>"user, why are the policemen saying I need to go back to my country? I worked so hard to come to America and start a new life, and I want to stay here, with you..."
How do you respond?
>"user, why are the policemen saying I need to go back to my country? I worked so hard to come to America and start a new life, and I want to stay here, with you..."
How do you respond?
Shouldn't have broken the law you dumb roasty bitch. Criminals get fucked.
It's just those other evil whit- uh Crackers lady, don't worry you'll be safe with me
Lol how old are you eleven?
This board got infested by underage Canadian redditors who came here for the LOLS. Whad'ya think?
>say I love you
>I will help you out, make sure you can stay forever
>fugg her, cuddle with her
>she takes a shower
>call my buddy Trizz and tell him to call ICE on her
I'll hide you in my basement, but you'll have to pleasure me on demand with your body whenever I want.
Your choice...either that or back to your 3rd world country.
Loving sluts and low IQ mystery meat mulattoes diversity hires is peak Reddit. These women are the sluttiest of all and about the farthest possible from what robots want from women. AND every single illegal alien is obviously by default a criminal law breaker with no respect for the nation. Out, out, out, out, out. Send them all back right the fuck now.
PS male border hopper out number women substantially and fat ugly, damaged goods women outnumber actually good women infinite:1. A border hoping roasty is the lowest possible kind of woman and they're even too low for virgin robots (yes really). Better to stay single than get toyed with by a desperate, poor, ugly, roasty with no capacity for actual relationship potential.
deport her back to her shithole country myself
How does anything he say correlate to reddit? In fact what he said is pretty anti reddit as reddit is pretty cringe and bluepilled
You are illegal immigrant, you could apply legally but you didn't. Go back to your country faggot.
Fuck you faggots I give no shits what you think as soon as that happens I'm gonna lose this fucking curse and take a mad left out of this shit forum all you little based redpilled shits can stay here while I get to interact lovingly with a human female.
You don't understand how women work or what illegal women are like. I understand considering this is r9k but trust me you don't want to date some criminal roasty slut who was probably raped repeatedly crossing the border. And illegals bring more competition for us than actual viable pussy as we don't want shit tier sluts but some low tier white women are fine with a one night stand with drunken asshole Pablo, and they might even get preggo and get taken off the market forever. hell there are probably more rapist illegals than there are viable wife-tier illegals.
The act of being unlawfully present in the US is a civil violation, not a criminal offense. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the US.
>you don't want to date some criminal roasty slut who was probably raped repeatedly crossing the border. And illegals bring more competition for us than actual viable pussy as we don't want shit tier sluts but some low tier white women are fine with a one night stand with drunken asshole Pablo, and they might even get preggo and get taken off the market forever. hell there are probably more rapist illegals than there are viable wife-tier illegals.
Your severely underestimating how low my standards are at this point and I couldn't give a shit what they bring as long as I lose my virginity to someone like her also post stats for the more illegal rapists than glorious looking illegals who I can extort love out of lovingly. Either way fuck yourself I'm still taking the gurls.
That's retarded BS. It's a crime to illegally enter a country even if remaining in the country isn't an act of perpetually committing more crime. Fuck off with this liberal BS. The USA isn't an open border state and illegals are all criminals.
>Either way fuck yourself I'm still taking the gurls.
Doesn't sound like it fag. Maybe if you had a shred of decency or standards you wouldn't be so repulsive to all women.
Yeah it's like I never had them before, it's like I didnt lower them after spending years alone. And I've managed to attract two girls but I put them off with muh spaghetti so there you go you utter faggot.
No matter how much you dislike it, it's the truth.
>No dice, pendeja.
She wouldn't give me the time of day if the roles were reversed, I'm not helping her.
Why? Because I called the immigration control on you, dumbass
Sorry sweetheart, the law is the law.
But don't worry, I'll put a white baby in you before they deport you so you won't be too lonely.