
Cock Destroyers (TM) edition


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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Zipom-Portable-Bamboo-Foldable-Notebook/dp/B01M68E330/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1544019981&sr=8-5&keywords=laptop bed

what do they have against cocks

Whats the point of the white powder on milk bottles other than to make a massive mess ffs

Reminder that Cromwell is a traitor who permitted the Jewish problem to return to England.

>so keen they're even having a morning gangbang
bless em

What does cola (the poster) look like?

>inferior cock destroyers appealing to men
>not superior engulfment which does not appeal to men but literally consumes them dick first

no girl is touching my cock anyway
ugly as fuck I am.

What causes people to hoard things?

you know, the basic standard

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Here you go lad


>When they licked each others tongues they sounded like villagers from minecraft
howling at this comment

some people cant part with stuff and some people keep stuff thinking they'll need it and before they know it the house is full of shite

An attempt at grasping for control in a world they have no meaningful agency over

Cromwell was an all around piece of shit. He was a genuinely awful man. Letting the jew back into England was just one of his many, many terrible decisions.
I'm not saying that an absolute monarchy is the best system of governance or anything like that, but if someone really thinks that Cromwell was a great guy they simply don't know anything about him. Just like Napoleon - a truly awful person who just happened to be very important in geopolitics at the time so he went down in history.

you never know when a chess set with half the pieces missing might come in handy

>so your granny shagged an enemy soldier and ran off with him?

I suppose so, yeah. Wish they were still alive, wonder what they would make of modern britain.

I had to go to therapy for hoarding. My room was a state, I wouldn't throw anything out unless it was literally rubbish because I thought it'd have a use sometime in the future and I'd hate myself for chucking it out

so an androgynous jew

Pretty much this. It's the pathological expression of a natural attempt to enforce your brain's inherent pattern matching ability onto the real world.

Tempted to buy one of these laptop tables of Amazon. Always using my laptop in bed and I think the lack of ventilation can't be good for it. Might be more comfy too.
Any lads had experience with one of these sort of things
amazon.co.uk/Zipom-Portable-Bamboo-Foldable-Notebook/dp/B01M68E330/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1544019981&sr=8-5&keywords=laptop bed

are Peruvians jewish?

Reinstate Aliens Restriction Act 1914

their mouths, pussies and arseholes judging by their videos

Not that bad to be honest. Somehow transitioning made them look less French.

Who is hyped for the English riots on Sunday?

>stuck in East Devon

No but they have a fair few en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Peru

so getting moved on by the old bill after 20 minutes and life goes on.

>The Statute of the Jewry... placed a number of restrictions on Jews of England, most notably outlawing the practice of usury
>it was discovered that Jews widely but secretly continued to practise usury, leading Edward I to issue the Edict of Expulsion in 1290
What the fuck is wrong with them lads, why can't they do anything except con people

>English riots
pfft we dont have the stomach for a good riot

I really hate throwing things away. I can really see myself devolving into a hoarder later in life.
Got loads of clothes that don't fit any more. Toys from childhood. DVDs VHS loads of junk.

Read The Culture of Critique, it's genuinely fascinating and seems to be the most accurate explanation of their behaviour that's been published. Most people have a knee-jerk reaction to anything that talks about jews but isn't overt praise, but nonetheless it's a scholarly, researched and cited work that should be treated as such and refuted (if possible) as such also.

Comfy day on the sofa with Futurama, Maoam and a blanket.

>doesn't even remember August 2011
I think someone is underage

>923 results found

great another narcissist

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England for the English
Britain should not become the dumping ground for the scum of Europe
The dirty, destitute, diseased, verminous and criminal foreigner who dumps himself on our soil and rates simultaneously, shall be forbidden to land

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My dad has always been a hoarder and I just lost my rag with this new pile of magazines that's appeared in the garage, I threw them into an inaccessible corner and ripped up an old poster.

He brings home all sorts of shit like random bolts and bits of metal from work.

Fuck we've got loads of these in the cupboard, my dad refuses to part with them because "they were from my childhood!". Feels like I'm drowning in clutter and shit he can't let go of.

How bad did it get and who suggested therapy? My dad is from a generation of working class where mental health is seen as something that isn't real and people were just expected to get on with things. The garage is full to the brim with rusted motorcycle parts and ever cupboard in the house is also full of crap he brings home and hides.

I dread the day when my grandma dies as then we'll have all her old shit that my uncle and aunt don't want.

Seriously lad don't you'll end up like my dad, we've got so many boxes of old VHS tapes that I they literally take up an entire corner of the shed and living room.

Was just sitting in my room (shared house) when I hear keys in my door lock and some dude followed by a couple of young people burst through and the guys asks "hey, can we look around for a viewing?".

How about no? I didn't know this was happening and you didn't even fucking knock on my door. The fuck is wrong with that guy? Moreover I have the room until fucking July, why are you bringing people round to view it now?

Not happy lads. Made me concerned that I had somehow lost the room which made me very anxious. Asked the guy leading the viewing but he said he didn't know anything about it. Gonna talk to the estate agent and complain, this is not on.

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That was just niggers stealing things for no reason.

are you the lad that was trying to clear his dads shed?

World population is estimated at 7.7 billion. Jewish population is estimated at around 14 million. 1 out of every 550 people. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. A small minority should not be allowed to control the majority.

>How bad did it get and who suggested therapy?
Literally couldnt walk in my room. It was really messy, it was all in tubs piled up everywhere because ironically as a hoarder I also hate mess. I had a right fit when my mum chucked everything away when I moved out though. Proper kicked off, so my parents suggested I get help to deal with it. Don't really think the therapy helped because I still want to hoard things and do but I force myself to throw things out

>user gets robbed

>land lord says he's sending someone to 'check the plugs'
just fucking say it you want to see what state the house is in

I agree, but currently that very small minority holds MASSIVELY disproportionate power over the vast majority

Yes, progress just stalled because we mostly finished getting rid of the stuff that was truly unusable (apart from stuff like scrap metal and wood). But now he's reached a point where everything has a use in his eyes.

Today I've noticed the over packed bookcase is so heavy that its starting to buckle the laminated floor beneath it.

Well done then, what kinds of things does the therapist go over with you? What kinds of tips did they give you when you're struggling to decide on an item?

I don't ever see my dad talking to a therapist over this kind of thing, you're lucky to get more than a few inaudible words out of him on the best of days.

Sure your flatmates didn't agree to a house viewing?

>"hey, can we look around for a viewing?".
>user once they've left and talking to his buddies on 4chans
>"How about no? I didn't know this was happening and you didn't even fucking knock on my door."


why do I like softcore porn more than hardcore

Probably more realistic lad and more likely to happen to you.

Because it's better lad. I like erotica more than both desu

>leave back door unlocked cos I'm in anyway
>faggot housemates panic when they come in
>they say loudly "HELLO IS ANYONE IN HERE?"
>instead of assuming I was in they assumed the house was getting burgled

These guys are fucking freaks. They panic whenever someone is knocking on the door too. Instead of answering it they'll find out if anyone is expecting a visitor first and don't answer the door anyway. The area we live in isn't even rough wtf

No idea. If they did they didn't tell me about it. Will ask them about it in a little bit. Sending an email to the agents at the moment.

Nah I was there the whole time and they just looked around for a minute and went on to the next room.

Well no shit lad, he was already in my room and they were already looking around, I was just being rhetorical. Not happy about this whole incident.

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I'm the same lad. A close up of a cock in a vag does nothing for me

are they posho's?

i only like amateur porn. professional porn looks too fake to me, the birds don't even get wet and the moans sound fake. Too unrealistic. amateur stuff is mostly shit too tbf

Don't leave the back door unlocked lad. My house was burgled on the very first week of the shared tenancy. They only went around the ground floor, but the girl in the one bedroom down there woke up to a burglar in her room standing over her. She was a fucking mess for weeks.

Everyone locks everything at all times now.

>living in an area of crime.

I like the realism of amateur porn, it's just a shame that the production quality is shit 95% of the time. I still mostly watch professional stuff, I'm just way more picky about it than I used to be. Still check the regular big sites and a bunch of the smaller ones for new releases (to then go torrent), but now only maybe like 1-3 scenes a week get released that are any good.

>Don't leave the back door unlocked lad
ooh chance would be a fine thing!

I went on a cinema date with a girl and we went to see the new grinch film because she's a christmas mong

I'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain. living without you is driving me insane

Mate I live in Manchester and I'm not rich enough to afford some penthouse with private security - there's literally nowhere I could live in this shithole of a city that isn't an area of crime.

>he lives in a city

It's a bit shite isn't it? Seen it with my nephew. Wasn't impressed but the dog was cute.

Why did the burglar go into her room? what a mong he was. the fuck was he doing burgling a student anyway, best he could rob is a few hundred pounds worth of stuff, deffo not worth that for the time he could do.

Not feeling anything after a week and a half on antidepressants. No side effects or anything. Was I given placebos or some shit

he probably thought no one was home you melt


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why is there going to be riots?

I like the low production quality of amateur porn, really makes it feel like your in someones dark bedroom than a film set.

They're subtle lad, not something that hits you like you're expecting. I found that the results only became obvious over a long time.

Yeah it was shite really, I didn't get much out of it. She liked that fucking stupid goat.

>not feeling anything

they're working then.

True lad but i was expecting to experience some of these infamous side effects people always bang on about
I still feel depressed obviously, I mean I feel no affect from the drug

Only side effect I got was that it took me longer to cum for a few weeks. Most of the side effects I experienced was when I came off of them. Everyone responds differently lad

>not testing to see if someone was in


im not exactly bad at getting girls, i've been out with plenty; but recently, none show interest despite me losing a lot of weight, getting stronger and more athletic/muscular, etc

oi lad I found a pic of your cock

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the fuck mate how did you get this? I deleted my SPH tumblr in lieu of the canning of adult content

Some girls like lads with dadbods because they feel more comfortable with a shit looking lad as they are insecure about how they look.

I'm a skelly. some girls like it, some don't. it's a gamble

Hope nobody saw me looking at that just then.

It's not that lmao its like they literally pretend i dont exist anymore

>work was handing out some of those reusable coffee cups for marketing
>grab one because why not
>actually holds heat really well, becomes my new everyday cup/mug
>gf uses it one day to make peppermint tea
>the plastic material apparently holds on to peppermint molecules for fucking yonks
>three months of use and washing later I can still taste a distinct minty taste in my tea and coffee
fuck sake I don't want to buy a new one

exactly, just depends on the girl init.

why would that suddenly happen, unless your personality has changed?

>tfw no qqt russian gf

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ive got a new set of friends i suppose? i wouldnt' say ive changed my personality but ive become a bit of a chav

Think I will apply to open university to complete my failed degree in January.
New year new me innit.

They're like a couple quid lad

I'm very frugal

a couple quid for a cup you will use for months is the very definition of frugal


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>wuz sayin she met a KANG

So how did your 2018 new years resolutions go lads?
Did you accomplish them?

>ive become a bit of a chav

Only chav girls like chavs. That is something you are meant to grow out of not become later in life.

nah not buying one when you already have a perfectly serviceable one is being frugal

Well then stop going through your mums phone lad.

>t.Charles II