every response gets a (You) so say something thats worth responding to . I wont disclose if I'm m/f but I will say my answers will be from my heart and original. Participate , user. I know you're lonley ....xo

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i'm very tired anons, but i have so much work to complete still...

I'm lonely because I can't talk to people. How can I fix this?

Also probably will never date due to having insane standards, why am I like this?

Im Just lost on what to do in life. Ive tried to fill that void by joining online communities and making friends, but I eventually escape those communities where it reaches a point that I feel Im not wanted anymore

It does not matter, you came to the right place ...what is it you are working on?

Normally what helps is a shot of alcohol or *in your head* feeling superior to whomever it is you are talking to. Establish dominance within your subconscious. Dating wise....Idk what to tell you. There are alot of imperfect people out there male and female waiting to be loved that will love you better than the one with all of your ridiculous standards, user ...also do you fit your own standards?

Mmm, I can relate, anonkun. I know it sounds corny but do you enjoy art?

>I wont disclose if I'm m/f
>I know you're lonley ....xo
bitch you didnt even try

I'm more of a music guy myself, but I appreciate a good piece of art.
I just wont have anything deeper to say than "thats cool"

>what is it you are working on?
cs assignments, a lot of it. didn't really try to leave them at the last minute but there are just too many. i've already worked on other assignments the past couple weeks and i'm spent. i'm done.

How do you waste your days, user ?

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I don't know why I am so lonely. I have such caring friends that I am always around or in constant contact with, but I still can't shake the feeling. I had managed to curb the void for the past couple of years, but it has come back. Maybe I'm not lying to myself enough. Or maybe I need to spend more time alone and face myself. I'm not sure.

Yeah I fit my own standards, except for being a biological female.

I have friends but the fear of losing them makes me feel lonely.

My classmate dropped out and I haven't felt the same since, I was attached to him, he liked me genuinely.

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I don't think it's the fear of losing them that makes me feel this way. I only say that because my friends and I have had falling outs several times and I've always handled it well. I accept that nothing is permanent. Maybe I have just lost a sense of struggle. Idk.

Where am I even supposed to find females? Where do they spend time?

i dislike both of you immensely. fuck off.

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I only have 2 fwends.

Had 5 before summer but the 3 of them dropped out.

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Not them, but I know people too who you might see as friends, but hanging out with them is a negative influence on me. They're so calculated on things sometimes that at one point I became paranoid and my mental health did a skydive. Right now I'm voluntarily alone more often and it's unbearable in a different way, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel better.

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They can Fuck off and you can Fuck me. Deal?

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Sorry i let you down. You are good at Context clueS I see , user. Good boi points for you.

What does CS stand for ?
Normally music, anime, art Jow Forums or hiking when weather is appropriate
Library, grocery store, mall

I actually meant if you enjoyed MAKING art...sorry for my lack of explaining. It can help lonliess and anxiety and pass time and you have something at the end of it

I have a bf, I just miss having friends to talk to, other than him I don't even have family in my life. On top of that I'm dealing with really bad depression and even though I want to start the process of having a family and buying a house, I don't look forward to the future because the past is comfy and secure.

>What does CS stand for ?
Computer Science

>tfw wake up hugging one of many pillows and feeling really warm
>tfw might genuinly be the most cuddly person alive
>tfw will never get to test out the super snuggles on people and be used as a warming mechanism to help people get to sleep.

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I'm interested in a lot of things, but I don't know enough to have conversations. Where can I learn things to talk about

What can i do about my social anxiety? I want to make friends but I freeze up around people, especially girls.

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I hate my life but I can't see it ever changing so I keep thinking about doing violent things.

>lol im so lonely i totally have no friends except for my 2 friends that i have haha

What are your standards, out of curiosity?

Girls will never be attracted to you if you have social anxiety.

Literally nothing left anymore, tried to force multiple relationships to work but failed, I'm so lonely but it's getting harder to talk to people now. plus the criteria for someone to put up with someone who harms, cries, breaks down a lot, can't speak in public, can't stop hating himself, starving himself etc like who would love that? Ik the response is you have to love yourself but i don't, i viscerally hate myself and I'm pretty close to hanging my sorry ass like tonight

>finally save up some money to fix laptop
>yesterday, big bro spends money to hang out with his collage frens/girls
>parents ask me for savings cause he needs documents printed n shit
>mfw they didn't know where his money went
Why can't i have nice things?

>mfw they didn't know where his money went
did you tell them? If you didn't you deserve it.

They know now, still had to give cause it is important. I don't make decisions in my life user. It is all some kind of punishment for whatever reason.

I made another okcupid. I said I'd never do random hookups but if thats the only way I'm going to get some human fucking affection what choice do I have?

The thing is I've been messaging the biggest "sex positive i'll fuck anyone everyone is beautiful" sluts and they don't even want to speak to me.

I'm THAT ugly.

That's why i'm asking what to do about it.

grow a spine mate.

I feel like that I missed many opportunities in life.
I never had a crush. This makes me think that I wont be able to get a realationship. I dont know how to talk to people or how to socialise. I am happy that I got 2-3 friends from when I was young and that these guys still want to hang out with me. Feels empty. Thanks for listening

>every response gets a (You)
fuckijng liar faggot kys

Suckle ma balls

>You're depressed? Just cheer up.

>literally everyone else in the planet does it just fine
Yes, you stupid faggot. it's not hard.

>Ever tried just not having a mental disorder, its not hard, everyone else does it just fine
Thanks, I'm cured.

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See? Did you die? No. That was literally all it took. Jesus Christ man.

Mum won't take me out to get beer!!! Fuck sake, being a lonely cunt is one thing but being a lonely alcoholic that has no booze to keep them comfort is absolute hell

i lost the love of my life but ill get a (You) at least..

College is destroying my hopes and dreams, and this entire year has been on failure after another. I've never had a year like this before. How does one cope with it? No one to talk to about it as well.

Join a college gym and go every morning before class.

That's what I do at least. Once you start noticing progress your faith will be restored.
I gained 2kg and I smiled like a little princess.

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