The Bronx is a pretty based place. It has big booty Puerto Rican and Dominican girls, great architecture, rolling hills...

The Bronx is a pretty based place. It has big booty Puerto Rican and Dominican girls, great architecture, rolling hills, and a vibrancy that is unmatched.

I plan on moving there next year and eating tons of big Puerto Rican and Dominican booty and transforming myself from a beta swoyboy to a chad

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Other urls found in this thread:,-73.8978721,3a,75y,190.97h,88.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfCVPiP0u-DV-hGG2NZYT8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

it's a dump and the people are disgusting

If it is a dump, then why are property values rapidly increasing?

what are you a fucking bronx real estate agent? who gives a shit, it's a shit pit

you're too poor to afford anything there.

The glowing caramel skin of the Dominican woman accentuates her beautiful, feminine, features. She has a slim frame, but with wide hips to allow for easy motherhood.

The Dominican woman is critically acclaimed and only reserved for real chads

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lmao i live in greenwich try again

I live in the Bronx but I do not eat Puerto Rican or Dominican booty.

what a waste. Do you eat Mexican girl's ass at least?
With your mommy and daddy maybe

>With your mommy and daddy maybe
aww are you jealous :)

I'm not jealous of Greenwich Village, which is filled with old boring rich people. If I were to live in Manhattan, I'd live in the LES, East Village, or Hamilton Heights

i can tell youre seething, it's ok poorboy, go live in the bronx im sure those greasy brown people will like you very much LOL,-73.8978721,3a,75y,190.97h,88.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfCVPiP0u-DV-hGG2NZYT8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

This is my favorite part of The Bronx. It's a beautiful area and the Dominican booty is fire

You live in an NYU dorm paid for by financial assistance, why the fuck would I be jealous of you?

Unless you're talking about Greenwich, CT which is super lame regardless

>The Bronx is a pretty based place.

Fair enough, but I prefer glamorous, luxurious Las Vegas, home of the world's finest casinos and premier hotels.

For me, its the Bellagio. Fine shows and premium gambling are a given, but I'm a working class guy and when I vacation, I want a taste of the good life... literally!

And as if the Bellagio's luxury suites and beautiful campus weren't enough, the in-house Michael Mina Restaurant won Best Restaurant on the Strip recently! Honestly, need I say more?

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I don't eat any booty, I'm sorry.

I love Vegas because of the freedom (which NYC lacks severely).
Once you finally get with a girl, you will be happier

>Unless you're talking about Greenwich, CT which is super lame regardless
lmao this cope.

Please post big booty Puerto Rican and Dominican girls please.

What part of The Bronx do you live in, though?

>beta swoyboy
>The Bronx

I see absolutely no way this could go wrong.

greenwich london probs more expensive then greenwich for burgerfags

What is there to cope for? Nobody is jealous of you and your boring autistic life

West Bronx, Morris Heights area.

did you post that from your 4x4 apartment? LOL

I was talking to a beautiful, big booty Dominican goddess from Kingsbridge the other day and we got along really well, she said I would like it
I prefer University Heights because less of the buildings were destroyed in the 70s. Morris Heights has a lot of those ugly rebuild era rowhouses with the front driveway and gate.

Is it super hood where you live? I hear Morris Heights is crime ridden

The Bronx isn't that bad now with the gentrification that's happening.
Now Brooklyn on the the other hand, now that's a dump

My specific area is relatively tame, people smoking weed outside here and there. The only serious thing that happened in somewhat recent years was someone was shot and killed right in front of the building.

do you live in a prewar building or one of those rowhouses I was talking about?

It's really a shame to me what happened in The Bronx during the arson wave, the borough is much uglier because of it
Brooklyn is way more gentrified than The Bronx. That being said, the bad parts of Brooklyn are just as bad as the bad parts of The Bronx, if not worse.

Prewar, I think. Behold, poverty!

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Prewar is a good thing! And those buildings in particular were actually made for the middle class and up originally. If they're properly maintained and not filled with hood niggas, they can be very nice.

Is your building mostly Dominican people?

Mostly Dominicans, some blacks. When my family first moved here, there were more blacks but like Caribbean blacks.

The whole West Bronx is basically DR now lol.

Are there are lot of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans where you live too?

Dominican girl's lips are perfect for sensually kissing as well as massaging the head of your dick

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I love New York accents and I love brown girls.

New York accents aren't a real thing anymore. Only old greaseballs talk like them and most of them moved out to New Jersey

Okay then I love Jersey accents and brown girls.

Well I mean a lot of hood Puerto Rican and Dominican girls got that Cardi B accent going on if that's what you meant

Every time I hear Spanish spoken it's usually 100 words per second so I think it's dominantly Dominicans but I think there are a few Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. I can attest to the latter, I'm Puerto Rican, partially at least.

Cardi B and Snooki yeah.
That's hot, I want a hood PR or DM girl to be mean to me.

No way you could possibly confuse Mexicans visually, though. I hear there are a lot of them in Morris Heights and University Heights but less than Dominicans obviously.

What is the rest of your ethnic mix?

i used to live in fordham (not a student).
that was the best neighborhood i've ever lived in in nyc. 20 minute walk to the botanical garden, 20 minute walk to the real little italy. cheap food, big butts, kids playin with fire hydrants and everyone very friendly and neighborly.
lots of crime tho so walk right

I love Fordham even though it's super hood. Those big buildings on every block and the energy are cool. So much big Dominican ass, too

And the "real Little Italy" is not really a real Italy lol, it's mostly there to serve Italians from the suburbs and tourists. The Italians mostly white flighted out of that neighborhood a long time ago.

I don't go out nor do I look out the window so I wouldn't know who is who. My dad is from Honduras and he is dark-skinned, I'm guessing Amerindian blood.

>I love Vegas because of the freedom (which NYC lacks severely)

It's less restrictive for sure. You can gamble, drink on the street, smoke indoors, have a gun, not pay as much in taxes, buy legal weed, etc.

>Plans on moving to the Bronx
>Hasnt even thought about brooklyn

Why don't you leave your apartment?
I love Bushwick

I'm just a shut in. I have no desire to work or to have friends. The only time I leave the apartment is to do laundry and even then I'm still in the building because the washing machines are in the basement.

>and transforming myself from a beta swoyboy to a chad

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I'm definitely not the the dude on the left

Lol yeah, but it's vegas. It's shit. What the fuck is there to do in vegas.

The whole place is a giant mall.

Because people are moronic enough to pay a premium to live in a dump

It's not so much of a dump anymore then

Its speculative. The only part of the Bronx with rising property values are the suburban areas which might as well be outside NYC and the South Bronx. South Bronx is being bought up by developers in anticipation of the gentrification wave that seems to emanate from DT Manhattan. It will never come though. The developers don't care because they still get their fee and some other shmuck buys the building.

South Bronx is too far from the city to gentrify. Brooklyn was easy because Williamsburg was so close to downtown that it could easily start there and spread deeper. South Bronx though is not only a commute to where most people work, but also where people have fun.

Anyone who thinks S. Bronx will gentrify before Manhattan becomes a dead burrough is a retard

You are wrong. Property values are going up everywhere. And the South Bronx is very close to Manhattan, so I don't know what you mean.

Because it's New York. Take it from someone who used to live there. The prices are always increasing on everything, and if you at least don't make 80k a year and up, you'll be struggling to live well there.

As it gets more expensive, it becomes less and less of a dump. Bushwick used to be a ghetto neighborhood and now it's so gentrified that even basic white people are starting to move there.

you're one of those same dumb fucks who claimed Bed Stuy and Bushwick would never gentrify, and missed your chance to buy a 3 family brownstone for 600k that would eventually be worth 1.5 million dollars

>The Bronx
Try not to get mugged and gang raped

Who /Queens/ here
>tfw no qt asian gf

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Queens has such a diverse range of qts. Every type of Asian and Latina under the sun
It's not 1977 anymore, you retard

Yeah there really is, there's so many at my job as customers it's actually starting to piss me off.

what part of Queens do you live/work in?

If I had to move to Queens, I think I'd choose Woodside or Jackson Heights. Actually no, I would choose Ridgewood but that feels more like Brooklyn

Corona, it's slowly getting taken over by the Chinese. Truthfully I don't really care.

It's close to Harlem. BK was close to Downtown manhattan aka where most nightlife in the city is. It's barely a 15 minute trip from Marcy Ave to the LES, SoHo, and FiDi. From the Bronx? Gonna take you a cool 45 and thats if the trains aren't fucked which they always are.

For the BX to gentrify you're gonna have to wait until all of Harlem does first, and they don't want it to.

Face it. All the venues and popular bars in in DT manhattan or brooklyn. Thats where nightlife is. I lived in East Harlem for a bit and even that was a bitch after a long night out. Nobody with the money to live in those new developments is going to want to be there.

It's between two Chinatowns already, that's no surprise. And the Mexicans and Ecuadorians who live there didn't buy houses in time so they're eventually gonna be gone from there I think.

I'm not smart enough to know about the shit it'll bring, but for now it just means more qt's around. If only I could get one.

You're stuck in the 90s, going out in NYC isn't all about Lower Manhattan anymore. My friends in Bushwick mostly go out in Bushwick and Williamsburg.

The chunk of Harlem between the UES and Mott Haven is not that big, the subway barely spends any time in it. And it's not like the L train goes directly to Midtown or the Financial district, you have to transfer for the two largest employment centers in Manhattan.

Do you really think Chinese girls are all that? You can just hang out in Elmhurst if you like them that much

I wouldn't say "all that" as most girls are largely the same. They're really just the coat of paint I find the most attractive.
>You can just hang out in Elmhurst if you like them that much
And do what though? Just sittin around won't get anything accomplished lol, are there events around or something?

Hamilton Heights and Washington Heights are rapidly gentrifying and they're far from downtown (if not further than Mott Haven) too

>My friends in Bushwick mostly go out in Bushwick and Williamsburg
This is kind of my point. Nightlife spread from Lower manhattan and now resides in BK.

People move/moved there because it was close to night life and not THAT bad of a commute to city center for work. living in the BX means you have to commute BOTH to work and to fun. See what I mean? Before the BX will gentrify like BK nightlife has to move closer and BK has to become intolerably expensive.

Well it would be the same shit if they moved in Corona, right? You just gotta try to go on tinder dates with them or go to bars where they hang out

Nah, that ain't happening. Not white.
Maybe, I doubt I'd find a nerdy/weeb introvert there, ONS' are cool an all, but I want something a little more.

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>implying you need to be white for tinder to work. What are you, anyway? Mexican?

No, maybe I should say I'm not attractive enough then. I don't think I'm ugly, but average doesn't cut it on this thing.

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The nightlife will come later. Harlem has plenty of bars anyway.

And it doesn't matter what you think, the lower parts of the West and South Bronx are already gentrifying and it's reflected in the prices. The West Bronx (Yankee Stadium area for instance) has gorgeous prewar elevator buildings and those are starting to be in high demand. Mott Haven and Melrose have a lot of luxury apartments going up.

You have potential to be a black chad

I get that a lot, been lifting for 3 months now, but still I need an event, cold approaching is creepy even when chad does it.

Like an ayylmao Samuel L. Jackson.

White college kids with roch parents and hipsters buying all the real estate

Dress better, clear your skin, and use some better pictures.

I'm trying to give sincere advice sorry it comes across as mean:
>You dress like a middle schooler.
>Don't wear your beanie like that.
>Stop wearing anime shirts.
>Pictures 2 and 3 are basically the exact same, you even have the same clothes on.
>Picture 4 is kinda weird
>Keep picture 5 and make it your first picture. You look pretty cute without your glasses, maybe invest in contacts

Thanks, I guess I can go back to plain button downs but it's so boring. The anime shirts have actually gotten more compliments then I'd expect so idk. 2 and 3 were taken on the same day, and 5 actually got less matches than 1.

I'll work on better pictures though for sure.

I dress kind of eccentric but I live in a city where thats p normal so idk. Maybe anime shirts are cool.

I think anime shirt are fine as long as you don't revolve your wardrobe around them

Same thing with band shirts

Yo! I get no ass whatsoever. I once thought that at some point my cool black guy genes would kick in...I'm 25 and i'm still a virgin. A gay dude did offer me some money to fuck him in the ass though, and a gay Haitian wanted to take me out on a date.

Those two are the only ones I have, so while that's fine I guess going off my pics you'd think otherwise.

But this is all about the app, I'm more "eager" to just try real life.

>Gays after you
Yeah, I get that too. Two wanted to try and "convert" me, and you can tell when a gay or bi dude isn't just talking to you. Life must be so much easier when you're gay, at least when it comes to getting laid.

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Also time to leave for work, if this threads still around in 8ish hours we can all still talk.

Its still a shithole, sorry user

it's crazy because most black dudes seem to lose their virginity at 14
tell that to the people buying 800k houses there

please stop posting sexually weird things about Dominican women OP, you are making me upset.

t. half dominican mutt

Get contacts, get some skin care products that'll work for you, and then go to

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Overpriced housing doesnt make it less of a shithole, sweetie.

Yeah just wear the anime shirts if you want weeb girls. It's not your whole wardrobe revolves around them and you're clean shaven and normal looking.

they're retards or foreign investors/speculators (chinese/indian or corporate entities). this city isn't getting any cheaper and the city government is actively hostile against anyone that's not super rich or poor.

t. just helped uncle sell $900k house in east elmhurst for orlando florida