how I wasted my highschool years and how I'm currently wasting the prime of my life, I have no experiences, memories, anything from the past 10 years.
Still haven't applied to any colleges so I'm kind of just there. I just feel so fucking empty.

I actually think there is some validity to this.

This is a good thread. Give us advice OP.

I found my soulmate. The right one. My perfect match.

She lives thousands of kilometers away and we're nevermets. I know it's actually crazy to fall in love with someone I never met. If a friend told me the same I'd be really critical and tell them to be careful. I didn't think this was possible until it happened to me. I want to tell everyone about it but I am afraid they would think I am not right in the head. I am so happy and I can't share it with anyone but my perfect gf who is so far away.

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I'll bite.
I'm making a video... I'm really close to finishing it, people who saw the rough cut raved about it, but to finish it I need to re-record the voice-over.
I hate my voice. I really don't want to spend an hour struggling to make my voice sound good and then spend hours more leveling it and cutting it to match the video, so I'm not finishing the video. And I hate myself with each passing moment more.

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What do you think it's going to take for you to start applying to colleges? What's holding you back? Don't you agree that even though it's no guarantee of getting memories and experiences, that it's your best bet?
Not OP btw.

Nah dude, you need to back away from that.

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Been trying to get a job for the past month and no luck. Sent three applications tonight and hoping at least one place gives me a chance.

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>want to buy a nintendo switch for christmas
>have to also buy my brother some shit for christmas
>dog needs a check, flea medicine and rabies shot
>boss cut my hours
ill have to be late to YET ANOTHER GAME RELEASE because fucking boomers take up all the hours while outsourcing alternatives to asia

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Not him but exact same situation. I'm afraid. I just live my whole life in fear.

Fear of what though? When is this fear worst and when it is benign or you can at least deal with it?

at least they dont spend their money on childrens toys. yikes.

ive been unemployed for 3 years. youll have to send more than 3 a day if you want an interview. ive been to every location in my area thats within 20 miles... about 4x by now. have been interviewed at a sonic like 3x. local chain grocer 7x. applied to mcdonalds about 5x, no call. walmart also has never called. ive noticed they only ever hire blacks anymore. latinos nabbed a position in the 80s and have been there ever since. they are not quitting for maybe 3 more decades

A scenario that comes to mind is just sitting down with other people/students in a casual environment and talking. Someone says something and I inevitably respond like an autist or an unable to say anything.
Suddenly everyone is feeling awkward and their pitying me for being so pathetic. Worst case someone starts teasing me.

How the fuck haven't you landed a job? Is your resume empty or something?

How likely do you think this situation is to occur out of 10?
Like next time you're with other students in a casual environment, 10/10 means it will absolutely happen, 1/10 means it will only happen under impossibly specific circumstances: it also coincides with a Wednesday where you're wearing green and blue underpants, and one of the group is a guy called Dale Hodgkinson Jnr

Ok I guess. I'll have my meme degree come next week but at least I'll finally be out of the night mare that was college. Gonna finally try and get a bf too. We'll see how it goes I guess. Hopefully I'll get an okay job. Didn't plan much for getting a job and still don't know what I wanna do mainly because I don't want to do anything in particular.

test post ignore desu,,

I don't understand the point you are trying to make. If I'm going to attempt school again and try to make friends, this scenario has a 99% chance of happening. If I do nothing it has a 0% chance.

I'm not making a point, I'm asking a question - what is the chance you're going to respond like an autist or be unable to say anything out of 10?
Then I was going to ask you what do you think the likelyhood of being teased is out of 10.
There is no right or wrong answer by the way, this is simply what you think the likelihood is.

What meme degree did you get CS?

it was at first. then i got a few months of grocery. i quit my first job because they demoted me. i didnt do anything wrong the replacement simply quit and i became "needed in the front lines". after that i exaggerated saying i had 1 year of grocery. but that means nothing to the employer apparently. they instead hire 48 year old pedro who has 20 years of experience

probably a 9. i'd like to say 10 but i'm not bold enough to deal in absolutes.
i honestly dont know what the likelihood of being teased is. nobody teased me in high school, they just felt sorry for me which was almost as bad.

user try putting stock worker and say you worked at toy r us for 2years. If they ask just say you would unload palettes of merchandise and then stock it. They can't call to see if it's true because most toys r us closed down.

Okay so for you this is a near certainty? I can understand why you're feeling this constant fear, this whole shit about you believe that if you're in a casual situation with your peers you can't help but either find nothing to say, or "respond like an autist"?
What does respond like an autist mean to you? Like do you think you can tell when you've done it without even getting a reaction or response - or to put it another way, can you see it in others?

What I'm basically getting at is: what could you possibly do to mitigate this happening?
And I don't mean avoiding all casual encounters all together, that doesn't help you, I mean think about what you can do or not do in these situations.

i did put stock work in my resume. i stocked at the grocery store. i tried lying to blockbuster saying i knew about merchandising. didnt work haha. but thatd be a good idea for future references. i kinda gave up... tired of wasting gas on some interviewer who didnt even read my resume

Yeah but seeing that you dedicated 2years of your to actually working at the same spot gives you more relability.

can't get an electrical engineering job and dont want to finish my PhD send love

no I will not send love

>what could you possibly do to mitigate this happening?
i think i would have to fundamentally change who i am but that doesn't really seem possible. i dont believe someone can just change their personality even if they tried for years.
the alternative is of course constant trial and error through exposure. i'm not doing that.
>What does respond like an autist mean to you?
communicating poorly. i end up stumbling over my words and get confused about whatever the hell it is i was trying to say. sometimes my mind just goes blank.
another big part is not saying normalfag friendly things. i dont like popular culture and it causes a huge disconnect between me and whoever im talking to.
Them: "What games do you play? What music do you like? What movies?"
Me: "[Things they've never fucking heard of or think is shit]"
I don't want to be friends with someone if I have to constantly lie to their face about what i like. I'm a terrible liar anyway, they'd notice.

I'm burnt out physically and mentally. Physically lack the energy to concentrate, and mentally don't have any motivation to concentrate. I just want to leave this world and just keep going, as far as I can.

>i think i would have to fundamentally change who i am but that doesn't really seem possible.
You don't have to fundamentally change your personality, put a end to that thought right now, I can actually explain to you why that is if you want in another post. But just humor me for the moment.
>I don't want to be friends with someone if I have to constantly lie to their face about what i like.
If this is the case, then why do you feel this fear about reacting in, what's for you, a natural, honest way?
Like describe to me how you feel, and more importantly think through why you feel this way?
I guess what I'm trying to get at is - if these are people you have nothing in common with, how important is it to earn their esteem? (Yes, I know, we all want to feel accepted, no one likes to stand out too much blah blah blah - I'm not denying that visceral feeling)
I mean, would you agree there's a at least in principle there's a contradiction there between having nothing in common with these people and yet being afraid of acting in a autistic way around them? If you don't agree, that's fine, but I'm just trying to understand why.

I feel lonelier than ever in life right now. I try to help people out and do the right thing but I just keep getting fucked. It's hard to keep wanting to go on guys, I'm trying to stay strong and if anyone else is going through this, I hope you can stay strong too.

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It's exam season, I missed my last science test, I just woke up with the flu, my mom doesn't believe I'm sick, I'm 3 years behind in school and I feel like I'm losing my friends. I feel fucking horrible.

I hope things get better for you, user. I feel like giving up desu.

i come to this board to pull myself back into the rut, if i try to think myself out of it i feel like im lying to myself,

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yeah tinders broken, havent gotten a match in weeks

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>why do you feel this fear about reacting in, what's for you, a natural, honest way?
i couldn't tell you. i haven't felt it properly in a long time since i just avoid everything now. I dont remember. my chest feels very tight when it happens, i only know that much. i just remember how unpleasant it was and having a very strong urge to run away which i have done before.
>how important is it to earn their esteem?
not very i guess but normalfags are the majority wherever you go. its hard not to feel inferior for being different when the normal people are the happy and accomplished ones, at least in comparison to myself.
Yes i agree there's a contradiction but loneliness has become increasing painful over the years. im definitely extremely introverted but that doesn't mean i dont want something. normalfags seem like the only other people that exist.
i hope im answering properly.

I need da love

been off my medication for a little while now, feels like I basically just lost like a 8 month period of my life and I'm finally back in reality.

Also due to this i'm extremely depressed and I genuinely thought a trap on tiktok doing cosplay was attractive. I was fully aware he was a dude.

>i hope im answering properly.
You are. Don't worry about it.
>its hard not to feel inferior for being different when the normal people are the happy and accomplished ones, at least in comparison to myself.
What does accomplishment look like to you?
Don't you think that maybe normies are just better at wearing their frowns on the inside? You've said it yourself, you don't want to bother with an insincere interaction with people, do you think it's possible that a lot of normies (because let's be realistic, as fun as it is to mock them as being all cut from the same cloth, there are variations) are just faking it. Because they've been told to like in pic related?
But I'm interested when you say normal people are the 'accomplished ones' compared to you? What do they have hanging over you?
> im definitely extremely introverted but that doesn't mean i dont want something
You're human! Fuck off anybody who denies you that. It's just really difficult for you to make that connection happen. So you fall further and further into loneliness because you have this fear.
It's not all that uncommon to experience that paradox.

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Ran out of weed, ran out of money, and my job lost my last paycheck. Gotta buy Christmas presents for the family, and it's gonna have to go on my credit card. I waited outside a Walmart the other day contemplating buying some rope to an hero with, but talked myself out of it. Not because I decided against killing myself, but because I've let myself dangle before from an electrical cord and it was incredibly painful, and my survival instinct kicked in and I pulled myself up, so I knew I would fail.

Not doing too bad. Wish the website I actually get on wasn't dead at this hour. I am just playing Quake taking kratom.

what's your job user? how do you keep it? I just stopped going one day. now i'm unemployed and deliver packages on amazon flex. it pays but my life is meaningless now, went to graduate school for nothing.

its nice just interacting with someone. you're a very kind and smart user and speak a lot of wisdom.
>What does accomplishment look like to you?
>What do they have hanging over you?
Just talking about people in general; decent education and jobs, close bonds with other people, successful romantic relationships.
When it comes to other men specifically it's a different story. I'm incredibly insecure about not being masculine enough. I don't look feminine on the outside but inside im incredibly soft-hearted and pathetic. Nobody respects weak men and I would never expect them to. Any woman would be disgusted at what a coward i am and again I don't blame them. I dont understand how incels can blame women for not being attracted to them. It's basic biology. It's like asking them to be attracted to another woman.
Anyway that has nothing to with what you asked so sorry.
But yeah i guess my point is that they are living respectable lives while i just work my shit job in a warehouse and come home to fap to cartoons and play video games. It seems like feelings of inferiority would come naturally as a result of that because objectively they aren't on the same level of pathetic as i am.

>tfw overslept

Its very difficult for sure and results in tons of failures before you find a reasonable means of accomplishing things. The only advice here is to throw yourself at each-thing simultaneously in a trial-like form to determine how you can best manage time, what needs priority, where you may be strong/ weak in improvement and how strongly you truly feel. It takes a very long time to get where you really want to be granted,

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so i've been texting a girl on tinder and we are meeting tomorrow. but i haven't had a job in 2 months, i got fired in october. should i pretend to be gainfully employed? or should i just tell her the truth?

I want to contribute but i have no idea about what i should share...

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tell her the truth but act confident about a promising new job.

actually this is really good thank you user
i am waiting to hear back for an in person interview so its true-ish

I'm actually really looking forward to play Minecraft all day when I get home.

you should clean your room, bucko

all the best, keep your head up. make a list and keep getting organized.

Thanks aussiebro. I will try to take your advice.

>you're a very kind and smart user and speak a lot of wisdom.
Thanks user, that's nice to hear.
A lot of what you're doing is internalizing messages from the normie world and you feel bad when you don't match up. I don't think you've stopped to ask if they're valid.
>Just talking about people in general;
Generalities can be awfully deceptive. Who are you comparing yourself to exactly? Is their job that great? Sure they may earn more money, but what if they work for an amoral company, or if they got there only because of nepotism, or if as a result of actually being really good at their job they sacrifice their home life, they're only friends are colleges, they don't have a 'successful romantic relationship' even though they could because they have all the status that makes them eligible?
>I'm incredibly insecure about not being masculine enough
Is that because you think that makes you unattractive in the eyes of women? What do you mean by 'soft-heartedness' and why do you think it's pathetic?
>Nobody respects weak men
A lot of what you say is correct but in the post Woody Allen age this is utterly untrue, for better or worse. Steve Jobs use to cry constantly, I mean bawl his eyes out, even after being a billionaire and is was of the most respected men of his era. Kanye West's most critically applauded album basically dedicated to his own insecurities. I could go on and on with this. I mean, fucking basedbois, everywhere!
Half of society seems to respect weak men. Let's not get into whether or not this is a good thing.
> It seems like feelings of inferiority would come naturally as a result of that because objectively they aren't on the same level of pathetic as i am.
It's only natural if you compare yourself to a vague generality. I just wonder how much of this is 'instagram syndrome' where people only project the best parts of their life outwards and so their followers feel inferior because they see only this polished veneer not the reality underneath?

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no problem man. good luck.

I just don't know anymore. Starting to wonder if I've ever known anything ever. Its like everywhere I go and every thing I touch is made worse by virtue of my existence. The more I look at myself the more I realize that I am a hypocrite who regularly betrays every ideal I claim to hold dear. I fail my family, my God, and anyone who even remotely relies on me daily and yet I lack the motivation to even try to fix myself. When I'm not working at my braindead job I'm in my messy apartment alone waiting for my next shift praying that ether things get better or my heart stops soon. I don't mind which though I probably deserve the latter. I tell myself I've made peace with the fact I'm going to die alone and unloved but thats just I lie I tell myself to try and numb the pain enough that I can sleep at night. And in spite of everything that I bitch about there are countless people who have it infinitely worse than me so I'm also just a fucking bitch who can't handle a little difficulty in his life. Things used to be so much easier.
I just want to go home.

Gonna kill myself on New Year's. Wish I had a gun, it's so reliable and easy. Without one I'm just too fucking durable. I've got a thick neck and I'm so heavy that I can't hang myself, nothing to support the weight. No tall buildings I can access and that's too much of a mess, I don't want to be a dick. Traffic is out, same reason, and I don't own a care for the CO trick. Wrist cutting doesn't work and I don't have any meds that kill properly. So, here's the method: wait till Jan 1st. It'll have snowed by then. Go out to the woods, strip off, and bury myself in the snow. That oughta do it. I won't be found if I'm buried, not till spring. This way my family can tell themselves it was an accident or something. They'll feel better that way.

The only person I've ever really considered a close friend got hit by a bus a few days ago. I miss him more than I ever assumed I would.
He had a certain childlike innocence that I was and still am extremely jealous of. It's not the kind of mindset that can be acquired or learned.
One time when I was a teenager living with my mom in an apartment downtown, he came over and we hung out for a while. We snuck out went up to the roof to look at the city at night and I went on a long and stupid rant about how each one of those lights represented a person and how they remind me of how complicated and horrible the world really is.
He only said, "I just see pretty lights."

So anyway I'm sad.

I'm good, I'm good. I'm a fighter, nothings gets me down, though plenty should. Everything around me is breaking except my willpower

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I can relate to this.

Everything fucking sucks, but I'm too bitter and stubborn to let it take me down.

We'll pull through this, user.

It's that dreadful time again where after ghosting everyone I retroactively wish I had a few friends again. I'm even obsessively looking up what some are up to every few days while fantasizing about being in contact. Wonder when I'll snap and predate for the next group to inevitably ghost. It feels really bad not meaning anything to anyone. It seems like I cannot live without people, but also not with them.

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Glad to hear it user, stay strong and I'm sure everything will turn out right.

sounds like you're too afraid to be more attached to a group that you like and you immediately bail cause of your own insecurities. try and let someone actually in your life, you will see the difference

Are you Love?

I can't believe I'm still here - what does that mean?

I'm ok, could be a lot better though. I really want to talk to people irl, but I just don't have anything to talk about. I've been listening to other people talk and I just don't understand small talk, it's all so damn uninteresting.
Maybe I'm a boring person but others aren't much better than me yet can hold conversation, what am I doing wrong?

Confessed to the love of my life that I love her but can never be with her because I'm a sociopath whose involved in occultism and has fucked way too many women to ever be with her. Shit sucked

Today is the last day in college this semester, then I'll be on vacation for 2 months. College is the only place I go that I talk to someone, and if there's a chance of me making any friends, it's there. I haven't made any yet so I'll pass this 2 months without talking to anyone, until next semester to see if I'll have any luck again. I've done this for 2 years now, and I'm almost graduating.

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I ain't holding up shit, slept around 3-4 hrs, stood in bed for longer, drifting in and out of unconsciousness.
Eventually i gave up and started to think, i wanted to be a kid again, curl up while mom strokes my head,hair,ears, forget about everything and bask in the only person that has ever shown affection to me.
But I'm a grown up now, women and kids first right?
Where is the line drawn when the kid we all once were is no more deserving of love?
I don't trust anyone, I've never been in a relationship, what if she betrays me, what if whatever love i might feel one day makes me betray her?
Too much risk, so i just stay away from everything, giving up on the good, the bad, the weird.
Nothing matters to me anymore, i wish i had enough strength to end myself without guilt.
I wish everything and everyone despite our "advanced" society, wasn't still so bound by natural animalistic laws and flaws.
Why is everything the way it is?