I deserve to die

I deserve to die

>tfw no bf

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are you like tomoko? are you cute and autistic?

fuck steam what's your discord bby

please go back to your fag board, fag

>I deserve to die
Yes, your suffering has gone on long enough.

You play payday 2? I do as well, but I am too anxious to talk and play with other people.

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No, just autistic

Ye but it would be cruel because of my parents desu. The ride never ends

Have chijo tomoki and chaotic all denied you?

You deserve it for being a manwhore faggot who denies 999/1000 friend requests despite oldfag

I am a piece of shit, tell me something new

is this the real chaotic

is chaotic even real

someone give me a picture of chaotic

Attached: 029348234.png (1184x1080, 884K)

Google search cebruz, this is a much older, much more retarded version of Chaotic.

Can you underage faggots fuck off?
You are not autistic nor suicidal. "Le funny depression XD" kys or fuck off nigger lover

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I bet you are a cute faggott, while I'm not so I have it worse.

please kill yourselves you dumb newfags

wait this guy isn't even that cute...

am I missing something?

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Cebruz was more popular than Chaotic and shitvinka combined

send face pics user

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how do these people seem to have fanbases? exclusively from tripfagging?

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ceb is hot
kys newfag

Chaotic is too cute and pure for you, kretin.

Kind of just looks like a mutt to me

>in chaotic's group
>not friends with chaotic

>cebruz is a normalfag now



hes said it himself and he actually has friends now

how do i get in contact with this boy and is he gay

Its a matter of opinion, going outside was a mistake

>Commenting on my profile
You must be bored.

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Get out of here with your flowchart

I'm not the one that flowcharts.

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No way that echo came up with the idea to use flowchart

yes really