how do i know if im worthless? i feel like im never going to fulfill anyone, that im ugly and useless, i wish someone was willing to own me especially if they treated me like im garbage just so that i wouldnt be alone and i wiuld be treated how i deserve
How do i know if im worthless? i feel like im never going to fulfill anyone, that im ugly and useless...
a lot of people feel like that here, including me in the past, but its not true, the point ie its unlikely that there isnt some way you're gonna find happiness in this world, there is always still a chance, thats what keeps me going, im not happy but ive still got hope and i keep trying, if i were to kill myself like i want to and end my misery, then id end all my chances at a happy life just to admit im not strong enough to go through it, although, im still not sure, i still might kill myself some day
lose weight landwhale
im not saying this cos I'm some beta orbiter but your not worthless, all human life has worth, but it's up to you to decide that worth and I doubt you deserve to be treated like garbage
also if you live a healthy lifestyle, you live happier, 9 months ago I was 115 kilos and depressed all the time, now live dropped down to 97 kilos, not that much but I still feel a lot happier now
What a sad, pathetic existence. This is how you'll live the rest of your life, a toy for someone else to abuse kek.
Fuck off cunt, you could live that fantasy out.
i want to die
i weigh 130 pounds and barely eat i dont think anorexia will make me feel better my face is just so ugly
not the same user but, its not just losing weight, its exercising and being fit, it helps me! when u see any kind of change it makes u feel a whole lot better
l just want you to be happy
I'm not saying be anorexic, just eat healthily, make sure you get your daily caloric intake, 5 fruit 3 vegs all that stuff just live better and you will bot feel and be better.its just as important to eat enough as it is to not eat too much, moderation in all things. and I'm sure your not that ugly
I will take you in as a live in maid and sexually abuse you and have sex with prettier girls in front of you. Deal?
show me ur bobs dear, and ur vagene too if u please
Disgusting typical roastie with her pedophilic sexual fantasies pretending to be a little girl while Chad and Tyrone rape her every orifice. I hope you die painfully.
>how do i know if im worthless?
You don't. No one has any objective value.
Is that meant to b your "ugly" face?
Dumb roastie.
Not her, but that sounds like a hot plan. I don't think my mom would let me do it, though.
What if somebody owned you and treated you with love and affection, which they found fulfilling?
If you want, I can bully and belittle you every single day.
And you have a penis, I only accept biological females.
>And you have a penis
That's not even true.
I'll fuck your asshole until you cry, little fembot.
Prove it then faggot. It still counts even of you cut it off btw.
>especially if they treated me like im garbage
Why are women like this?
In that case let me talk to your mom, so I can try to convince her.
That's fembots for you. They are broken people with mental issues.
It makes me sad.
I just want to love and care for them.
I don't want to treat a girl badly.
whats your paypal, I want to send you money please
this, but i want feet pics in exchange
I want to find a broken fembot who will be okay with me treating her like a sex slave. I won't pretend to love her or respect her but at least I will give her safety and food.
The real question is OP, if someone told you one way or the other - would you listen or be able to internalize what they said? For example this user brings up a good point, all human lives have worth. Are you ready to believe him?
>i want to die
I want to find a broken fembot to love, support, and share life with.
user thats easy most people are broken in some way but your a degenerate so git gud first
Isn't that what we all wish for?
I already got gud and am still a degenerate.
tru but not as much as u
mfw I know am too broken to help someone else