All women are whores and only want chad

>All women are whores and only want chad

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>girls only date up

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>face, height, frame in that order. Everything else is a cope

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He is taller than her you stupid fuck. Try being a manlet. Truly the worst curse.

>life is over if you are a sub 7 male

>Truly the worst curse.
it really is

Attached: whitepill (1).png (876x792, 733K)

If it isn't his looks its something else. Either he has money and a good career or has the confidence of a 8/10. No matter what he has or is, he is better than the filth that post here.

>All women are whores and only want chad
correct! she's cheating on him with chad

Sometimes I don't get this world. This shit is like irl glitches

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what we have here is the case of a deeply insecure woman who has chosen a man who exhibits her key qualities but is so objectively undesirable that he could not possibly find another woman to cheat on her with

that'll be 10 cents plus tip, thanks

minus the slight facial "deformity", he is cute, and his very obvious tall height is a key to his appeal. and that woman is not very attractive herself

who is this fucking alpha male?

>implying she isn't looking for a green card and money, or that she isn't mentally unstable

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they are white... whites literally cannot be incels

People say that and yet here i am

Cope. just accept that the reason you're an incel is your toxic personality

are there actually people on here who believe you need to be literally a male model to get laid?

you certainly dont need to be a model but theres certain standards you have to reach

Thanks reddit! You just solved everything!

Excellent and ground-breaking thread dear distinguished respectable fellow poster sir. Upvoted!


Sorry your argument is invalid tall white men literally cannot be incels its againts the law of nature

nice try faggot they are like a foot taller.