What the fuck is the Pain Manifest...

What the fuck is the Pain Manifest? I can't find anything about it through Google searches but it's been stuck in my head since yesterday and it's freaking me out. It came out of nowhere. I was talking to myself and not thinking about anything, and suddenly I said it.

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If you thought about The Pain Manifest you already know what it is, but you haven't realized it yet. You know what will happen next. You know what you need to do.

Record of elites who performed a particular rite of passage, kept to ensure their cooporation with the deep state. Goes back a long way. Less you know the better. It's powerful for a reason.

tell us how it goes, someone might know

I'm afraid I don't know what will happen next. Are you bullshitting me, or do you really know something about this? It really unsettles me that I was just absentmindedly talking to myself like I often do when I'm pissed off, and I said this. I had to stop and reflect on what I just said when it happened, made me feel really uncomfortable.

You will suddenly find yourself being able to recall more and more about The Pain Manifest over the coming days, maybe weeks. Not unlike the features of a strikingly lifelike and breathtaking marble sculpture slowly being brought to light by the rising of the full moon. Don't directly think about it for too long or you may become paralyzed by it's immensity and impossibly intricate nature.

Take your madeup bullshit to
OP is just being an idiot and trying to find meaning in his dull life

Sounds fucking metal whatever it is.

It'd make a great Doom megawad.

>OP is just being an idiot and trying to find meaning in his dull life
I wish. It completely stood out against my other usual ranting. Complaining to myself about people I used to go to school with, about how shitty my job was, about my poor health. And then out of nowhere, with no context whatsoever, "The Pain Manifest". This whole thing feels really fucky.

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Sometimes that happens, you'll say something you've never heard of before.

Honestly man I might try and write some shit revolving around the Pain Manifest, shit sounds cool as hell and there's probably a really creative horror movie in there somewhere

>le epic /v/ conformist
hang yourself

What the fuck is the pain manifest and would I be wasting my time digging down a rabbit hole like this?

>What the fuck is the pain manifest
I don't know yet.
>would I be wasting my time digging down a rabbit hole like this?
I'm going to keep looking, I suggest you do too. I have no idea what this is, but it reeks of evil and grave importance.

OP, the way you say "the" Pain Manifest implies you're thinking of a physical object, like a ship's manifest.

Could it be that this Pain Manifest has a log of people who hurt or have been hurt?

What would be the purpose of such an object? Would it be of divine origin, like the book of life?

Literally this

piss off with your paranormal bullshit

Perhaps it's just a journal of men/women who deserve punishment. Could pull some serious Boondock Saints shit with a book like that.

Hmm, I wonder who could be behind these posts? You fuckers always tend to show up to these threads.

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>y-you must be samefagging!!!
kys idiot, god forbid two different fucking people agree that something is retarded. Stop trying to find meaning in something that doesn't exist

Anyone else feeling sleepy? Why don't we go take a nap?

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>creates a post
>replies to himself in said post pretending he's someone else

Gtfo to /x/, you retard

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Just sleep on it, OP. it's late and I'm sure we're all tired

>everything is a conspiracy!!! There must be something behind this random thing my mind came up with!!!
how stupid can you be

You sir are most definitely I tier S BRAINLET

nice argument

It could have something to do with this. /x/ has been a weird and different feeling place for the past year, this whole website has in fact. Something's changed for the worst but I can't pin down what that thing is.

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You're imagining things. Grow up. No one believe you.

The more backlash I get with these statements, the more I'm convinced that something really did happen.

posting in epic surveillance bread

>What the fuck is the pain manifest
what the fuck is a bbc manifest fest

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havent seen this shit in a long time guys its a book from 3 fucking years ago

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goin wiild user his cock was in my ear fucking it

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>inb4 what the fuck is bbc music
What are you guys listen

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is this bbc music?

Isn't it just "the game" but edgy?

/x/ faggots are worse than tranny pill pushers or sissies, fuck you all. You are literally MORE mentally ill than the two aforementioned groups. Your only way out is suicide, retards.

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ask around /x/

za boy 7 & 8 dont know about this shit!

give it away the sea bbc music
>what the fuck is big black cock music

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Don't respond to that moron user, he makes retarded posts in many threads, just ignore the mentally ill fag

listen you stupid cock brained motherfucker if i wasn't doing what I do youd be subject to more cock than me so shut the up and let it be how i do it you s

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you should listen to that song though its good

Will do user

Great idea. I'm going to make music about it.