This comic is completely right. Why do you get angry at it when you should learn from it?
This comic is completely right. Why do you get angry at it when you should learn from it?
Learn from what? What am I supposed to learn from this? What does this teach me? There's nothing to learn here.
Post the chad edit, you lazy faggot
I got you GANG WEED senpai.
To not bother trying to win women over. Their thought is different from that of betacuck incels, and that's not a bad thing.
How are these made by the same person?
>guy is skinny and same height as her
Okay, so lift weights and date girls shorter than me and also don't say beta stuff like that
Simple stuff
>I am trying to please you
is fucktarded.
This one made me kek
>mfw it's the other way around for me right now
I'm just not into her at all.
>What am I supposed to learn from this?
Basically, that holes are fucking retarded and they have no sense or understanding of how relationships work in the long term. They don't realize that, without aclimating oneself into actually putting in emotional effort/work/labor in sustainjng the relationship, literally fucking just about EVERYONE grows to resent and hate their partner once the magical honeymoon/passionate love phase ends.
They don't give a crap about any of that though. All they care about is the brain dead novelty and excitement of the infatuation period of new relationships. They take a fucking single bite of an apple, and then throw it out and look for another one.
Fuck all biocunts, robotfus when?
the comic is both right and wrong
"Nice guys", when will they learn?
Whoever made that edit wasn't a true GANG WEEDER. Fucking Chads trying to pose as intellectual gentleman gamers like us. Bitch, gamers rise up.
well, that's okay user, but it would be appropiate if you try to make her understand so it's less painful for her
That's cute and funny.
Comics by self-aware women are so much fun.
>cross necklace
Erm, excuse me love...
Ain't that the truth senpai
Oh, it's me. Goddammit.
Someone should edit this so he is jumping to his death via suicide.
Honore de Balzac said in love it's a fact that
There's always one who suffers and one who's bored,
And she's bored with him and tasting his pain
Straight from his smorgasbord
Isn't he already? The jump's too far to make.