When even the ugliest, fattest, stupidest, awkward, mentally ill, socially ostracized women would rather die alone than be with you, don't you think it's time you face the fact that you're a shitty unlovable person and need to do something about it?
When even the ugliest, fattest, stupidest, awkward, mentally ill...
tfw ugly stupid awkward mentally ill socially ostracized woman and would rather die alone because no one will love a worthless failure like me
>implying women feel love
>and need to do something about it?
Like what? Getting born with better genetics?
The usual. Get a haircut and shower, go to the gym, leave the basement, get a job, talk to people, get on tinder.
I did all of that and no girl was interested in me.
You ever wonder if the mentality that you present here while you post is something people can notice irl?
What mentality do you speak of?
>i'm not shitty, other people are shitty! normies reeeee!!!!
>it's muh genetics
the thread
But I already accepted this. At the same time however there is nothing can be done.
The "No matter what I do, Im gonna fail" Mentality.
You expect to fail no matter what, and people can see that, even if they wont say anything about it.
Your extreme negativity and denial and making excuses, never taking responsibility for yourself. That in mentality shines through in real life and repels girls.
Literally all I would need to do is change my personality and looks to fix this, both totally possible within a few years.
Prove me wrong OP
I came to that conclusion after trying to better myself with everything I could think of and still having no success at all.
Its a very hard mental block to overcome, and my advice may not work, but I think that getting outside of your comfort zone and trying out new things to increase your confidence could help. Just go out there and get a hobby, but for your sake, nobody else's.
I already went above and beyond my comfort zone before I gave up.
>don't be yourself
>be like me
>be what I want you to be
>don't you want me to pretend to love you
Normalfriend incarnate, taking advantage of a new platform that the human mind hasn't evolved a defense against yet. You're a watered down version of the world.
How about instead of finding a way to hide from it, why not become stronger than it by making sure it doesnt apply to you?
I've already completely thought about what you've said here almost verbatim. I'll just have you know that giving up was doing something. So quit acting like I didn't do anything about it.
The irony is that the things you say are what I would expect from some young-to-middle aged parent who's had their uniqueness utterly obliterated by life and so clings to changing to fit the expectations of others in order to disguise their own cluelessness and loss of direction. Or their own self-loathing.
Either that or you're the kind of sociopath/naive idealist who gives motivational speeches for corporations.
My guess is you made one half assed effort once and then gave up. How many girls have you asked out this year?
I dont think there is a single person in the world who has their unique qualities "Shattered", thats just very unlikely that they wouldnt continue what they like even in private because of social stigma. I think people are more complicated than you believe them to be.
hey man don't do what anybody tells you to do, you are saying you have tried these things other people recommended to help you out, and that they didn't work. That makes sense because those people are talking probably talking about what would help them or whoever they picture you are. They don't know you. You gotta actually find what makes you feel fullfilled in life in some way, and do that instead. Finding what that thing is can take many many years for most people so it isn't in any way easy. Thing is, you only have one life so it's kind of like trying to find out where the lone main quest of the story is located and then doing that quest. The bullshit that you are doing now that you hate are some gay ass side quests and you are probably just getting sick of them by now, you should try to find the main quest of the story first and once you are there you can build off that and play the quest however you want.
tl;dr world is ur oyster, bee urself, etc. but not really.
Nah, ama good. I have a job, I care about my hygiene, I'm working out, at least decent looking, have no problems with communicating. Girls just have a high standards and won't lower them. It's fine, they are people after all. I'm not happy with this situation, but there is nothing more I could do, cuz it's obviously not my fault at this point. I'm not a golden coin to be liked by everyone.
The only thing wrong with robots is that we don't ask out dozens of ugly girls. We aren't attractive enough for girls to come to us or to make it easy to fuck them, so we'd have to go out of our way, but we don't believe in ourselves, so we never try.
If people are so complicated than what makes you think that you have the capacity to know what's best for any of them, especially given the limited information that you have? You've simplified your audience down to "shitty and unlovable", knowing full well that nice people with low self-esteem will attach to the idea. You've got complete strangers justifying themselves to you because you've set yourself up as their moms or their teachers or whoever yelling at them.
You're the worst kind of predator: the kind that thinks they're being helpful. A sophisticated version of a playground bully, with a little bit of cult leader thrown in.
Making people insecure is an effective way to change people, but it doesn't make it right.
Your guess is wrong and I stopped trying altogether so I didn't ask out any girls this year.
I'm not doing any side quest that I hate anymore since becoming a NEET. But there isn't any main quest that would make me fullfilled either.
So basically you just have really high standards like all other women.
>I'm not doing any side quest that I hate anymore since becoming a NEET. But there isn't any main quest that would make me fullfilled either.
Well first off, same on the first part lmao
But, nah man you don't know there isn't something out there that wouldn't be perfect for you. Impossible to prove that. Like imagine you start collecting smegma and then you sell it and some chick with a smegma fetish falls in love with you or some shit, I mean I'm sure that has happened to someone before. Guarantee it
>But, nah man you don't know there isn't something out there that wouldn't be perfect for you
If it doesn't fall into my lap I don't care anymore.
>If it doesn't fall into my lap
Masturbate online
>I stopped trying
Why? You gave up and became a volcel.
Because I realized how pointless all my efforts were.
What makes you a special snowflake that nothing you do works while they work for everyone else?
>yet he wants to have a gf
I'm gonna go for my gut feeling and say that he's short or ugly.
>What makes you a special snowflake
Genetics and even then I'm not even that much of a special snowflake.
I'm short.
>I'm short
Like paperwork
What makes you assume it works for everyone besides egotism?
If thats what was holding me back I never stood a chance to begin with.
The fact that incels are less than 0.1% of men?
>muh genetics
Severe mental illness or?...
Oh. So mental illness it is. Men shorter and uglier than you are getting girls easily. Wonder why.
Out the ass statistic aside, 99.9% still isn't everyone. Or perhaps they just aren't human so they don't count, amirite lol
I didn't blame it on my height, I was just stating a fact.
What genetics makes you a special snowflake that makes things not work for you that work for everyone else?
Like I said, I don't think I'm that much of a special snowflake.
Well you obviously are since what works for everyone else doesn't work for you.
>99.9% still isn't everyone.
Everyone but you
If you say so it must be true then.
So either not everyone or "only those who count". Can't have them both, cocksucker.
I never get the "muh genetics succ" meme. Women are literally the least superficial sex. Sure they do like hot guys and they do like height but its not their main focus. Men are so much more superficial. A guy can rise from a 4 up to a 7 just with charm, charakter, a good job, a nice steady income and some self-confidence. A girl could never do that. Men dont give a fuck what she does for living or if she is funny, smart and interesting. If you can't get a girl as a guy it is literally your fault, not your genetics fault. If you dont look awful as fuck. Beeing shy and beeing a fucking weirdo is your fault as well, change yourself, nobody is just shy you decide to be shy every day for yourself. This fucking Incel meme is so fucking ridiculous. Its not that hard you guys are just to insecure to really try
>t. raging narcissist
Found the triggered incel in denial. Anything to deny the truth and accept to take responsibility for yourself.
You called it. She's projecting super hard. Can tell she's a roastie she went right to calling you a incel virgin lol
You really triggered her, when are you going to man up get a real job and be okay with her banging other guys?
well I guess if you compare any normal persons self confidence to the incel ones, you are probably right, but then even an 12 year old would be a raging narcissist compared to you guys
Aren't incels the biggest raging narcissists?
I'm a dude bruh... and i did not call him an incel till now, the guy above you is not me...
I am working out and take care of my appearance. I just have my soul destroyed every time I approach a woman and they make a face that is the epitome of disgust and annoyance. I don't know what to do
Thats kinda ture actually. I mean how narcissistic do you have to be to have literally nothing to offer and still believe that somebody ows you pussy
>Women are literally the least superficial sex
I made the opposite experience.
Idiotic comments like this
>A guy can rise from a 4 up to a 7 just with charm, charakter, a good job, a nice steady income and some self-confidence. A girl could never do that.
She can try being kind, loving, loyal and supportive. Oh right.
Fembots want a dad. Menbots want a mom. End of story.
I try not to be a shy dude. But when I talk with someone and more people join and they look at me and start talking to me I get red in the face and start sweating.
I guess you can make that experience because you cant generalize that no women is more superficial than a man. But all in all I think we are waaaaay more superficial. I mean i see so many awful looking guys with nice looking girls, its almost never the other way around. I can just talk from my own view, but if a girl is not attractive to me there is nothing in the world she could say to change that. She will never be interesting to me in a loving intimit kind of way, I just dont give a fuck about you if you are not attractive to me. To say it plain and simple, we can talk our way into her panty, I have never seen a woman talk her way on to a guys dick. And I'm positive that it would not work with me.
I don't think anybody here thinks they're owed anything. Just immensely bitter that they did everything they were told and got nothing, and then were told they did it wrong.
yes I never said it was easy, but its like working out. If you lift more weight more often it will get easier. And in no time, if you put yourself regularly in this kind of situation where all eyes are on you, you will feel the nervousness go away and in no time you are so used to it that you dont have a problem at all with it
>I can just talk from my own view
Thanks for clearing that up.
anyways I need to go, but work on yourself believe me. You are on a good way if you are already trieng to overcome your shyness. And stay away from this board, the thought on here a literal cancer for growth if you try to get out of the place you are in right now
not him but quickly dropping by to say that it literally never gets easier, you just get better at coping with it.
exactly, you get kind of numb for the feeling of possibly embarrassing yourself. Who knows you might even start liking the attention
Keking hard. What good do you to offer to another person user? You sound like a moppy wet blanket no soul could enjoy the company of.
No, its true. Very few women are gonna go with somebody shorter than them, a huge chunk refuse to date anyone under 6'0 already. This is backed up by stats, I feel bad for manlets.
But I work as an automechanic and with all the women getting business degrees they all flock to mr suit and tie guy. Modern women view blue collar men as subhuman too. It's why I've decided to take what money I've saved up, convert to Islam and live in Indonesia. The dating market and life in general has just become too fucking competitive!
>muh bad attitude
>Men shorter and uglier than you are getting girls easily. Wonder why.
Money and status?
No. I am not changing for some low quality whore.
>you're in denial for not accepting my self-delusions
Cringe and teenpilled
>even an 12 year old would be a raging narcissist compared to you guys
I'm sure you speak from personal experience.
This meme again. 6'0" is taller than average. If what you said had any truth to it most men would die virgins, and there would be no tall virgin. The opposite is true. Jow Forums has a lot of tall virgins.