tinder thread
how is it working out for you robots? I have a date this saturday
tinder thread
how is it working out for you robots? I have a date this saturday
Got a date tomorrow with a blue eyed Latina.
What's your profile + bio famboi? I post mine every thread and people get annoyed now lol.
>setting dates 2+ days in advance
You fucked up.
>paying to see which ugly girl hands liked you recently
all uglg thots
probably get ran through nightly. you're lucky to be penciled in on such short notice must be slow business
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you normie scum
Post chats with successful lays, these threads are way too boring.
How do you look like? I can't get any matches?
I do shit on Tinder and dating apps despite regularly being told I am really handsome and a couple of times being told I could model or be on TV.
Very few matches, usually only ger liked by fat uggos, I should definitely be doing better than I am but... such is life.
Honestly thinking of trying it, how well could I do as a 6'3 skeleton with a decent face? Does height really matter as much as they say?
Yeah put your height in your bio and some pics emphasizing and displaying height for definite.
literally me
6'3 160lbs who looks like a mix between the kid from the 6th sense and a school shooter
nearing 200 matches in 2 months
pic related
How many of those 200 have you fucked
Chad face once again proving that self improvers are losers
although I met a girl outside of tinder who told her friends that she wanted me to rape her
>Chad face
imagine thinking a 6/10 lanklet is a chad
Wtf is an insta?
I use tinder to look at pretty women, occasionally match with decent women but freak out and end up deleting it because im an autist. Its just a constant cycle and for a while now I havent used it... thinking of going back...
Okcupid now has a thing that shows all the ones that swiped left on you. I had all left swipes from the ones I swiped right. Amazing
I'm too ugly for tinder I think, don't get anything out of it.
Why would they add that? How do you look at it?
on the app if you scroll all the way down on the discovery feed theyll have a section titled They Said: No
deleted my account in an instant
I'll be honest.
Found a couple of girls there, but they're all kind of shallow and fall in the same category of behaviours.
They make me feel empty.
And sex ain't all that great without a connection.
On the other hand I found the perfect waifu thanks to a friend: virgin,petite and has lots of hobbies.
Not a great cook and neither is she the perfect housekeeper,but she warms my heart with a smile.
Leave this stuff behind user,go out and find your soulmate in the wildest,weirdest way.
And then suffer like a beaten dog because you are looking for a good job and this brought a 1000 km from her.
I can feel nails biting on my brain.
>See girl on okc that's basically custom made for me
>New okc is so fucking awful and stupid
The way messaging works now is you both have to match first before the message appears, meaning if you aren't a looker you can't even try your hand with great messages and mending personalities, may as well just fucking use tinder then.
Stupid fucking devs.
How do you learn to act and talk like this?
Am I a failed case if I have no idea how to talk to girls at 23 years old?
I tried it for a bit but only hambeasts and goblin black girls showed up. I'd rather be alone than with that.
Buddy this is literally the only reason I cant get laid. Im mildly attractive but cant talk to girls
I'm the OP of that image. I was a virgin until a few months ago. And tbqh lad, you just have to be direct with what you want. I typed this up yesterday but it applies:
Don't beat around the bush with women, be direct. Don't talk to women for longer than 10 messages before suggesting meeting up. And when you offer a day, make sure it's AT LEAST within a day or two.
And after you two schedule the date, don't text her until you meet up. If you schedule the date two days in advance, make sure to send her a good morning text maximum to let her know you still are interested.
If she flakes without offering to reschedule, unfollow/delete her from social media and unmatch. Don't waste your time chasing girls that aren't interested because there will eventually be one that will be.
Also, don't ask for numbers, that shit is lame. Get an Instagram and make sure you have at least 100+ followers to show off your clout.
Lol lucky you for finding an honest whore. The few conversations I had was always "I'm looking for a serious relationship only :)". And it's always with girls I'd fuck, but not date. The ones I'd date don't match me of course.
God damn bro, the "what you're looking for tinder" question is just fluff to lead into what YOU'RE looking for. What matters is YOUR answer and see what she responds with.
I'm very upfront with my matches. I usually tell them "Gonna be completely honest, I'm just looking for something casual right now. But if something serious comes up, then that's cool too." Which is the truth.
If girls get annoyed when you ask them what they're looking for on tinder, then it's probably the way you're wording it or leading up to the question as well.
It legit pains me to see people like fuck 0 chicks from tinder because they get 10x more matches than me but don't do anything with them
I've tried that route, but they usually stop responding then. Most conversations also feel like FBI interrogations where I ask something about them/their profile and it's just "yes haha". Gave up on tinder desu. The girls on there are weird as fuck. They don't want to have a genuine conversation, but if you bring up "something casual" they act insulted as well.
I can tell you're a bitch from this post.
I reset my tinder all the time. I get some matches, but nothing ever comes from them most of the time. I've dated one girl off there tho.
Probably. I'm the typical nice guy, although I don't throw a fit of rage when a girl ghosts me in the end.
What do you mean with reset? Does it erase all swipes you made and let you start over?
yup. just delete your profile and then make another one. I've had girls swipe left on me on one profile, then swipe right on me later with some tweaks to the pictures/bio etc.
>Probably. I'm the typical nice guy, although I don't throw a fit of rage when a girl ghosts me in the end.
Yea, I could tell you're a bitch in the way you just accepted my insult. Grow a spine and be direct with what you want.
What does "something casual" mean? I'm not sure what I want. I guess some attention and real life interaction from a good looking female would be nice
I almost feel like I need a "practice girlfriend". Like I'm too inadequate to be in a relationship and it won't work but I want to still see what it's like.
>Get an Instagram and make sure you have at least 100+ followers to show off your clout.
Is this necessary? I have never tried Instagram, but do you think someone who browses anonymous imageboards would enjoy it and be successful at acquiring followers? Do you post pretty photos? Is that what it's for?
get a load of this tough guy, posting on Jow Forums isn't something "cool guys" do. don't act superior.
>Gets laid once with some ugly loose chick on tinder.
>Starts acting like an asshole because he thinks he's Chad.
the only bitch here is you, pussy.
>give advice
>faggot puts himself down without consideration
>call him a faggot bitch
Yeah I should argue with you and prove I'm an alpha on r9k lol
Hm I might give this a go since it's the time of year where everyone wants to date for xmas
My profile. Sitting at 10 matches, around 15 in total? None have responded.
Make #2 first pic and #4 third picture, have an intersting bio that poses a qeustion or challenge, maybe a popular reference, don't make your first message to them a greeting, make it something witty based off their bio or something in their pics
>compete against this
Get a white friend, it's good for your image and humanizes you
God I really wish I was tall and white
>Go on a date with a girl from Tinder
>She's actually a fucking sociopath who brags about hurting animals
>For some reason, we go on a second date
>She brags about how many guys she is fucking on the side and how she had the clap recently
>Go out with another girl
>She seems nice, we get along great, we're really similar in heaps of ways
>She just stops talking to me entirely (probably because she found someone better) and never gives a reason as to why
>Go out with ANOTHER girl
>She's seriously autistic and fidgety and weird and still talks down to me and criticises my looks, dress sense and hobbies
I want to fucking die. Tinder was a mistake and should be fucking made illegal at this point.
Is it still possible to meet women and form relationships like it was done before online dating?
It's really fucking difficult, let me tell you. Nearly every girl is on Tinder, so when they look at you in a social setting, they're thinking about that fucking gorgeous hunk of a doctor/CEO they matched with on Tinder the other night and how you compare. Used to be women could only compare you to the men within their immediate social circle (of normally 100 at most) but now they have all the amazing studs in the world to boost their egos.
nope. you best hope is to have a group of friends and get introduced or work. any 'dating' application today is for casual sex.
Gotta scoop them up fas before chad schedules something with the same day
There's a lot of horny as fuck hot girls that come to tinder to fuck that very day, and that's the best chance a lot of lower class men have
All your matches look really ugly. Plus, there aren't any cute Asian girls. You really should raise your standards.
I mean like because I have way better luck when a girl messages me and I make that shit happen ASAP. Sometimes I'll get a really hot girl and you could tell she was in a horny compulsive mood and didn't feel like waiting for chad
but I had absolutely shit looking planning anything more than 48 hours later
*when a girl matches me
I got a cute Asian gf from Tinder, do I win?
Yes. I'm going to next semester after I upgrade my wardrobe over break. Congrats friend.
Thanks, friend. Good luck with your search. There is light at the end of the tunnel
You have to pay to use tinder?
To see who matched you, yes.
You have to pay to see who has already swiped right on you
>>She's seriously autistic and fidgety and weird and still talks down to me and criticises my looks, dress sense and hobbies
This is all the dumbest shit I've ever read
There is literally nothing to lose with self improvement
Considering she was also not very attractive and deeply unpleasant, I doubt you actually do. You want a pretty girl who you think can connect to you and has low standards, but the "pretty" autistic girls have all been swept off their feet by the time you are 17 by the Alpha Nerds and now live with their parents while married to a NEET. You gotta move fast to get in there.
The second was the first for awhile, didn't change much.
>Plus, there aren't any cute Asian girls
Difficult when you aren't white.
Every girl i know irl says i am a solid 8/10.
In tinder i have swipe right literally like over 500 chicks and i have literally 0 replies.Like wtf
Is tinder some kind of PSYOP or just bugged?
What do you boys think about my situation?
>3rd year at uni
>Match on tinder with chubby white girl who goes to different uni across town
>Really hit it off
>Neither of us are looking for anything serious
>Meet up in real life for coffee/making sure I'm not a serial killer
>Agree to hang out again anyway, order takeout, watch netflix, and fuck
>Continue for the past 2 months as fwb
I really want a long-term relationship, and I don't find her attractive enough or emotionally connect with her. But I also don't want to give up the steady stream of sex 1-4 times a week. I don't want to see other people behind her back, since we've agreed to be exclusive while doing this whole thing.
What do?
>There is literally nothing to lose with self improvement
Other than wasted time and effort. Self improvement is a meme.
Fair enough. Never hurts to try though I guess.
Stop being a nigger and try being useful to society. That should help
I dont have a tinder but the other night I was in a the throes of a lonely rage so I made an okcupid account. I posted 1 pic to my profile, a picture I took right then on my shitty laptop camera. Answered hardly any of the profile questions. My bio said "dont talk to me please". Matched with two fat non binary pansexual whale bitches that night and deleted my account immediatly. One thing I learned from the experience is that there are way too many fat women out there, and guess what my one single standard for a woman is? RIght. And I also leanred that Im retardeder than I thought. Honestly though there are s many trannies in portland its crazy, literally 75% of the profiles I looked at had some sort of non bonary, queer, lesbain, pansexual, non monogamous, thing going on. The world is in a bad state.
Real robots use Grindr not Tinder
You young mentally ill faggots with your made up terms should be burned alive
That ANOTHER girl sounds great though user
Sounds like you're better off not seeing her
If you're only with her for sex, you should probably find someone else that you can enjoy the company of as well
Happening right now:
>I ask: What's your favourite book?
>Her answer: No book has marked me
Fucking NPC!!!
first thing first get rid of that stupid fucking anime t-shirt. makes you look like a virgin
glasses don't make you look any whiter
your 5th pic is good
I only get matches with chad pics. They send nudes and want to fuck but i sperg out and block them after saving the nudes
>how is it working out for you robots? I have a date this saturday
I'm pretty average looking. At the end of the day, Tinder would likely do more harm than good for me.
Dating apps like that really were designed for average and above women, and above average men.
I'm not in either of those pools, so I'm not even gonna risk how Tinder would make me feel
Yeah I knew I was right to avoid shit like this