Get 5/10 robot bf

>get 5/10 robot bf
>relationship starts out good
>1 yr now
>boyfriend not paying attention to me
>shower him with love and gifts
>cook him dinners and bring him whatever he wants
>ignores my msgs and play games instead
>fuck it
>hook up with exbf to spite him
feels good lads. I cant give more of shit. I never thought I would do something like this but I got him back in my own head.

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why this picture

cus its the first image in my folder that fit

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As Chad, I don't blame you and I appreciate you keeping the steady supply of pussy flowing. Eventually you will realise that you can't make other people happy, and it's more important to be around other happy after you become happy than it is to act as a bandaid for someone else.

Watch out for the incel wave that's coming for this post.

you're a sick

You probably should have broken up with him first

Nice larp
It's really annoying that people give serious responses to this

Goes to show you how many legitimate autists browse this board

You're not wrong. I was sick of being mistreated but I didn't want to break up with him because I still genuinely love him even though I fucked another person. It was soulless sex, meant absolutely nothing to me other than to get him back.
Nah, I'm too attached to do that.
It's not a larp sadly.

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fuck off fag you have no respect this fucker is using this image in a horrible way >:(!

As true chad, I deduce you a larper.

OP should at least break up with her bf first. Cheating is shitty behaviour and nothing he has done justifies that. Anyone who fucks another dude just because they didn't get the attention they think they deserve should get shot. That's basic roasty behaviour. I thought you'd have to be original to post here

you fuck another dude to get your man back? thats some serious mental gymnastics

I know youre larping but even still I feel the need to point out that if you loved him you would tell him what you were feeling instead of fucking another man.

What the fuck were you expecting? There's a reason we're all single.

Not going to break it off. Maybe I do deserve to get shot but he should've appreciated me when I was sexually dedicated to him the way I was.
We lost our virginities together too.
Not getting him back, just to make myself feel better
I've talked to him about it multiple times.
You're right about that user

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you're both pieces of shit so really you're a perfect fit for each other

nice (tranny) larp. Was fun to read. Here's the reply and all.

I've been guilty of this in all my relationships. The women who spoke openly and were emotionally honest while also being logical were always able to snap me out of my self absorption and we continue'd the relationship smoothly. Be more mature and this won't happen, men and women express emotion differently speak to him in his native tongue.

This is the how the womans brain thinks people and this is why you shouldnt take woman seriously.

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>I'll make my bf suffer so i feel better
I truly despise women. not a single pint of honor in those subhumans

>tfw be a neet
>have 3gfs because they each don't give me enough attention
>two of them know and accepted it
I know this feel really well. I just feel like I need a lot of love and a single person isn't really able to cover all of the things for me. Even if I live with one, her depression is preventing from committing fully.

this. un-fucking-real

Look in the mirror if I was you

Dump him. If you've actually tried talking to him about this, and he's done nothing to change, then he deserved to get cheated on. Does he actually think you're his little cumslut and should be loyal to him no matter what? A relationship shouldn't be 100/0, it should be 50/50. I hope he realizes what a mistake he made when you're gone.

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All I see in my reflection is you, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee burn

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5/10 according to a woman is actually a 7/10

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You have to teach them honor since society makes it unknowable to them naturally, if you haven't done that as a bf then you asked for the inevitable.

Thanks for understanding. I kind of think the same. I suck his dick whenever he wants and let him play videogames on my nice PC while I go out shopping and cooking a good meal for him. When I don't do what he wants he whines like a little bitch but I still can't bring myself to stop liking him. Its fucked up.

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Wanna have some fun behind his back, OP? I won't tell if you won't.

nice sameposting, faggot

>he doesn't know how to spot a samefag

>teaching an adult something as basic as honor
there's the problem

nah, my male friend rated him. My parents also think I'm way too good for him too.

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Have you told him that you cheated yet? Keep me posted on his reaction. I've been in a relationship where I did nothing but give only to get fucked over in return too, so I feed on this shit.

>editing css
>he actually doesn't see the difference
uh oh!

>he deserved to get cheated on
the mindset of a woman.

Tits or gtfo

Origini orringio

You are just exploiting woman with low self esteem, user.

why not just break up with him first

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Stop justifying what you did if you really feel that way you would dump him instead of cheating on him.

Yes. That's easy and low, but I get what I need. What's the point?

>He ignored me, so I cheated on him to make myself feel better
>The absolute state of roasties, gents
OP BTFO you fucking whore

how many times must you be told, robots are literally undateable. there is a REASON they are single. like there's no point in giving one a chance, this is likely how things will turn out, or possibly worse. don't waste your time.

>All these (You)s from incels
so easy

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The point is that your a piece of shit who is trying to justify the fact that he can't handle commitment by saying "I just need more love". But I guess I dont actually care because your doing it to roasties.

how was the sex with your ex bf?

OP couldn't even pull more attention than vidya and you're laughing at us?

I see the common response of not breaking up with him.
I am too attached, way too attached to let go of him. He treats me like crap but hes the only robot around in my extremely normie area. He won't ever cheat on me either. I can't imagine seeing him with another woman because I would probably kill myself before that happens.
Eh. I didn't enjoy it.
Its sad because I try so hard to too.

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>Eh. I didn't enjoy it.

ok this goes out to everyone in the thread. am i a cuck if i think that the op guy didn't really get cucked if she didn't enjoy it and she still likes the op more

Did you even try to confront him about it?

Yeah, you're pretty much a cuck if your gf fucks another guy willingly, whether she likes it or not.

>way too attached to him
>cant imagine seeing with another woman
>I try so hard
>I didn't enjoy it

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OP, you're just a slut that's trying to defend or excuse your slut behavior. Reguardless of whether or not he's a robot, cheating never works out in anyone's favour.

The question is, did he suck your penis or kept it locked in a cage?

Holy shit can display even more of a complete lack of empathy?

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Didn't enjoy fucking my exbf, just for clarification
I don't think I'm a slut in all honesty. I didn't fuck until I was 25, nor do anything close to sexual when I had the chances to.
Sorry user, I don't have a penis but I would love to have one if I could.

fair clarification, but you still made a booboo femanon. If you were a good grill you'd just have told him binging vidya is fucking stupid instead

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>Fucked ex boyfriend
>Lost virginity with the robot
If you are so attached to him then you went about this the completely wrong way. You should have told him you want a break with the relationship until he Decides to change. because he is a robot he will change because he doesnt have any other options and will realize that he doesnt want to go back to loneliness, but its to late now. The best thing you can do now is tell him the truth.

Roasties, fembots or whatever,
a lack of attention never ever justifies cheating. You are a terrible person and should be shamed into oblivion. Fuck you and fuck your worthless gender, making me hate you more each and every day.

>Too attached to him
>fucked exbf for soulless sex
>would kill yourself if he did what you did to him
Impressive, either this is good bait, or you're somehow more of a piece of shit that he is.

If somebody killed you, they wouldn't necessarily deserve punishment for it.

Nah the best thing she can do is kill herself so that her bf doesn't have to have his good image of her shattered and his trust in women destroyed.

>59 replies
>24 posters
Why respond to such a shit thread, are guys really this fucking brain dead?

why the exbf OP. I did the same but it was one of his friends. I agree it feels good knowing my bf didn't know but then the friend started threatening me to go out with him or he was gonna tell. I didn't care at that point because my bf was still gamin all the damn time and ignoring me and got me so pissed off.

Wtf i can't get a gf no matter how hard i try and that guy just fucks it up? Life isn't fair

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how many times per day do you drop in on random threads and post the same damn thing?

Not often believe it or not, shit threads like this however deserve to be questioned

why you still here then

That's actually an unusually good statistic especially considering the amount of OP replies. Means a lot of anons dropped in for 1 to 2 posts tops so we get a variety of opinions.
I feel you, OP. But you never explained what his reaction was, did you not think your larp through that hard?
I've been in a relationship where I cheated a couple times and honestly it didn't feel important as long as she never knew. As I was fucking those other girls all I could think about was her, how much better she was, how pointless it was doing that with others when I could have her, etc. Honestly it strengthened my feelings for her and as long as she never knew it was more of a positive thing.
If he'd been in your shoes I'm sure he could view it the same way, but if he's a virgin robot who hasn't been with anyone before you I imagine his reaction would be insane and more along the lines of the other virgins in this thread. It's really hypocritical to value purity so high, I bet most of these guys are atheists or agnostic too which really gives them no reason to be that way other than hanging out in this board too much and being brainwashed into thinking purity is of the highest value since they were kids via church / TV / parents / whatever.
Bottom line is, if you really think about it jealousy makes no fucking sense, it's a primitive feeling for churchgoers and brainlets. You should fuck whoever you want, as long as he doesn't find out about it you're good. Or you can let him know in some cases to elicit a reaction, as you just did. Your body is yours and your life is yours to enjoy so enjoy it you cunt. Originally

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Because it's still a shit thread

He needs to swallow that black pill and accept that all woman are whores.

I hope he founds out and beats and dumps you and you kill yourself.

That would be awesome.

>lost virginities together
>has a ex boyfriend

you blew your larp you neckbeard faggot, good try

You seem brainwashed by today's society. "Sex Isnt anything special, Just 2 animals humping eachother"

I hope you fucking kill yourself, OP. Either you're a shit-tier LARPer, or the worst "human" imaginable.

You're both shit for not realizing when the relationship had run its course and ending it, but you're extra shit for cheating on him, you vindictive fuckstain.

That wasn't what I said at all. Quite the contrary. While cheating, I realized how meaningless it was and how much feeling counts in sex. How the act of sex itself doesn't mean shit without feelings behind it

>be normal, sensible man
>date normal, sensible woman
>been together for half a decade and our circumstances just get better and better

Huh, that easy. Who would've thought.

Did you talk to him first or did you just go straight to the nuclear option?

I have the completely same story

If you are so normal then could you please get out?