Murrilards, how common are morbidly obese people in american every day life? Is it as bad as the memes say?
Murrilards, how common are morbidly obese people in american every day life? Is it as bad as the memes say?
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>Is it as bad as the memes say?
Not even close.
not really. theres fat people, sure, but i wouldn't say they reached the point of morbid obesity.
It's normal to see fat people, say an extra 50 pounds or so, but I've seen maybe 2 people as big as OP's pic in my life...and i live in the deep south.
>is it as bad as the memes say?
Not at all honestly. Most of them are in the south and are dying left and right.
You see plenty of obese people and even more fat people but theyre still functioning, the morbidly obese people generally stay home and you never see them
Its kinda odd, you see all these scooter-bound blobs wheeling around Walmart, but you never really see them leave.
This. Plenty of fat people, but the really bad ones are few and far between in public. I also see an equal amount of normal weight people.
Morbidly obese people are common. I can go to any supermarket and there will be more than I can count on my hands. Everyone is fat in the midwest, the question is just how fat you are (myself? about 20lbs over).
>all these burgers saying there aren't any morbidly obese people around
>An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
just because you have deluded yourself into believing that being a landwhale is OK, it doesn't mean quite a bit of you are morbidly obese. The average height of the burger man is 5'10". At 279 pounds, the average american is morbidly obese.
75% of Americans are overweight. Being overweight is the normal thing in America. If you are a healthy weight, Americans will think that you are underweight. Americans have a skewed view of how obese you have to be to be "morbidly obese".
Common enough that you aren't shocked to see them when they appear. Most Americans are overweight to obese though, food is so engrained into every holiday, show of hospitality, and outting that people will shame you or think you're rude for not feeding them or stuffing yourself. I grew up thinking a three serving sized meal was actually just a single serving. People actually think I have an eating disorder now a days because I eat two normal sized meals a day now.
Can confirm. I'm from California and the low IQ of the state being 95.5 and fat retards go together. And unlike here in the Midwest, they actually leave their house for some reason.
its far worse
>tfw grow up in a liberal state where everyone is vegan and works out so barely anyone is fat
The average woman weighs fucking 170 lbs.
These days fitness is becoming more popular, so its not as common. Back in the 90's and early 2000's when fastfood was at its peak, it was really like the memes.
I got a question for you fat fucks, why dont you date fat girls? I see so.many obese women online and they are all so fucking easy.
>Is it as bad as the memes say?
No you fucking sperglord neckbeard
Its obviously because they are fat.
I like in Texas and it legitimately is, so many fat people fucking everywhere.
Fat girls belong to skinny men, skinny girls belong to fit men. No one belongs to non-rich fat men.