Motivation Thread

Lifting for women Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lifting for him, Edition

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>Lifting for Aesthetics Edition


I lift for all the cute, single, virgin women out there waiting for my pure white hard cock.

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Lifting for him edition

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I do it for him.

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is there anything more beta than having an asian gf?

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I only lift for myself, I excepted no woman would ever want me when I was 16.

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lifting for a better me

t. roast beef between the legs, i.e: roastie.

Race mixing is for leftists

Why are there so many jordan threads?

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you tell me

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jordan who?

She looks like she fucks 5'5" white guys.


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Sounds right up my alley.


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>lifting for women
How fucking pathetic


no she prefers asian men

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Cope harder r/asianmasculinity

Don't give up, the Lord is always watching over you

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Based and reichpilled

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>compressed chads
Audible kek

>Realized today I've been lifting for a girl

am I still gonna make it???

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No, when she loses interest, the hole she left won't be filled with lifting

>rich daddy's boy
>still friendzoned

Aw fuck. Too real. Girl broke up with me. It’s been over a year and I still feel them emptyness.

That’s why you work and lift until you drop dead.

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You're going to redistribute everyone's gains to DYELs and hamplanets?

>worshipping a degenerate who an hero'd and embittered the western world against nationalism
The absolute STATE of nazicucks

>see picture of hitler
>beads of sweat begin to form on my bald head
>start typing frantically
>i must tell these nazis how evil they are

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she's already lost interest

I'm just lifting the pain away for what was lost

based and checkedpilled

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>such a massive fag he has to play the race card to get girls
you're basically the white version of blacks complainin about "oppression"

Way to attack a victim of bullying you insensitive prick, hitler was the real victim of perfidious albion and judaism

Sorry I don't make the soiboi face and squeal about how based and redpilled Cuckler was, Fritz (but let's be honest most of you are mutts and Hispanics)

I'm not telling you to stop lifting
I'm telling you it won't stop the pain

>thinking white women are actually on par with superior Asian beauties

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Hnng look at her

Cant get off to asians

I lift to be the best man I can be.

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>embittered the western world against nationalism
Not sure if the propagandist himself or just someone who fell for the propaganda but fuck off anyway.


based and christpilled

Chris is working overtime

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And i'm with you brother!

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Where did the girl behind the counter go?

>Lifting for a beta male... yeesh

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>failed ideology
>lost the only war he fought
>died to suicide or cowardly ran away to avoid being killed for starting a world war for racial idealism
>didn’t even finish the Jews off
I’m sorry he’s a failure on all fronts

cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

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now THIS is epic

post body incel beta cuvk


> Go clean your room

ok, pic related is me. Now your turn faggot. If I don't see a reply I win by default white trash nigger.

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O-oy vey, these goys are still at i-it

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He was the one before the last. I'm lifting to be the last one.

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>no ass
>no tits
>white girls are prettier

pedo incel cope

>give objective reasons why Hitler is a failure and diefying him is pure fedora-tipping cringe
>y-you're a (((jew)))!!
Whoa... So this is the power of the Aryan intellect...

>Compressed chads

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> Asian girl
Fucking beta loser

>She looks like she bangs asian dudes™

I just want to look aesthetic in a nazi uniform

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Better not be a manlet though



Attached: 1550542902757.gif (511x512, 105K) not even a nazi, but if you are white you are a traitor not liking Hitler



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I have no race,so whathever

This has been the top comment on this exact thread 4 days in a row

Lolz so edgy haha

Good man, imagine the scrubs not doing heil hitlers for their shoulders.

..and that's a good thing.

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>inb4 some autistic user calculates his height to be 5'2 based on universal door knob metrics

Sweet trips btw

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left wingers are scientifically proven to be feminine dyels, just saying

Based. At least Mussolini would've gone down in history as a great man if it weren't for siding with Hitler


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Unironically redpilled and based.

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im an asian man and white women are more beautiful on the whole. Admitedly, i love my own kind and they have their own merits but again, on the whole white women are more attractive. Also, i wouldnt attach any moral values to a particular race of people, particularly women. Plenty of nasty asian women who will trap you like a fly. Latinos and other South American women are on another level though. They exude exotic sensuality, a mystical kind where lust is not sinful but rather a primitive and innocent condition of the First man,

Lmao, Duce got BTFO by southern Slavs alone, at least it took 5 big countries, of which 4 were superpowers, to stop Adolf

he was the OG. italians needed more time

why are u so obsessed with this basic looking bitch?

You never gonna make it boys, simply because your happiness and motivation/drive depends on other human being or fucking webm of a basic hoe on the internet (who will never even meet u or recognize u exist LOL) and not yourself.

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Absolutely this 100%

Some high octane suicide fuel.

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>quoting this absolutely pathetic creature

This piece of shit did unspeakable things, yet retards still think he was somebody worth remembering?

This man experimented on mentally disadvantaged people, and made absolutely no fucking progress outside of causing unimaginable pain and suffering to those undeserving. I don't even give a shit that he helped kill Jews. If you think causing pain to those burdened by mental disability you deserve a fate worse than death.

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i have a story for you guys

>working as a security guard working the front of the stage at a concert so people don't jump on stage
>buddy on the other side of the stage chatting up girl by front row with bunch of her friends
>after show is over. everyone clears out and shes still talking to him
>he calls me over and introduces me. she says she wants us to meet with her friends later
>i say can't. gotta go home and study.
>my buddy can't go either
>she says "okay well can i at least get a ride back to my hotel to meet back up with my friends?"
> i agree and we head to my car
> i take off my collared work shirt because i have a casual tank top under
> we're in the car for 10 seconds before she starts joking around
> "dont worry i swear im not gonna rob you or something. i might rape you but now rob you haha"
> shes tiny. like 5'1 so its pretty funny to me
> "can i just say your muscles are insane"
> me feeling awkward not knowing what to say
> "heh. thanks. you can feel them if you want"
> she starts feeling my arms then my chest then goes into my pants. unbuttons them and starts blowing me until we get to the front of her hotel
> she literally just sits up when we get there. says "thanks hottie haha"
> i ask for her number and that was 3 months ago. we never talked again

I dont think any of this would've happened if i wasnt fit. if i still looked like the little beta i did a few years ago i doubt it would've gone that way

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Based Christbro

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The only thing this thread is doing is motivating me to never come back to this place. Yikes.


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I'm not left wing I am anti-establishment

what are your stats, hottie ?