7th grade

>7th grade
>Eating lunch alone as always
>Finish sandwich
>Decide to take walk
>Notice group of underclassmen doing something
>They're laughing and almost throwing rocks at something tucked away in the space between 2 buildings but stopping at the last second
>Run toward them yelling "hey!"
>They say "oh shit, it's user!" And run off (there were rumors about me being a schizoid and beating kids up for some reason, I never bothered to correct them)
>Notice someone sitting between the two buildings sniffling and holding their head in their hands
>Move closer and tap them on the shoulder
>It's a girl wearing a raincoat that goes down to her calves and a dirty pair of overalls over clothes
>Ask her if she's okay
>She starts sniffling harder and rocks on her heels a bit
>I tell her it's okay and I ran those kids off
>She relaxes a bit
>Ask her what her name is
>She looks up and says "b" in a tiny voice
>Then gets up and runs off
>She's really fast for a girl
>Sit at a bench until lunch ends
>Next day
>Eating a refried bean taco under a tree
>Someone sits next to me
>It's b in the same raincoat
>She takes a Tupperware from her bookbag with croutons in it, pries it open and holds it out to me
>I take one
>This continues for a few lunchtimes
>We sit together and share foods and talk about things
>People start to notice
>Get asked if she's my girlfriend or a new victim in passing
>Don't care, tell them to fuck off
>One day, school lets out early because of floods
>Neither of us have a quarter for the payphone so we have to wait until our parents come and pick us up
>Decide to wait together
>Sitting under awning
>Both throwing pebbles at a school zone sign
>Suddenly a car pulls up
>Theres clothing all over the back seat and a little girl with her face pressed against the window
>B says "I have to go" and walks over
>They leave
>Keep throwing pebbles at the sign until parents get there
>Think about it before bed
>Go to sleep
>Next day
>At usual spot

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Other urls found in this thread:


go on......


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OP... please... I need it!

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muted for 2 seconds

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OP give the rest of the story REEEEEEEEEEEE

>tfw no b gf

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Op is a faggot for the cliffhanger

Its been an hour OP, we believe in you

>B shows up but she's later than usual
>Looks kinda sullen
>We share foods, she has crackers and cheese and I have mini chocolate chip cookies
>Talk to her
>She's not eating anything and barely answering my questions
>Ask her what's wrong
>She gets really quiet and all of a sudden picks up her crackers and runs off
>Follow her
>We meet on the blacktop
>I ask her what's happening
>"Shut up user, I don't need your pity"
>Tell her I like being her friend and I don't pity her at all
>She calls me a liar
>Tell her I'm not lying and I really like spending time with her
>"You think I'm just some poor girl who needs your help, don't you."
>Tell her I don't
>"Shut up user. Rich people like you are all the same"
>Wear really nice clothes because I have a great aunt who buys them for me but my family lives in a studio apartment, mom's a teacher and dad left, sometes we don't eat before payday
>Tell her
>She makes me promise I'm not lying
>I do
>We go and sit on an equipment locker
>It's wet because of flood season
>Her raincoat tucks under her like a ducks tail so she's fine
>I tough it out and let my pants get wet
>Turns out her family lives in that car
>It's her mom and dad and little sister
Her dad had a job as a welder at a fabrication company but he got laid off and it's a small town so there haven't been options
>They had to leave their apartment and they've been eating through their savings
>She hasn't had any friends for a while
>Stay silent while she tells me
>Her voice shakes through some of it but she makes it through
>She makes it to the end
>Tells me to promise I won't tell anyone, I do
>Tell her she's still my friend
>On the spur of the moment, reach over and hug her
>We stay like that for a good 5 minutes
>She feels really warm even through the raincoat
>Eventually we pull apart and she smiles at me
>the bell rings and we run back towards the school building together
>Sit through a few periods of whatever until the day ends
>See her as I walk out

Wake me up in an hour

this better not be fajke OP cuz ur hitting me right im the feels

fake and in is what i meant sry was tearyeyed from the story

We want the rest of the strory OP

/this/ ive been waiting like 15mins op

Come on OP, everyone is waiting to hear about b

>I will never make b my wife

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I swear faggots who don't write it all out before greentexting are only slightly worse than tripfucks

>Not writing out the entire fucking story in notepad first

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Fuck you and fuck you. Get out of my thread.

Trips of continue this story OP

OP is retarded and this sounds like the plot of a dumb anime.

The rest please

OP finish please, don't be a fag

>I will never feel the sweet bliss and purity of a school romance

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dont screencap this shit for reddit they dont deserve to feel

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Real or not OP, continue enrapturing us with your tale.

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>not writing you made up story in notepad before
thats some rookie mistake, op

Op im waiting hurry pls

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>15 years later
>we're married and have 2 kids
>happy together and have sex on the regular
>the end

>Catch up with her
>Ask her if I can meet her family
>She says okay
>We walk to the parking lot together
>Car shows up almost as soon as we get there
>Hear a muffled "big sis is with a boy!" Through the glass
>Her dad rolls down the window and calls over
>We walk to the car
>Her mom asks "who's your friend?" In a light southern accent
>"I'm user" I say. "I'm a friend of B's"
>Her little sisters name was Lisa, her dad's name was Hal, and her mom's was Sarah. We talked for a while, and I told them about how we ate lunch together and shared food while Lisa teased b in a singsongy voice about having a boyfriend. Eventually, Hal said they should get going, so we said goodbyes and she climbed into the back.
>Walk over to a bench and watch them drive away
>Play with a paperclip until my mom gets there
>She pulls up as the sun's starting to set
(She works late at her job)
>Get into the front and drive home
>Have tuna on bread with celery and carrots for dinner
>Go to bed
>Look up to ceiling and think of b
>Next day
>Show up to class, but school is cancelled as there's another flood and the budget for the district is horrible
>Mom already drove off so I guess I'm stuck here
>Oh well
>Walk around back of school cause there's a path that leads to a cool adventure
>There's a few other kids there cause the school called late
>See the back of b's raincoat
>Run up to her and put my hand on her shoulder
>She starts for a second, then turns around and realizes it's me
>Tell her we should go together because schools off
>She agrees
>We leave from the back
>Walk along the bike path towards the elementary school
>She walks around the puddles even though she has rainboots
>Ask her why
>One has a crack near the end
>We lol a little
>Near end of bike path
>Becomes more mud than road because City has horrible public works program
>She gets worried and says we should head back
>Tell her I'll carry her
>She says ok, but if I drop her she'll beat me up

>tfw i still have these kinds of fantasies
>mfw i realise im a grown ass man that this will never ever happen in my life
its a big feel

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Listen, if you guys keep acting like dicks I'm just gonna stop posting. Also fuck anyone on Reddit or Instagram reading this, you are not a human being and you do not deserve human rights

>>tfw i still have these kinds of fantasies
>>mfw i realise im a grown ass man that this will never ever happen in my life

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No user, please continue. This is a really comfy one.

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The majority of us are listening op

Channel those feels into writing idealistic fiction about childhood love so that other broken men can pay you shekels to break even more.

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This is Jow Forums, the fuck did you expect by coming here?

keep going OP, I had a similar experience in late middle school and your story is reminding me of that in a really nice way. I hope yours doesn't end badly like mine did.

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keep it on op, very nice

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> newfag that thinks you have to be an asshole here

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Please continue story

>This is Jow Forums, the fuck did you expect by coming here?
>I'm on the channels of 4 clovers, the memetic flaming website, so I must also be a flamer LOL!

yeah no OP i love this please cont.

I'm getting some bridge to terabithia vibes

Mega comfy pic, that

Please OP I am listening and I really enjoy the story and the way you're writing that down.
Please keep it up

Not him but 90% of threads on Jow Forums are full of flame so what's your point?

It's almost been an hour since the last greentext, OP has dropped us

OP is a thin skinned fag

Thank you for this comfy gif user

OP you can't start a story and leave us all with blue balls like that

I was born with thick skins

OP I was enjoying your story and would like to hear the end of it if you could?

>>Have tuna on bread with celery and carrots for dinner
Ok, that was pretty important info you gave us

Good story telling, it helps you better envision the sad life the narrator lives.

it's all in the details

It's a greentext

greentext is the highest form of literature

This sounds anime as hell, mate. Do go on though

Hath thou forsaken us OP?

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>we get really close over the next few months
>one day see I see her holding hands with another guy
>from then on think women be shit

Saved everybody 2 hours

I hope you aren't op and the story doesn't actually ends that way.

It probably does considering that OP is too retarded to have it finished before we all die

Where's the next part

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Hurry up and post OP

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>underclassmen throwing rocks at a girl
yes op totally believable event you have described right there

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wouldn't surprise me where I went to school

unless you went to school in saudi arabia then you can fuck off


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I think we won't make it guys

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Considering I went to school in the midwest and it wasn't uncommon for me and others to get beat up right in the halls you can go fuck yourself

Based and redpilled response user

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It's not 2010 anymore gramps

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Even in the States, if you grew up in the 70s or the 80s, it wouldn't be uncommon.

yes maybe fags like you can get beat up in school, as is common in most schools around the world, but little girls dont get stoned in school alleyways

This feels like a shitty retelling of lisa the painfull but I can't really tell

I live in a literal third world shithole (eastern europe) and i went to an average highschool and I have literally NEVER seen ANYBODY get beaten up. OP is making shit up

Are americlap schools really as awful as the media leads one to believe? Full of gangs and niggers and shitty teachers and abuse like OP describes. The worst someone would get away with here is a noogie and maybe a football to the face and we're a third world shithole.

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>Suddenly a car
>A black man and a black woman come out
>They grab us and shove us in the back seat
>Holding our hands so we can't scream
>I look at b
>She's calm and contained
>She looks so beautiful
>Finally they drop us off
>She finally turns and looks at me and tells me
>It's my uncle and auntie
>Welcome to bel-air

Well i was in a decent highschool in Paris i've seen people beatten

Fuck off nigger fag.
I was muted because my comment was not oregano

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depends where its at. In most decent suburban towns its not nearly this bad. Might be a lot of social bullying and ostracism but nothing physical. In more run down, inner city type places it can get real bad. It's made even worse because schools never do shit about it. They punish mostly good kids for retarded shit but they let the actual scum run amok with no problems.

I live in eastern europe too.
saw a lot of beatings and was beat up a lot myself but didn't have it as bad as others
just because you're lucky doesn't say anything about an entire region

>just because you're lucky doesn't say anything about an entire region
Fair argument, maybe it's because i live in the capital of my country so it's not as degenerate as the rest

Usually within the realm of reason, if something can happen. It will probably actually happen

My high school had somebody who was being bullied, they were thrown through a glass window.

I was also bullied quite badly myself

quads confirm, CONTINUETH

>if something can happen. It will probably actually happen

Damn, how's that possible? Don't you have any staff (ie teachers/security) roaming the school?

OP left us to rot in this wretched place.

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Dammit OP deliver, I have nothing else to do with my life rn

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never knew i could be left wanting for more by such a weak story

What happened to B is she your wife now?

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All this thread does is revitalize the fact that OP is and will always be a faggot.


>Buff little 7th grader body cause big brother did boxing drills with me before he left for the army and I kept up
>I dip down and she climbs on my back with her legs looped through my arms
>Trudge forward through the mud towards adventure place
>Way up is slippery, almost fall a few times but finally make it
>As soon as we get there b slides off my back and pushes me forward a bit
>I trip and almost fall into the mud
>Hear her giggling behind me
>Pick up some mud and throw it at her
>We end up picking up sticks and swordfighting
>Most of the good sticks break but we keep fighting on with the halves
>Eventually we get tired and lie down at the top of the hill
>Rain has mostly stopped at this point so it's just clouds
>We're tracing shapes on them with our fingers
>There's a nice view of the ocean
>Suddenly our hands collide
>Look over at each other
>Eyes meet
>Realize how close we are
>She looks like lain but with black hair and without the hair thing, and a genki childhood friend smile on her face when she's having fun
>Hands are still touching in midair
>She grabs my hand and laces her fingers with mine
>We're still staring at each other
>Pull her closer
>It's cold so I can feel her breath on my face
>Kiss her cheek
>We help each other up off the ground
>She's really short so we're not at the same height even if she cranes upward
>Pick her up
>She grabs the back of my jacket in her hands and wraps her legs around my waist
>We have our first kiss
>It lasts for a long while
>Eventually I let her down, and we hug for a while longer
>We lie back down and keep kissing
>Time passes and it starts to rain again
>Try and prop up an umbrella overhead, but it keeps falling
>Eventually just pitch it on its side and keep going
>I'm on top of her at this point
>Rain is dripping off my hair onto her face
>Notice it's getting darker
>We'd been out there for hours at this point
>We should get back soon if we're going to meet our parents

>tfw this story will never end

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hurry hurry hurry
