Friend mad at me for patrolling THOTs

So a friend of mine is blowing up because I found a bunch of Saudi feminists on twitter that had premium snapchats and Instagram pics of them in bikinis. So being the top citizen I am I reported their crime to the Saudi Islamic police. Now my friend is blowing up. What do?

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Based and redpilled. keep em' coming

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bit of back story. I was in a serious car accident a while back that left me with a big of brain damage

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lol, gg muhammad

Have to post something so I don't get a mute

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how close of a friend is this normie, OP?


Last one. Didn't realise normies like THOTs so much

Now him pretty well. Friends for 3 or 4 years

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Are you an unironic sociopath? Not that I really care about the Saudi thots, but you're clearly making your friend upset while he's worrying about your mental health. Why not just stop talking to him about this?

You both have fucking autism, goddamn

last one. Just sent me this

I am. He's usually into trolling but I guess this one upset him

It's a powerful drug

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You do seem like a bit of a sociopath but as long as it's directed towards thots it's probably doing more good than harm. Also how the fuck did you get in contact with the religious police

They have a site you can contact and talk to an agent. You need to be able to speak the language. I've reported over 40 THOTs and 28 have so far been convicted

>Friends for 3 or 4 years
Thats nothing

how do you speak arabic? Are you Muslim? If so it makes more sense, I'd probably do the same thing if I had any desire to learn that shit

You realize that you're getting women sentenced to prison for years or death for simply wearing skimpy clothing?

I'm not a Muslim. I know enough Arabic to be able to report THOTs. To them it's probably like an asian speaking broken english

Don't break the law then. It's not hard

Eh they're probably also fornicating and fornication is what has already fucked up Western women so he's probably doing the Middle East a service in preventing sloots

This shit looks fake but assuming it isn't, you ARE a psychopath but your friend is also retarded.

You putting them in a position to be, potentially, actually murdered, stoned, tortured, raped, ect. is absolutely horrific but even more horrific than that is the fact that it happens at all and people really just don't give a shit. What disgusts me most is not even your actions, but the fact that your friend claimed to have Muslim friends but is appealed at you getting them in trouble. He's part of the problem. I say this as a guy who was born and raised in fucking Iran until I was 15. You don't have Muslim friends after you realize the shit they do on the free and easy over there. You don't even associate with them. You may be sick, but honestly in my mind he's calling the kettle black.

He sounds like a total soft cock my dude, just let him go.
If he gets back in contact, send him a news report of some feminists getting caned.

I'm just following the law though. Just because people don't like the law, It doesn't mean they can not follow it. The crime is SERIOUS in the kingdom. They knew the risk when being THOTs

Pretty upset but it's probably for the better

>I'm just following the law though.
The same way a mobster follows a set of rules, yeah sure. It's fucked up, but really I can't blame you when a group of inbred sadistic shits set up the rules for you in the first place. You're just a consequence.

It's against the law in their country and they shouldn't be doing it, the fucking roasties. Your friend is a retard.

Wait, is this the new Thot Audit? I haven't seen anything about it. Any links to threads for resources, or just screen caps?

That's how I see it. And considering how the west is. Stopping it now seems like the moral thing to do

This is fraudulent and homosexual.

Just two guys rigging a conversation for shock value (might even be the same guy - their typing patterns and typos are similar)

I call absolute bullshit on this, OP.

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This is just something I do in my free time. It started because everytime I'd look up anime. Some stupid arab THOTs would cosplay it and ruin it for everyone by bringing too much attention to it

What an absolute normie.

You're better off without him OP, he sounds like a cuck.

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You did nothing wrong, OP.
If the punishment was so severe, they wouldn't casually break the thot laws in the open like that. They'll get a fine or something, which should be affordable with their camwhore income

The punishment is 7 years in prison or public execution. It's a very very serious crime

Your friend is a contemptible self satisfied normie. Fire at will OP!

More reason for the stupid to be culled. They deserve it. If they want to be treated like whores they will be punished as them. Nothing wrong with that.

>You realize that you're getting women sentenced to prison for years or death for simply wearing skimpy clothing?
As it should be

Shouldn't have been a THOT then kek

His friend's being a massive faggot white knight. He deserves to be trolled.
>how can you even THINK of doing something negative to a woman ever? ugh you know this seriously impacts our friendship
Literal faggot tier. That's how womanly tactics of trying to control other people.

Absolutely fucking based and shariapilled. Any thot breaking the laws of Allah deserves to be punished by his servants inshallah.

Thanks for all the support guys. I knew what I was doing was the right thing and this just confirms it. I'm not going to site by when I can actively attack the people that are out to oppress me.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime

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Good work. For too long white men have been too passive, it's about time we go on the offensive. And thots are our enemies. All retribution on thots by white men is by default righteous and justified.

Nothing wrong with thot patrol. Roasties need to be kept in check

Truly D E V I L I S H my lawful evil friend

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The system turned in my favour on this one for sure. Truly doing Allahs work

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Who the fuck cares about your friend. Just tell us what happens to these THOTs did you actually reported them or chickend out?

I've reported them. I've been doing it for a long time. I've got 28 of them convicted of around 40 I've reported. I don't know how they get punished as I only get a phone call thanking me for my service to the kingdom when one of them gets convicted

Based and Redpilled

Your friend sounds like faggot cuckboi AND is a tankie. Though I feel bad. The ch0n has done worse shit and finally someone is living up to its name

is your friend a blue pilled saudi arabian?

No. He and I are both Australian

When normie act like this are they really as morally outraged as they seem? Is it an act? The western secular version of religious rapture?

Your friend is low test. Fuck him. Do the right thing OP.

Yet people like this will continue to vote in as many Shariah adherents as they can.

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>I only get a phone call thanking me

Wait, what? They do this? Post screenshot of your call logs showing Saudi Arabia country code.

Your friend is doing his best to talk to you like a reasonable person. You've shocked him. Maybe you should listen to what he's telling you rather than anyone else here, including me.

Stop being manipulated by the hive mind and discover what is important to your happiness.

Not having THOTs around is what makes me happy. I'm saving society by reporting the immoral tramps.

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How are you THIS autistic jesus

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This. The (weirdly elaborate) gig is up, OP

I'm not going through my call logs

You fucked up. Originally speaking.

you misspelled they're and there as "their", twice, exactly how retarded are you

>I never go out and hurt anyone

What do you mean? You are hurting people.

Larp detected

You say that as if it takes a lot of effort, it takes you like 20 seconds, screenshot it, post it, done

I'm not posting anything that could potentially identify me on Jow Forums

Then black out whatever you want to block, jesus, this is not rocket science

People like you die alone


Imagine going to the effort of making all those screenshots at the top, only to fuck up and claim the Saudis call to thank you.

Nah. Just don't believe it if that's what your after. I don't care

Dude you're a cunt. You don't know they're evading taxes. You just hate women.

>morally right thing to do


Imagine owning and paying for two functioning phones to fake a conversation with a friend.

why would a goody two shoes like you be so afraid of your data leaking? you're not breaking the law or anything

I've seen what happens when cucks get hold of personal information of the right. Miss me with that

why do you fear retaliation if you're not doing anything wrong?

You can literally black out everything but the country code of the incoming call. How retarded are you?

OP is right. Im on tht sweet T H O T P A T R O L myself. The best thing is that besides being a borderline psychopath im also very handsome so I actually bang a lot of these thots. Yes, I have had both chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

The Saudis really call you when someone gets convicted. No, im not sending any pics lol

Today, OP was a faggot.

not OP but nobody ever thinks they're wrong.

saudi arabia seem to be a good country to live i guess.

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I once sent a picture of my dick on a thots face to a guy and she then she was homeless

What crime are they being convicted of?

Pantsu on fire

Youre such a fuckin faggot liar holy shit,

>testify against the mob
>why are you afraid of retaliation if you didn't do anything wrong?

They see my patrollin'
thots are shakin'

This is one massive larp by OP and his friend.

>never go out and hurt anyone

Proceeds to try and get people whipped/killed for going against the insane laws of their shit hole nation

>never go out and hurt anyone

>Objectively tries to hurt people

Lawful good, op, lawful good

ahaha you sound fuckin retarded, appealing to the law and then saying you hate normies

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seemed like u were begging for a reply
so here u go

>I'm a commie and I lean towards feminist views
Good thing you're cutting ties, he's a soiboi who deserve everything that's coming for him. Seriously, fuck this faggot.

I'm not enough of a normalfag to understand why you people care so much about what other people do desu, especially some women in a desert country, I just want to be left alone and not get involved with others but unfortunately people like you bring this stuff onto the internet... I do think you've taken the Jow Forums maymays too seriously though.

You are a fucking hero user. I'm going to join you in your meme crusade right now. I'm even tempted to pay for premium tinder so I can set my location to riyad, see if any thots are advertising premium snapchat accounts over there. What a perfect troll.

And what a fucking joke this thread is. I knew there were a lot of normies and whiteknight cucks on this board now but had no idea it was this bad.

Holy shit I'm gonna start doing this shit. Women need to learn to live in fear again.

For simply wearing skimpy clothing and making money off of it. Men cannot do the same thing unless they're 10/10 twinks or muscular otters

What's the website?

>being mean to girls means I'll punch you out.
Everyone and everytime a guy says this you know hes a pussy.


Assuming the blanked out name in the last paragraph is his girlfriend, it's her that is making him stop talking to you because she's offended.

Ya it is his gf

But but I though sharia law was just alt right meme talk and Islam is a religion of peace.

>You putting them in a position to be, potentially, actually murdered, stoned, tortured, raped,
Maybe they shouldn't be feminists.

Still waiting for OP to show off that this is all fake and that he's just a Jow Forumstard

I mean people in the us get sent to prison just for murdering someone or raping a kid. Move to Liberia if you hate laws, justice, and fairness so much. Better yet, just kys. The entire universe will be better off with you burning in hell where you belong.

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