Which boards do you frequent besides this one?
Which boards do you frequent besides this one?
Jow Forums more than here
/tv/ and /x/ occasionally
/b/ and /gif/
/gif/ to maintain a meme I forced on there, lulz
ur moms bedroom
/gif/, Jow Forums, [s4s], /vip/, /lgbt/, /qa/, and occasionally a few others
What meme la?
I frequent /mu/
/an/ /p/ and /out/ because of my hobbies. /his/ I used to frequent until it was overrun by poltards. I do not generally mind poltards but they usually have a very biased outlook on history which is not good for discussion. I also frequent Jow Forums and /cgl/ for gossip crap and then /soc/ because I am a lonely khhv who really wants to find someone to be friends with and possibly a gf. It sounds desperate but I feel like a girl from Jow Forums would be the only kind of woman I can connect with.
Jow Forums and /vg/ mostly. Also /tv/, /lit/ and /his/, and sometimes /tg/ and /sci/.
I feel like some damn intellectual anytime I come here.
OP here
Frequent here, Jow Forums, /a/, /v/, /mu/, /fa/, /his/ and sometimes Jow Forums. Also just random boards sometimes.
also your moms sheets
>the anti anal person
>that guy who posts the binbo who is bouncing with her disgusting tits in 10/10 thhreads
>that guy who posts Ryan in the you are the girl below threads
Gif has some great memers that do not need retarded trip codes
Jow Forums
Jow Forumsfor test booster threads
/b/ for porn
/gif/ for porn
/a/ sometimes
>anti anal person
If not a larp then doing gods work, user. Tired of seeing closet gays posting anal everywhere. Truly a degenerate fetish
>that guy who posts the binbo who is bouncing with her disgusting tits in 10/10 thhreads
Glad to see I am not the only one, you're doing the lords work.
go to any ylyl thread on /gif/, you'll see a one piece webm as one of the first twenty posts, it pisses niggers off, it's funny as fuck, especially since its not just me posting it anymore, its a bunch of people
/tv/ /v/ Jow Forums /out/ Jow Forums /ck/
I don't believe for a second that you forced any of those memes
Maybe the Ryan one
/mu/, /x/ (only to laugh at those larping faggots, Jow Forums nothing else though im not too autistic
i browse Jow Forums the most though.
Oh shit! The Luffy singing one? That absolutely gets people buttblasted. It's hilarious
>/tv/ /v/ Jow Forums /out/ Jow Forums /ck/
Now get xD
Am I the only one who uses /d/?
Thats pretty much the only other board I frequent. I was a /b/tard from 2009 until 2014, then stopped using this site until this year. I dont even know why I frequent this board, the content is shit.
Jow Forums
top lul, its my loss saga
Ding-ding diddly asp.
Jow Forums
Where my /his/ niggas at?
right here my nibba
rigte here Senpai
Jow Forums
/x/, Jow Forums. That's pretty much it.
Jow Forums and /tv/ sometimes /mu/
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
It was YOU
congrats on the meme you fucker
I browse
Jow Forums
/tv/ (mostly because it's got my favorite shit posting)
and /lit/
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content, you perv sicko (8.11% content).
/v/ and /ic/
/tv/ & /lit/
very occasionally /fa/ or Jow Forums
/v/ /tv/ and very occasionally /a/ are literally the only boards I go on besides Jow Forums (which I barely g on anyways
/wsg/ /wsr/ Jow Forums /gif/ /h/ /a/ /s4s/ and /news/
also /mu/
oregano origano orgasmo
Jow Forums, /wg/, /tv/, occasionally /mu/ and /b/, Jow Forums is my shit posting board
/lgbt/ and Jow Forums
Mostly just /lit/ they are the ones lying place to have an actual interesting discussion that isn't based on some kind of controversy or low hanging fruit.
/m/, /jp/, /ck/, little bit of /a/, and this place.
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
sometimes /diy/
>/a/ sometimes
Hello DBZ/SnK/BnHA general faggot cancer.
Jow Forums
tfw normie taste
Jow Forums, /b/, Jow Forums, /d/.
My main 4 are
Jow Forums