Irish and Italians are the niggers of whites

Irish and Italians are the niggers of whites

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>literally the whitest people and the smartest people in Europe, respectively

As well as white Americans from the South and Northeast, who are unsurprisingly, descendants of the Irish and Italians.

>the Latin moors
>the red niggers
>neither considered white in America until recently
>whitest people in Europe

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I didn't realize "respectively" was a big and obscure word now. Guess education really is getting worse.

Who are "red niggers"

Loud, obnoxious, egotistical drunkards
Loud, obnoxious, egotistical, smokers, manlets, greasy
Am I wrong?

They both also have a reputation for being violent.

I bet you haven't met Poles

Being Irish myself, I can agree with everything there. Except egotistical drunkards. People really don't drink as much as the rest of Europe. That or our tolerance is just higher. And its mostly the immigrants that are egotistical, normal Irish people are mostly modest. Like nobody even likes McGregor here. Most people I know hate him

I'm not sicilian or sardinian which is what your stereotypes appoint to, but all of my family is very italian, I think we're very monocultural, I might have some Austrian or something in me - otherwise nearly 100% italian phenotype
let me see
Only when arguing
Barely anyone smokes here, and neither in my family, and myself. We don't smoke
I'm 192cm and I'm pretty swarthy. 192 is about 6'3 maybe 0.5 cm away from 6'4
My father is 188. Both brothers 190
Only if I eat actual italian food

>I'm not sicilian or sardinian which is what your stereotypes appoint
>Loud, obnoxious, egotistical, smokers, manlets, greasy

Why are you fucking retard involving we sardinians in your italian stereotypes which don't belong to us completely? Fucking shitalian, even travel guides warn tourists that sardinians are the opposite of italians:
"Sards are not theatrical or gregarious like other italians, but they look you frankly in the eye and
treat you as a human being first before they judge you as anything else."
"Sardinians as a race are prone to a very non latin, almost celtic wistfulness and melancholy."
"Sardinians are almost universally polite to women, and it is unlikely that you will suffer the sort of harassment that you might in parts of mainland Italy."
"Sardinians are generally a quiet and reserved people, especially those of the interior, far from the archetype of the outgoing Mediterranean."
"Sardinians display none of the exuberance usually associated with mainland italians, nor their malleability or lightness of heart."
"Casual contacts often possible with italians in other regions is more than an expection than the general rule in Sardinia. "
"The Sardinians are no slouches at the dinner table."
"You will probably never meet an obsequious sardinian."
"They are intelligent, extremely generous and hospitable, both on a personal level and comunally, they are the most profuse blood donors in italy."

Attached: 280px-Flag_of_Sardinia,_ .svg.png (280x188, 14K)

>>i'm not sicilian or sardinian which is what your stereotypes appoint to

Double retarded

Obesity rate in Italy

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I'll have you know southern italian bulls are the single ethnic group closest to ashkenazi jews
ukrainians are the niggers of whites

>I'm not sicilian or sardinian which is what your stereotypes appoint to

3 times retard:

"Sardinians themselves are not a talkative race (unless you get them going on politics or some other subject dear to their hearts)."

>Barely anyone smokes here, and neither in my family, and myself. We don't smoke
negro everyone fucking smokes in italy.
from 14 year old zoomers to 90 year old grannies, they all smoke.
Honestly, it's fucking worrying.
I think Italians might be the most avid smokers in all Europe.

Italy has the highest average iq in europe

Ah yes America, land of sucking jew dick and 56%

Sardinians are honorary iberians

Cold, stiff, depressed and sexually repressed
Warm, life-affirming, blossoming with love and dance

we poles are the worst subhumans around, italians are cool

are there any actual white europeans besides maybe nordics?

Reminder that there is no agreed definition of what is and isn't white, scientifically or culturally.
"White" only became something people cared about with early colonization.

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you all want some italian girl to sit on your face and bake you lasagna, don't lie.

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Ohh I see what you mean.
Most islanders and southerners are slightly overweight, up in north everyone is mostly skinny. Charts don't mean much if you actually live in the country dude. Everyone in my family (excluding my mothers side) is mostly either fit or normal weight without working out or much No lol
those are eastern europeans, slavs, and english people
they smoke the most
I rarely see anyone apart from women smoking around here.

I can bake my own lasagna, I don't need an Italian bitch to do that for me.
And since I'm Italian myself, I noticed that modern girls can't cook for shit, they only care about their instagram turbothottery.

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Then you're fucking blind if you think italians don't smoke

Wanna say that again, punk?

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