Would you save her or rape her?

Would you save her or rape her?

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What ever happened to the people that tormented her? Are they out of prison by now? did any justice ever get done?

I would unironically go in a time machine and save her then make sure those guys didn't end up kidnapping anyone else.

It sucks there are no videos of the torture.

Just reading what they have done to her makes me hard

They were minors. Not many years of prison


Original speech.

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minors who never had their names revealed. Surely someone in Japan figured out what they done and did some vigilante justice.

No, they were Yakuza thugs.
So little to no prison, and if prison, cushy prison with good food.
To Yakuza? Oh hahahaha. Not a chance. Here they are bigger than police. Have them on their payroll.

she's still a roastie, so that's a hard one, but i actually kind of feel bad for her.
she seemed like an alright gal & didn't deserve to be tortured just for rejecting some obnoxious japanese chad gang member

Surely even the Yakuza wouldn't condone such behavior.

Aslong as money, drug or weapons not affected they dont mind.
Yakuza good to tourist. No tourist get mugged or killed in their places. If you going to spend money at shops they own anyway why hurt you for it.

Who is it? What'd I miss?

>tfw can't even feel any shred of sympathy for roasties anymore
roasties themselves are incapable of empathy & don't see other people as human, so i can't even feel bad for the bitch in op
she deserves everything that happened to her, for the crime of being born female

Furuta Junko. Google it

I'd Save Her... No One Deserves This Shit...

I Mean, I Would Too...

Kill all of them, rescue her, then take her back to the states and live happily ever after.

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I'm inclined to help people and not take advantage of them, because I'm not a spineless coward; I'm a man.

Beating the fuck out of her sounds hot

Rescue her then kill myself so the Yakuza don't fuck me up even worse.

She was brave. She deserved better.
>And will she remember me
>fifty years later
>I wished I could save her in
>some sort of time machine

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I thought you were dead, supreme gentleman

anne-chan seemed like such a sweet girl.
>tfw you will never save any of your tragic historical waifus.

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>Would you save her or rape her?
Save her and then condition her to enjoy hurting my cock and balls, getting her to be sensual and make me hard then all of a sudden hitting my balls with her fists, knees, kicks and teeth.
Then laughing at me and spitting in my mouth, telling me I don't deserve to have her and doing all of this while fully clothed, telling me to look at the ground because I don't deserve to look her in the eyes

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Nothing, anyone saying otherwise is an internet tough guy faggot who thinks he'd be any different from everyone else and risk himself for a 5/10 at best.

are you talking about anne frank, that little slut? she had a chad bf three years older than her when she was 12...

Why did they have to go all apeshit on her? What's wrong with just raping?

Leave the place immediatelly and never look back

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Cultural repressive society.

Thats what I asked myself too.
They didn't just simply rape her, they flat out beat and tortured her as well her for some odd reason.

>for some odd reason.
They're sadists, they enjoyed all of it

Burn down the house and kill everybody involved.

Women do not react to struggles like men. They do not overcome, they cannot keep going, they just break forever. Damaged goods. Not worth saving at that point.

rape, then save

>tfw i couldn't save her and then we get married when she's too mentally scarred to leave me

This still ruins my day when I think of it
Hard save