I’m putting together a team

I’m putting together a team

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> we're in

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>I'm in

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We’re in
Jesus Christ

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You're going to need a distraction
I'm in

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I always wondered how he fucked up to end with a face like this

Looks like you guys could use some support, I'm in buddeh

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he moon face from steroid use

Isthat steve from minecraft?

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You're gonna need a big boi, I'm in.

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Is this the true optimal brit bod?

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I’m in

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>"dont mind us. just scoping the competition"
>"looks like it's gun be an easy one this year"

Like a retard I forgot the picture.

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Your going to need someone to boost test and refill your brap gauge, I'm in.

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Jynx and the boys are in

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you'll need a mage like me

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wrestling expert reporting

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I'll send our enemies to the shadow realm

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you'll need a roaster

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they call me the red cumet

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You'll need air support.

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What's in it for me...

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>I'm him

You mean schlop schlop schlop

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I found us a pilot

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Would look better with more fat. Not often you can say that.