How do normies watch this garbage anons?

How do normies watch this garbage anons?

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Is this a normalthing only?

> wrestling fans
> normal
It's mostly rednecks and omega male manchildren, or a combination of both.

Attached: getTheFOutBar.jpg (573x429, 33K)

this is a robot medium

Almost certainly not. Spend a couple minutes on reddit squared circle to see that wrestling fans are some of the strangest out there.

I don't know OP, I watched wrestling until I was like 8 and realised how retarded it is, my normalfag dad and brother still watch it regularly. I just don't get it.

How come wrasslers make so much money, yet none of them can afford a haircut?

Normies don't watch wrestling anymore, wrestling is basically dead. WWF's ratings were a 6 or 7, now they can't even get a 2.

It's """"entertainment"""" for the weak-minded normies.

vast majority of wrestling fans are either little kids, or grown men on the spectrum.
Almost every single adult fan of WWE ive met was autistic as fuck.

Wrestling is still immensely popular, the fuck are you going about?

Many third worlders actually worship some of those guys like gods.

>former face of the company they shoved down everyone's throats is old and busted
>every wrestler the fans actually like gets buried in favor of forcing another manufactured face
>woops, he has cancer
What is WWmEme going to do now?

I cant believe the amount of leftists and basedboys that like this. Really put me off it.

why do dogs sniff shit.

the average human IQ is 100.

1/2 of humans have less than 100 IQ.

at least they aren't sniffing shit.

I watched wwe for a few years, but stopped some time after Punk left. No one there could hold my interest any longer.

>rednecks and omega male manchildren
What's the difference?

I will admit the only wrestling fans I have known seemed pretty low IQ, but I sort of get the appeal. The over the top dramatic acting is pretty funny. What disturbs me is how they never saw it as humorous like I did, and always swore it is 100% real.

They are autistic like us user

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once they got a blow to the head and their brain tried to rewire except it made them get stockholm syndrome and now they watch it on tv

Watch your mouth, faggot. /asp/ will invade Jow Forums in a heartbeat if you keep it up.

You better ding dong diddly watch what youre talking about

staged violence is mildly entertaning. go through jewtube and hit the trending now button. holy shit 40 million views for a video of a nig singing about shooting other nigs. normalfags should be hanged

>"Wtf?! You watch wrestling? Don't you know that shits scripted?!"
>*watches scripted movies and TV shows*

Rednecks are normalfag as fuck though. They breed like hell

No one watches it anymore, wrestling stopped being cool in 2001

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>over the age of 14
>watching wrestling

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