Give me the most plausible reason to hate furries,or I'll take your soul

>give me the most plausible reason to hate furries,or I'll take your soul

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A lot of them fuck actual animals

they dress up like animals and wants to get fucked by other people dressed as animals

I wanna be dressed up as a girl, what's the diff?

They're fucking annoying.

They rape innocent animals.

Ok. Reasonable.
What's the difference between someone dressing in leather/latex outfits and dressing up like animals? Nothing really.

Because everyone else does!
Look at me I'm normal and hate weirdos!

They hate themselves so much that they spend exorbitant amounts of money dressing up in the style of sexualized versions of 1980's cartoon characters instead of developing real, actual personalities rather than infantalized animal alter-egos so that they might be comfortable in their own skin like a fucking adult.
While that is certainly a criticism with tweaking that can be leveled not just at Furries, I think it's valid none the less.

Tell me what a real personality is.

They are mentally ill, make bad decisions and frustrate me because I don't know if it's a joke or serious belief, seeing stupid shit makes me lose my shit. They're so unintelligent and unreasonable I cannot feel anything but bottomless passionate rage for them, which is stupid because they'd get away easier without help, but I work on indifference currently. I care too much

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Look up Rennon the Shaved on deviantart, that's a good enough reason.

generally unclean, weak, and pathetic people

You know what the best thing about furries is?

They burn reeeeaaaal nice. Oh, and the screaming! I could listen to it for weeks on end.

im confused though, since when do i need a reason to hate something?

one of them stole money from me so they can all go eat shit

All the money they spend on fursuits could be used to help others

They shove their fetish in everyones faces and claim its not a fetish.
I don't care what you do in your bedroom, its none of my business, but when some piece of shit furry wont shut up about their "lifestyle" even when you tell them you don't give a fuck, it kind of makes you hate them.

Had that actually happened to you though? I mean really. Maybe back when it wasn't regulated on this site but does that even happen anymore?

Yes, i left that job shortly after though.
We also told the guy one of our friends was a furry and he never left him alone after that. that friend stayed working there for about a year after that and would still have that guy try to tell him about furry shit even though he'd told him multiple times he wasnt into it and didnt care

They think that believing you're actually some kind of cartoon wolf/ocelot/skunk/whatever and people not nodding their heads sympathetically whenever you tell them this is on par with being a homosexual sent to the gas chambers in Nazi Germany.

Kerro the wolf represents a good portion of the furry community, therefore they must be purged.
Also their souls are on avarage more wicked, so you might enjoy them more Satan, if you take them

Besides the "degeneracy" or "morals" nada, its just like any other fandom, theres a bunch of toxic idiots and mongoloids taking it too far. So nothing against furries, just the fandom homos

Sorry forgot about this read: Something that is not a 'put on' but comes very naturally, irrespective of what your wearing. I guess the 'naked you' both in the literal sense and the metaphorical. I suppose it would also involve a lot of self-improvement or at least 'integrity' in the sense that whatever values (whatever those values be, they have to deeply held convictions, probably forged after much experience and reflecting on life) a person claims to have they sort of live their entire life by them, instead of hiding behind a Disney eyes fox suite and LARPing as the person they want to be.

Pedophilia and actual teen & child grooming are rampant in their communities, not to mention drug abuse, animal abuse of the most insane and diabolical nature imaginable, exposing innocents in the public space to their degeneracy, prostitution at furry conventions, etc.

Most of them aren't that bad tbqh but the moment you start making it a "lifestyle" instead of just being porn then your life starts a downward spiral. I know several people who have quit being furries after the whole zoosadism fiasco happened.