Do you want to commit suicide? If so why?
Do you want to commit suicide? If so why?
i got nothin and nobody
Do you really need a reason?
i'm too busy fapping to the pic you posted
>Do you want to commit suicide?
>If so why?
It's an amalgamation of multiple reasons but the big, general idea is that I don't have a very bright future ahead of me. I just don't see it.
I've destroyed my own life beyond repair.
no, I just want to be someone else entirely
No, i'm unironically emotionally stable.
not at the moment my summer autumn depression/ahedonia is going away for winter spring
what's the point of asking? nobody will read this post let alone reply
Hello anonymous suicide poster.
Your life is all you have right now. Cling to it. Even a fragment is still better than nothing, there is no potential in suicide. Even if you fail again and again and again and never succeed in putting your life back together, there is always the possibility of the attempt. Until you die. You can even just renege on trying to repair your life if you want, wasting time is still better than death, because then you don't even have time to waste. No depressed browsing through Jow Forums, no vidya, no stupid youtube videos you just keep clicking through, no music, nothing.
I'm not saying things aren't bad, or that suicide isn't tempting. Life is shit for a lot of people these days. Me included. But it's still life. Life will always be preferable to the absence of life, no matter how much pain you're in.
I don't. But I do get persistent thoughts telling me I should.
Strangely enough, even when reminiscing through all I've been through, I really dont want to. Call it survival by Hatred I suppose
I don't want to, I just don't see any other way.
For a while I did. My passivity saved me. I rather rot away than do something and someone always helped me because they couldn't stand and watch. Then my life got somewhat better, mostly by shutting out real life as much as I can. This can't go on forever, I'm already old and broken so I will end up killing myself eventually.
I don't know why but for some reason I always wanted to save others from this fate. Maybe I think if I could save someone my life would get a meaning. Or I'm just a manchild who thinks he would find true friendship or even love this way.
Requesting this imagine without the cringey text
Never mind I abstractly found it.
Because absolutely every real life interaction with another human I've ever had has never ended well and its just nothing but bad memories.
I had a future. I just don't see the fucking point in going after it if I won't enjoy anything. I would be better off dead.
Kind of, I hate the way I feel being sober, I feel depressed and everything just effects my emotions so I feel weak and frail. When I'm high I can live or die, I can accept death ultimately and I feel ok and calm and even happy sometimes but sober..please kill me now.
Everything I try always ends in failure because I am constantly tired and honestly have little interest in doing anything.
I am bored with 100% of anything I do and nobody wants to speak to me or have anything to do with me. I could die right now today right now on this spot and it would affect NO ONE -- not my family (my mother is a horrible abusive piece of shit and is one of the reason I am this way, and the rest of my "family" want nothing to do with me for some unknown reason that eludes me) and certainly not anyone who "knows" me. I am a fat, ugly, depressing, self-hating loser who has never had friends, does cringey shit all the time without meaning to; I've never been able to make genuine connections with other people and since I am 28 so far it looks like whatever is wrong with me is here to stay. So yes, I want to commit suicide.
When I look at literally anyone else they all seem to have shit figured out, they're able to get stuff done, they have self-respect enough to shower every day, they have people constantly texting them, wanting to be around them. Literally everyone. But me? No.
I've had to put up with so much shit the last 12+ years. When I turn 30, if nothing has been fixed, I am doing it. I even told my mother this as I was desperate for emotional support and it's not that strange to expect it from family, is it? But no she didn't, and does not, care. No on truly does. So that's how it is. No one will even reply to this either, let alone read it.
I was told by someone important that I can make something of myself recently, and that I have a lot of actual potential in my life. I don't know how true it is, but I'm going to give things one last shot. I already know that living in the world as it is is meaningless. Existence is pain, and the world is a very dark and miserable place. But still, there is always a tiny glimmer of hope. I feel like there's still something I can do to change fate for myself. Right now, I feel like I can still make something of all this pain, and make the world a little bit better, even if it's only for myself.
someone has already mentioned it, but as long as you're alive there's always a way of getting shit together. try to focus on vidya, some youtube or other time-wasters and go onto stuff like discord, there's bound to be someone who will talk to you no matter what you may think. hang in there my dude, your family may be shit, but at least you have people on Jow Forums to interact with
I read it.
Pain is still better than the absence of life. Burn your life down to the ashes, then burn those until there's nothing left and you drop dead on the spot. Fuck around, waste time on the internet and shit like you've never wasted it before. Don't just throw your life away, that's pointless.
You won't find relief in death, relief is for the living. For every second of relief, it will cost you weeks of pain, sometimes months, or even years. But there is nothing else to strive for but relief. If your mom doesn't care if you die, then don't care about her either, move on, harden your heart. All that softy crap people spout about being true to someone no matter what; it's all just lies to make sure you don't do things that are inconvenient for them.
>Life will always be preferable to the absence of life, no matter how much pain you're in.
>Unbridled suffering is always better than nothingness
What a retarded thing to say.
Of all the things God had to make sinful why did he have to include suicide. Why is it so wrong to want to escape this hell and my wicked self to go be free in heaven with a loving God and everyone is always good and trustworthy.
If it wasn't a sin I'd have blown my brains out ages ago. But instead here I am slogging through another year with no end in sight. I just want to stop being so alone
Suffering always has the potential for relief, though the chances may get infinitesimally small. But there is no escaping death and there is no relief from that nothing, there is no potential for anything.
Simply put, being alive, you have a chance to be happy.
Being dead, there is nothing at all. You aren't anything, you've disappeared completely from the scale of suffering, and happiness. There really, honestly, truly, is no point to anything then. It's unbelievable, and very nearly unexplainable.
I'm not trying to belittle you when I say this, because I'm in the same boat, but you don't understand death, not truly.
The fact you are posting here is a matter of life, even the worst things you could write about yourself are still things you could only write in life. It's only the living who get the privilege to wish they would die.
I'm incredibly fat. 450ish. My body is barely capable of handling this and the daily tasks of a normal person are painful or humiliating to me. I have a compulsion to eat at all times. I will eat and eat until I feel physically sick. I am too mentally weak to overcome this compulsion. I have failed over and over again to do so. I am also generally useless. I have once again failed all of my college classes. If I suddenly started passing all of them I would still be 27 by the time I finished. I have never had a job. I have never had a girlfriend. I am mentally ill and no treatment or medicine has worked. I once took antidepressants for 2 years. They robbed me of all motivation. I stopped moving and remained in bed 23 hours a day for 6 months, emerging only to use the toilet and acquire food. This remarkable lack of motion led fungus and bacterial colonies to form on my skin, which turned blue across my entire body. Eventually, the bacteria colonized my eyes, blinding me. At this point I stopped taking the antidepressants as with my vision impaired I could not find them in the garbage pit that was my room. This lead me to regain the motivation required to seek medical treatment to restore my sight. That period showed me that treatment was not possible for me, but without treatment my life is just a series of humiliations and failures. I have accomplished nothing. I will accomplish nothing. My inability to lose weight will kill me eventually anyway. If I continue to live all I have to look forward to is my increasingly bloated and immobile body shutting down over the course of the next decade. I just want this to be over with.
At this point only you can decide whether you want to find that motivation and put in the work to lose weight and find a good job/develop a skill or kill yourself. I think option A is best but no one can make the decision but you.
>But there is no escaping death and there is no relief from that nothing, there is no potential for anything.
I was fine not existing for trillions of years up until the very moment I was born. I'll be fine not existing for trillions of years after I die.
Suicide is murder but you can still go to heaven.
Your perspective is extremely warped. If life really is that short in relation to death, then doesn't that only emphasize the sanctity and importance of it? This is your only shot. You're throwing away the only gift you'll ever get just because it hurts to hold onto it.
You're blessed with a clear understanding of your problem and the ability to articulate it. The hardest part of course, is acting on that knowledge. I'm sure you understand this already, it will be painful, much more painful, before things start to get better.
That's a terrible metaphysical point to argue from. Before you were born you had no notion of what living was to compare nonexistence to. Therefore death is intrinsically different than the time before you were born by that metric alone.
wouldn't a better phrasing to your question be "Why do you want to commit/consider suicide" ?
In death you don't exist though, so you can't feel or perceive pain or anything so at least things can't get worse than being in constant pain and misery.
>death is intrinsically different than the time before you were born
No it isn't, because you literally do not exist. You can't be aware of anything in order to compare nothingness to life. You can't even remember being alive.
But you don't know that for sure. You're arguing from the point of saying spawning from nothingness and then returning to nothingness through the context of having experienced life are intrinsically the same, which they are not by the merit that one that never lived could never have died.
Because it's been a lifetime of severe abuse, neglect, and misery and I'm so psychologically damaged at this point that therapy barely even works (have to have had /some/ kind of secure attachment to build off of) and I can barely sleep and have flashbacks and meltdowns daily. This has been going on for years, I've been hospitalized multiple times, dragged back from near-death or vegetative states several times. On top of that I'm chronically ill and it's getting worse.
I feel like I would be able to get physician assisted suicide approved in the Netherlands or Belgium or whatever.
Yes. I plan on getting skin cancer this month and waiting until that gets me.
I wish I could build something between us, for you to hold on to. But I'm not good for that sort of thing... To be honest, your problems are beyond my ken. I've had panic attacks, and suicide attempts. I was neglected and psychologically abused. But it reads as if you have it much more severely. At least there are messages like these, right? As fleeting as they are, I can still find some comfort in them.
That's awesome to hear. I really hope you make it this time, sometimes people really surpass themselves when they're cornered.
I'm still waiting on my chances. Life really hurts right now but I'm holding out.
Maybe get a dog ?
It is desperate but you can go in any refuge, and you will be worth for that doggo
>doesn't that only emphasize the sanctity and importance of it?
No, absolutely not. In fact, the opposite. Death exaggerates the meaninglessness of life. If we were immortal, then our actions would have lasting consequences. Everything - absolutely everything - would be of the utmost importance because you'd have to deal with everything forever.
But that isn't the case. Death exists and touches us all. Which is good; I considerate a source of security. The idea that at any moment, we're allowed to opt out. It's permanent, but we can opt out.
>This is your only shot. You're throwing away the only gift you'll ever get just because it hurts to hold onto it.
You're implying that matters at all, which it does not. We are but a flash in the pan. Nothing means anything; it's either die now or die later.
Yes and because it is preferable to being who i am and suffering with the daily shit my broken brain throws at me. It just also makes me fearful when i try to do it so i just need to overcome that
I am Belgian as well. I still wonder why only Benelux approved of assisted suicide in Europe.
>b-b-but user you must prolong your suffering for as long as possible before you die
>because...suicide is bad! :(
everyone's pain is relative to them, user. I say severe and stuff not because I think it makes your stuff silly but because it makes me feel different from other people (normies, really) in a bad way, like I can't relate to them when they talk about their families or pasts or upcoming visits. It just makes me feel like an alien.
>saw dad pin sister against the wall by her neck at 11 until she passed out
>saw dad rape and beat mom within an inch of her life at 10 until cops were called (I forgot it though)
>dad abandoned family after being my primary caretaker--just vanished overnight, no interest in contacting kids
>molested by mom and classmates
>caretaker for sick mom at 11, calling 911 twice a month for a mom slumped over in a bathroom streaked with blood and diarrhea, telling me I was no doubt hoping she'd die
>groomed by pedo ages 9-16 who was my only friend
>physical abuse and forced drugging in psych wards
>ex beat me so badly (essentially for being disabled) I have permanent spine damage and already-shit PTSD became unmanageable
I really wish I had died at 19. I strangled myself into a week-long coma but they dragged me back. And yes, thank you for connecting. That matters to me.
yes and no.
shit comes and goes.
Even if God is real you are literally believing complete strangers who say what they want because "it is his will".
Posting .jpgs with text is at least a 7
Our family had several different animals when I was young. We treated them just like our parents treated us. With neglect. They all died horrible deaths. Some of them literally died of cancer. Taught me to never have animals. As for dogs I always hated them. They are loud, I hate barking. Not to mention dogs are big and scary and you have to walk them every day.
Ryonafags unite xDDD
I'm glad you still can have things that matter to you. Very glad. That is a heck of a life you're going through, and I can't blame you much for wishing for death. Death becomes so impossibly alluring in times half as bad as that, let alone during what you've experienced. I hope against hope that things improve for you.
You're not taking into account the effect you will have on the people who come after you. Whether that's the people closest to you, or the entire world.
Many of the greatest works of literature only caught on after the death of their authors. And the influence of those works still carries on centuries or even millenia later There may be no single thing we can do that will truly last forever, but our choices cascade into each other's, for as long as humanity has been and ever will be.
We disagree so fundamentally I don't think we could ever reconcile our views. Anything is better than nothing.
I'm chronically ill to the point of disability. I want to kill myself every minute, but I'm too much in love with who I used to be and who I could've been, so I won't. As long as there is even the slightest chance of a cure, I won't do it, even though I'm in constant agony.
are you a guy and got beat by a girl?
I think I'm dead already maybe?
My ex could have killed me several times and sometimes I think he did and I'm a very realistic ghost
>You may be a risk to yourself or others if left untreated
oy vey goyim, shekel needs your shekels, don't stay unmedicated ;)
>You're not taking into account the effect you will have on the people who come after you.
That's because they'll die, too. Life is, ultimately, unimportant.
You need to zoom out and view the whole thing.
That particular scene with those two talking was so calming.
>tfw they'd all be around 50 nowadays
Hell yes?
Everybody is reading and replying you stupid dumb bastard.
The fact that you feel like you want to kill yourself in the first place should be reason enough, but how about constant crippling depression for over a decade?
Wow my old e-friend sent this to me last year.
This hurts and I miss him, but I hope he hurts like me.