Why aren't you living meaningfully? Why are you wasting your time, hours and hours, doing nothing? You call this living?
What matters in this life?
>Why are you wasting your time, hours and hours, doing nothing? You call this living?
yes, now what?
i dont think anything here is meaningful so its not bothering me
Have a near death experience and your perspective on everything will change.
ok ill get to it, hopefully it wont be near death but full death
Once you see the abyss, you'll do anything never to have to look at it again.
For a few months/years, maybe
Devilish trips, I'm sure you'd get used to looking at it eventually.
That's not how a near death experience work.
I feel sorry for near death people, death should probably only be experienced once.
>Why aren't you living meaningfully?
Because I don't have the means (pun not intended, but seriously, I don't have the capacity to manifest outcomes of meaning or I would describe as fulfilling some kind of existential purpose nor the money to pay people to facilitate those means)
> Why are you wasting your time, hours and hours, doing nothing?
Because I don't know what I can do that has actual impact, there's a wide gap between identifying the things I would like to do or would be meaningful to me and actually making constructive steps towards those things with noticeable and measurable progress.
I'm not good at strategies and tactics.
>You call this living?
Now unless the next words you type are how to get at least 10,000 dollars and the best budget possible to spend that on to expedite my goals within a reasonable (let's say 12-15 month) timeframe you better shut the your goddamn whore mouth OP
wrong, i had one about two weeks ago. i didnt feel any different
life is about enjoying it, not about being "meaningful" whatever that means
Despair is infinitely nauseating
What if the definition of enjoyment is meaning?
I am full time engaged in looking for ways to have fun, and on most days I even manage to have some. I find it meaningful.
What if I disagree, faggot? What if I don't care for your definitions?
Don't get so angry over a hypothetical question, it makes you look vulnerable and close minded.
>i have no argument so you are mad
Yes I don't have an argument - I asked a question - why are you so offended that I deigned to ask a question?
Why do you think I am offended? Maybe you are just projecting your feelings on me.
drunk for second day straight, only thing keeping from offing myself is annoying self preservation, which is complety illogial thing in humans
Because you said "I don't care for" and used the word "faggot" which is certainly not what you use as a means of endearment or ingratiation or even signifying neutralilty, not that I could fathom why - All I'm asking is what if enjoyment is a consequence of personal meaning?
It just seems an incongruous reaction to a, if I might be so modest, innocuous question, unless you can persuade me otherwise?
No, faggot. I don't care enough.
Then why are you using such combative language and going to the trouble of finding reaction images? I mean are we to continue this ritualized dance of feigned indifference to genuine curiosity, or are you man enough to just explain it how you genuinely see it?
Because I can and you are still replying to me.
So you do care enough? Which might even mean you were offended, you have to admit it looks that way?
But let's drill down deeper - what specifically offends you about the idea of enjoyment stemming from meaning?
I think about this a lot. There are a ton of things I'd like to do. But doing these things costs money. So if you want to do things you enjoy, you'll need a job that you probably don't enjoy.
Gotta take the bad with the good.
>So you do care enough?
>what specifically offends you about the idea of enjoyment stemming from meaning?
Why do you think I would believe that - or rather - why do you expect someone to believe that? And why if it was nothing did it warrant a response - what intentionality was behind it?
>Why do you think I would believe that
Why do you think that I think that you believe that?
>And why if it was nothing did it warrant a response
Because I can and you still reply to me.
>Why do you think that I think that you believe that?
Continued engagement mostly but also the aggression of your earlier replies leads me to think that I've struck a chord in you, obviously there is something about my original sentiment you don't like that you're now trying to cover up with feigned indifference, a hypothesis I admit. Maybe you're a nihilist who believes that the world can't be meaningful, maybe someone in your past misapplied the word 'meaning' in a way that revolts you permanently? In lieu of a reasoned counterargument from you this hypothesis is the only one I can think of and I stand by it, I believe your continued engagement with me is more a theater with yourself than me.
I could be wrong... but I doubt it.
People who really don't care disengage. People who do double down on their lies.
Wrong but it's not like you are even capable of grasping the situation you are in now.
damn you r9k niggas are weird
Then please explain this situation far beyond me oh wise one - and while your at it, is enjoyment mutually exclusive with finding 'meaning' in the activity of life?
I'm living meaningfuly, the meaning I give to my life only is very original
>Then please explain this situation far beyond me oh wise one
Take a step back, remove your head out of your ass and re-read the comment chain. Find a pattern and act accordingly. I'm feeling generous today so I will give you the solution after your next post. But try to use your own brain first. Your struggle is kinda arousing.
Nothing in life outside of death is meaningful though. Everything before death is just meaningless filler.
I'm going to be severely underwhelmed but okay,k take pity on me. You're not repeating what I say back to me, there's no acrostic going on...
All i can get is that you're avoiding the question again and again... but WHyyyYYyyyyy?
there's nothing much you can do without financial security
I've come to the unironic conclusion that religion is the only thing that can effectively solve all existential problems and that genuine loving means religious living necessarily.
I was never interested or emotionally invested in you or this discussion. I was just fucking with you and you kept taking me serious. I'm avoiding the question because I don't care. The only winning move was not to play and stop replying to me.
You try to reason with me under the assumption that I value your thoughts as much as you do. Your egocentric perspective literally prevented you to see how you were making a fool out of yourself.
Also it's no effort for me to pick out reaction images. I enjoy looking through my folder because I like anime girls.
And how has that worked out for you? Aside form peace of mind (not knocking it though) what day to day or practical difference has it made?
You mean the very same thing I was doing to you, nah I don't think that's it, I mean - unless we're both horrendously juvenile?
>You mean the very same thing I was doing to you
lol pic related
Not who either one of you were replying to but your both faggots, especially the pseudo intellectual
D-don't call me a faggot, user-kun :(
Or I might hug you :3
People who say they're spiritual but not religious should be all shot.
it's not waste, it's rest to let me think more intensely and fruitfully when i do science and engineering. and even when i lose track and do useless and tiresome shit, it gives me experience to better control myself next time
Now you listen here, come near me and you getting hit with the stick!
>people who are woke to the higher layers of reality and don't like to be boxed into exoteric control structures need to be shot
Incredibly pleb opinion.
I'm unironically going to assume I'm the chad.
>especially the pseudo intellectual
What the hell conversation were you reading?
Because your money/lifting doesn't give meaning to life, being socially and romantically successful is what makes life worth living.
Guess you must be the other guy, I was referring to Now you too stop having internet bitch slapping fights and kiss :)
What has that to do with anything, user. I was talking about the idea of spirituality and you immediately fall back to relating it to other people. Maybe you are not as detached from the material world as you think you are.
Also religion is literal brainlet tier. It has nothing to do with spirituality as you blindly follow things that now dead humans wrote down a few years ago. Just look at churches, ceremonial clothing, rituals etc. and tell me how it is even remotely related to spirituality. Instead of taking the leap of faith they try to dumb down the unknowable to material things we humans can relate to.
Look at the images you are posting. Icons full of vanity and "symbolism" made to impress other humans. Disgusting.
>I'm unironically going to assume I'm the chad.
You can. Doesn't make it right though.
*sending virtual hug and bypassing any and all sticks*
You can't do anything about my affection towards you.
Spirituality without religion is meaningless. I talked shit on "spiritual but not religious" people because most of them actually know nothing about mysticism or philosophy and are just hippies into all that bullshit about crystals and energy and that shit. I'm against organized religion in general a lot of the times, but there's a big difference between just being "spiritual" with crystals and silly things like that and actually being religious and devout.
>have shitty definition of spirituality because of (again) some other unrelated people
>instead use other shitty definition by people who like to dress up
You have to be good looking, or female, in order to be allowed to live meaningfully. I'm neither of those things.
I want to be dead. Simple as that.
>Why aren't you living meaningfully? Why are you wasting your time, hours and hours, doing nothing? You call this living?
????? Originally of course
A near-death experience (NDE) is not the same thing as just being close to death. Did you enter a higher reality in the light, or did you just come close to death?
I only matter as long as I work