do you consider yourself cute? why do you think you arent getting laid?
Do you consider yourself cute? why do you think you arent getting laid?
I've been called cute before as a guy, but I don't really see it.
Yes I'm a cute male.
I have severe social anxiety.
I'm def cute but I'm also eccentric as a nice way of putting it. I don't sleep with women I don't like and I don't like a lot of women.
you people cant fucking post these sexy ass anime pictures and not expect me to jack off
probably because I only leave my room for work, which is in the trades or for shopping. which I do as fast as possible to avoid people
see above for an in-depth analysis lmao.
I've only been called cute by anons on soc and fa but never irl
i've been called cute but i don't put myself out there and i act too foreign for people here. well, for people anywhere desu
I'm in just about the same boat. I've tried Tinder and I can get matches very easily but I just hate the personalities of almost everyone my age or younger, and that kills any attraction I may have had towards them. I think the only girls I would like wouldn't be on something like Tinder, but I don't know where else I'd find them. What am I supposed to do, hang around a used bookstore or something like a creep?
A lot of girls say that I am cute.
I really don't know, girls just start avoiding me after some time. I'm always unable to create proximity with someone.
>do you consider yourself cute?
>why do you think you arent getting laid?
Because I intentionally sabotage my social interactions if they start going well and don't have large aspects of my life together.
i go on r9k, theres your answer
>cute boy
>strong brow
>weak jaw/chin, not incel level but girly
>suspected bisexual/gay friend of mine called me an 8/10
>girls say i have an incredibly cute smile
>big dick
>severe social anxiety
>currently obese because of anxiety
>don't ever go out and meet people
>scared of everything
>just want a mommy milf gf
I haven't had a proper conversation with a girl ever. I have no idea what girls think about my appearance. I have a few positive comments from some aunts and that's it.
>cute boy
>currently obese
pick one.
i'm cute and i am getting laid. no cute robot gf or bf though, and that's the real bummer. :(
cute if not obese. that's why i said currently obese. if i wasn't a fat fuck, i would be qt af and girls have told me i was super qt in the past when i was normal weight.
Yes Im cute. I dont leave my house except for work, so if I dont meet anyone, no romance for me
>implying you wouldn't have skin flabs hanging off your body if you lost the weight now
It might be too late for you already user..
i would date a qt girl who had flabby skin. as long as the body underneath was attractive i wouldn't care.
I was at pic related a year ago, during my run most of /v/ was shitposting about trannies or complaining about me being boring but a couple anons said I would look cute as a girl which made me feel good even if they weren't serious
>do you consider yourself cute?
No i'm ugly
>you think you arent getting laid?
Because i am incapable of acting or speaking like a normal human being oh yeah and i'm ugly so but i have given up hope so it doesn't bother me that much anymore
Yeah! ^_^ ...b-but I think it's not cute to say it, tho. :3c
I don't get laid because I love my virginity and innocence and think it's kyoot. UwU
Im not ugly. 6/10, maybe 7 on a good day.
I dont get laid because I dont start anything with anyone.
I don't think im very attractive but I get frequent looks from grills and I've been told alot of grills had talked to my only friend at the time asking about me and telling him that they had interest in me. I think I'm a 3 or 4 but to other people I guess I'm a 7 or 8.
I'm not in a school anymore I got no friends I don't have a job so social interactions aren't very common for me anymore even if they were I'll fuck it up because I'm retarded socially also anxiety.
"cute" is the only compliment I've gotten from women
I'm too hurt over the last time I tried to get a gf
and I've also been cursed with really bad anxiety
I'm pretty happy with my face but that's all nullified because I'm a 5'7'' manlet.
I wouldn't want to be tall but ugly though.
I've been called cute and think sometimes I am cute but then other times I take pictures of myself and I look so ugly like a monster.
I probably look ugly more often than I look cute.
Also I'm autistic and isolated with no friends and old and a loser and have anxiety and depression and delusions and live in the middle of no where and haven't met a girl in years
I'm 7/10, but I don't pursue because I'm socially retarded in that I know nothing and have nothing to talk about that would interest anyone. One of my bosses once gave me a toy firetruck as a joke, and I thanked him for it
i'm not cute at all lol
>chubby normal weight bmi but ok fat distribution mostly in legs / thighs / butt. small tits
>5'7 145 lbs dark bob haircut
>dermatillomania scars all over back and upper arms
>acne scars (not indented but pale)
>mild freckles and pale white skin
>face looks chubby unless i'm underweight
>severely antisocial
i'm not having sex because i'm ugly since i gained weight post anorexia recovery. that's it lads
and i wasn't even eugenia mode, just 16-17 bmi korean idol mode, but with terrible skin
No. I dont know any girls who would be interested in me.
>do you consider yourself cute?
lol no
>why do you think you arent getting laid?
not interested in reproducing anymore
never saw sexual relations as recreational
I'm very ugly. I recently joined OKCupid and have some actual female attention so I suppose I'm not as ugly as I thought.
However, the girls that are liking my profile are all over 300lbs.
I'm a bigger guy too, but for a 5'5" woman to be as big as me or bigger? Serious sign of some bad shit.
I might be cute?
I can't have sex since I only like dominant traps - which don't exist
'ive had several chances up to this point but i'm way too dense to catch the social hitns that people give
but at the same time
my self esteem isn't high, so even if someone was to openly state "i want you to take me to poundtown" i wouldn't believe it, probably would think "she's just messing with me"
the worst part is realizing the missed chance about 1 or 2 months after the fact.
Because girls ignore me.
I'm not ugly but I'm not attractive enough to be boring and still be interesting.
I could become Chad if I wanted to but it's too much fucking effort and my life is a mess.
No, I've had a couple girls into me over the years but the general woman finds me repulsive.
wish it was me on the left
>do you consider yourself cute? why do you think you arent getting laid?
i didn't complete my transition yet so i can't reliably pass for female and i don't really want to sleep with men when i look like a guy and i am not interested in girls
GOsh dang I wish I was her
no i do not consider myself to be "cute" because i am a heterosexual male. calling yourself "cute" as a guy is extremely fucking gay. i consider myself attractive sure but not "cute." fuck off tranny nigger
user theres plenty of boys who would bang the heck out of your throat even as a guy.
I don't consider myself cute no, but I know I'm not ugly. I'm not getting laid because I despise women and would rather spend my time getting fit/stoned and playing vidya/watching animu. Got a couple tomboys orbiting me but they're just a little too manly for me.
i suppose, but you probably don't understand gd, it would hurt if i know i look too much as a guy to them
i do, they'd think you were cute anyway
I'm fairly good looking. I was just bullied all throughout school for being visually impaired, and now I'm just realizing I'm not sub-human.
maybe not cute too tall and im not super duper feminine or anything
I do have long blonde hair and "cute" eyes I guess and im super weak and subby