Steam fren removed me as a friend for no reason

>steam fren removed me as a friend for no reason
I know we never really talked, but we could have played something at some point. Now my feelings are hurt and my day is ruined.

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You should have took the initiative and asked him to play with you then, don't let it get you down, just treat it as a lesson for when you find another friend.

>that sting you get in your stomach when you notice someone has deleted you

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>Had a steam friend who I used to play a lot of games with years ago
>They disappear because of uni or some shit like that, still on my friends list
>Habitually check their profile, usually once every few months
>They not only removed me as a friend, but they also blocked me recently

Incidentally, I haven't made a new friend on Steam in a very long time.

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Very relatable.
Fuck I hate that feeling

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Tell me about your friend, user.

You should have just said something.

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He was depressed, didn't even really like playing games all that much he said. But the couple of times we did play something together, it was fun.

This but without the removing they just start ghosting. Wish I had an online friend again to play vidya with

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was he an internet friend or an irl friend?
where/when did you two met?

We met here, in a Steam thread. There's a very real chance he could be reading this thread right now.

I really hope he's reading this so he can at least apologize or give some explanation about why he removed you.
I think that everyone must at least warn everyone they're removing saying why.

Adding people off Jow Forums is a bit of a crapshoot desu, usually they're either too autistic to even reply or far too much of a normalfag to feel any sort of enthusiasm to talk to. It's rare to find someone in the middle, I've met a few of them and one was underage and the rest were literal gays, so I guess there's some sort of tradeoff happening there.

What type of vidya?

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>played a game with a guy for one night
>he removes me afterwards
i just gave a silent nod of understanding tho, we both recognized we were too different and just sticking around to be polite. we were there for each other when we needed someone and thats all that mattered.

gta 5, rising storm 2, any coop game, total war games till rome 2, dark souls 3, stardew valley I kinda play everything. I dont like mobas or battleroyals tho

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Sounds like a pretty nice list. Post your Steam, user.
>inb4 disappears

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Why would you have to explain why you're removing someone? I feel like if you remove them it's pretty obvious you guys didn't click not to mention it's not that big of a deal.

Because it's pretty rude.

>I think that everyone must at least warn everyone they're removing saying why.
Still really hurts if you get to know them but you're right.

You want to stalk me dont you

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I don't even know you. I'd like to get to know you though. Let's be friends?

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videogames only

And this is why people are friendless here.

>random adds me out of the blue
>don't even share any meme groups
how did this person find me??

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Person that does that here.
Sometimes I get bored and search people in a group I'm interested in and start adding.
>tfw this has landed me good friends

Probably a scammer trying to either get your account or items if you play trade heavy games.

Tell me what you like first

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i don't and they're not some [unassigned] default avatar user, it's a 6-year account with a lot of playtime
why wouldn't they join the group if they're interested in it?

There's lots of stuff I like, but I own and enjoy some of those games you listed. And I too hate mobas and battle royales.

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>why wouldn't they join the group if they're interested in it?
Because muh profile aesthetic.
Sometimes the group is embarrassing too.

don't do it user they're an anime poster they probably collect friends and have more than 0 friends already.

Everyone who has ever made me jump through hoops just to add them have been terrible friends. Quiet, never open a conversation, always playing some dating sim alone at 4am.

I'm not the guy you were talking to, but just be open man, what's he going to do? Fucking murder you? It's steam.

This right here. No one is worth that much time just to get to know them.

Just to get to add them, I meant.

if its this easy to ruin your day

that's probably not healthy

>you're always the one to remove them first

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Whenever we talked I thought that he thought I was alright. Like I had an actual friend even though we didn't talk very often, which he said he was fine with, as he was shy like me and didn't like talking much. I haven't been friends with anyone since I was 10 years old.

Gotta agree with this, just throw your worries out of the window and jump in man, I used to be an autist that was scared to add people to anything but now I just treat everything as experience.


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This. It also helps to not have expectations of someone. That's how you doom it all from the start.

>76 friends
>Jow Forums shit
That's gonna be a yikes from me.


Are you underage, anonon

all my friends are in the army because they are lost souls like me but dont realize there is no escape yet

Sometimes I think situations like this and being ghosted and such were actually a part of your life's layout and that it's all just lessons to show you how the buddhists are right about attachment.

But fuck that shit, being attached to another is the only unique and valuable thing on this side. To have an other genuinely care about you out of their own free will. Can't be bought, priceless.

Are you not supposed to be attached to your friends?

So you're a Stoic, then? Read Seneca if you're not, he was the perfect fusion of "i want to not be attached to shit because everything is temporary" and "i also want close friendships, be involved in the world and have wealth". It's like non-autistic Buddhism

You're partly right. You should treat every experience of being ghosted as a lesson if you cared about the person who left you. You just can't dwell on it. People will ghost you, shit happens.

Find people who won't ghost you and be the best fucking you for them instead.