What is the blackest black pill you've swallowed?

What is the blackest black pill you've swallowed?

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flintstones chewables

all women are hopelessly subhuman & inherently repugnant disloyal lying whores
our only salvation is artificial wombs & AI waifus/gfs

that im going to die eventualy
it just hit me like that, it became so obvious to me that it started to phisically hurt

I will never mature enough / get good / man up or whatever blanket term one wishes to use to be happy in todays society.
I don't wish for death, but I don't wish for life either.

all people are hopelessly subhuman & inherently repugnant disloyal lying bastards

>all women are hopelessly subhuman & inherently repugnant disloyal lying whores
>our only salvation is artificial wombs & AI waifus/gfs

What about boys

That's gay and not original user

That you are ultimately responsible for what happens in your life.
That you can't blame anyone else for your failures.
That weakness is unforgivable and you can never be strong enough to truly stand on your own and never fail again.

It's the implications of all those things that weigh me down. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it revolves around strength and responsibility.
Other people and even myself started to make so much more sense to me when I realized that everything a person does is done out of either strength or usually weakness, and it's that reason for action or inaction that defines who you are, and not what you do.

That realization was like a puzzle finally locking into place for me, but it also made me aware how little most people, including myself, are really worth. I've kind of lost my faith in humanity as a collective.

that women are shit. you cant change them, they dont learn, theyre just shit and they always will be.

The Gray Pill: Finally realizing and then accepting that I am genetic trash. I am too short and ugly to find happiness. But worst of all, my personality is too abnormal to be accepted. Even worse, there was a time in my youth when I had a shot at being loved and I missed it. With this realization, which finally crystalized this year, I have lost my fear of death. I would have killed myself already but for the hurt it would cause my family. My close family is all that is keeping me alive.

The Black Pill: Finally realizing that no one expects anything from me and never did. Because I'm genetic trash, no one ever asked me why I didn't have a girlfriend. No one ever tried to set me up with women. I think that is, for me, the ultimate black pill.

The demand for a decent relationship is low

Most of us are genetic trash useful only to support the genuinely talented and incredibly intelligent of our species to ensure our survival.
Our lives are outside of our control. You can only place yourself into positions but then you rely on others to validate your position with either money and/or responsibility. You could be one of the greatest humans to ever live but if no one of influence knows you then you are stuck until someone does. Life is a out positioning and don't forget the fact that your developmental and genetic environment is predetermined and is completely out of your control.
Despite all of this, the only thing you can do is try to do what you think is right.

Hey cuckboys, if you think you're genetic trash that's fine but don't project that kind of shit unto others.

It is really, really, really, really, easy for bad people to get away with doing really, really, really, really, bad things.

Grow up.

Happy 16th Birthday user.

This is just you being a bitch.

How are these blackpills? These things are supposed to liberate you, not hold you down.

How many women have you been with?

been with? why would i tell you? thats not relevant to anything.

Of course it is you fucking retard. You're like someone who hates dogs because of all the dog attack stories they've read online, and yet you've never seen a dog in real life before.

and you think i have to be with a woman to know what theyre all like? thats like telling me i have to spread butter on toast to know what it smells like

>no u

it was
>da j00s

don't reply to them user, its a roastie.

i know but im bored. i havent had a good argument on Jow Forums for a while, even if it is garbage i like sitting here laughing at some retard trying desperately to upset me

naw im doing just fine. but look around you. most people will not produce anything that will live on past them outside of serving the few individuals who are actually improving our likelihood of survival as a species. the only use of flappy bird for example, is to entertain the engineer as NASA but cannot be supported by them alone. the game must make money from people who work at mcdonalds to support the industries that keep the actually productive members of the world alive and content.

That I missed out on formative childhood and young adult experiences with siblings, friends, and girlfriends, and I will always be a frightened child in an aging person's body. My brain has stopped developing, no further character growth is possible, the inferior and insecure person I am now I will be until I die. There's no going back, I irreversibly wrecked myself with years of loneliness, and I can't feel hopeful about anything, only temporary relief that I avoided some pain for today.

Jamal's seed.

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That the higher dimensional/spiritual layers of reality are real and that there's no meaning to be found there either. Spiritual nihilism is the final blackpill, the voidpill. Turns out you really do have to create your own purpose. Closest thing to a "purpose" of reality is experience for the sake of experience.

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I'm almost 30 and there are great chances I will never get a gf. I have also studied in another city and there are great chances I will never compensate the money my parents have spent on me.

>and you think i have to be with a woman to know what theyre all like?

Fucking incredible.

Yes user, I'm sure you know what women are like despite never having interacted with one.

No, it's not.

>i like sitting here laughing at some retard trying desperately to upset me

No one's trying to upset you you mong, I'm trying to make you see how fucking dumb you're being.

Good looks are the key to happiness.

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>blackpill thread
half of the responders just complaining about women
the other half just saying their life has gone to shit or some dumb shit

biggest blackpill for me is that the people of this website are beyond hope and beyond a chance to get saved

Euthanasia is not legal anywhere because it gives power to underclass people that are suffering, if there is an option to painlessly kill yourself it will take away the total power from our society's elite. They have lost a wageslave if you choose freedom in death rather than a lifetime of suffering.

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so now youre confusing simple socialising with a relationship? and youre trying to make me feel stupid? if you keep going you might just end up wasting some more time >:>

This for me as well. And that I myself am ugly

The blackest pill for me was

>I'm not a good person.

But how? I did everything right, treated people with compassion and respect, and tried to ease peoples suffering when I could-- But I did it because I was afraid people wouldn't love me otherwise. If I'm desperate, there's no lengths I won't go to get what I what.

That was a cascade pill.

Because once that truth clicks home, you start examining everything else--

>How much free will do I really have?
>what else have I been lying to myself about?
>How often do people lie to themselves?
>If I was wrong about myself, what about the 12,000 other people that I thought I knew?

Same here. I will never know what it's like to be a healthy 10-year-old child, practicing sports and with a lot of friends.

this pill is way too black I reject it

That isn't a blackpill, organized sports/playing is shit unless you actually WANT to do it and can't for some reason.

>m-maybe if I played sports after all my life wouldn't be so shit

no dice

Most people are fat disgusting retarded mutts these days. My life is pretty much being surrounded by people of walmart. Work with the public for few years if you want to OD on blackpills.

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>so now youre confusing simple socialising with a relationship?

How many relationships have you been in?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back to square fucking one. good job retard.

Reality has a certain room for plasticity based on the consciousness observing it and that whoever controls the zeitgeist controls reality. Classically this has been a small circle of elite occultists, this is why their symbology is sneakily and even not so sneakily put into everything. Symbology operates in the subconscious mind, free will can not be encroached upon, but subtle subconscious acceptance of symbology is like pilpul/finding loopholes in contracts. That's the blackpill.

The whitepill is that the internet is decentralizing information and weakening their abstract power structures, and people are beginning to wake up from the supposed inescapable prison of materialism imposed in them throughout life.

Keep surfing the kali yuga bros, it's coming to a head.

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How many relationships have you been in user? Just answer the question. Surely you have experience with women, right?

its amusing seeing you try to push this hard for info ive already told you isnt even relevant to anything in a shitty attempt to corner me. you can keep trying, roastie

If there weren't any laws against it your boss would quite happily work everyone to death if it raised profits.
Remembering your boss of those laws when they plan to violate them will only make them angry at you and they might force you anyway or fire you.
Your life and that of your collegues is nothing next to profits and you'll have to fight tooth and nail every day of your life to ensure your own safety and well being, because there is no human decency in upper management, only numbers.

It's not so bad.

Once you integrate your shadow, you become a more complete person-- You become both more insightful, and more formidable. For all the pain introspection has caused, I was never wiser and more able to help people than I am now.

>s-so what if ive never had a gf, i KNOW what women are REALLY like b-because i read online on r9k s-stories of stacies

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youre putting a lot of effort into trying to make me feel bad, and youve even found a little picture of someone whos upset to hammer your point home. too bad you never had a point to begin with lol

>"In the end it doesn't matter... regardless of your achievements, places you've visited, memories etc... you still die alone."

whats the best way to realize what shit I deeply care about versus shit I've been conditioned to care about to seem like a good guy etc.

and furthermore, I learned that goodness isn't an intrinsic quality. It's something that you need to strive towards when things are their darkest. Anybody can be good when things are going well for them.

Goodness is derived from the integrity you conduct yourself with when things look hopeless. It's the carefully chosen words, the right intent, listening to your higher reasoning skills-- instead of giving way to fear or anger. It's the fair deal, even when you could take advantage... it's understanding that some things are more important than your narrow self-interests.

I put in a valiant effort, and made substantial progress
But at the conclusion, it was ultimately inconsequential

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>your putting a lot of effort into t-trying to make me feel bad, and youve even found a little picture of someone whos upset to hammer your point home. lol. t-too bad you never had a point. roastie. lol

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I wish I could give you the right answer, I really do.

But I just don't know for sure.

As a general rule, the best way is to reflect on your behaviour, and being honest with yourself about your thoughts and emotions, so you can analyze your motives.


keep going, its fun watching you break down after realising that theres nothing you can do anymore.

i could jsut tell you ive "been with" more than enough women, but youd call me a liar. and that would ruin my fun :>

For example: Let's say I'm supremely pissed off about something. For an easy one, let's say my dog died and I'm a fucking miserable asshole for a month.

The truth would be, I'm not really angry. I'm sad, and the anger is just a mask for a deeper hurt. Maybe I feel powerless on top of that, because the world can just take from me whenever it goddam well please, and there's fuck all I can do about it.

>k-keep going. its fun watching you brake down after its fun watching you break down after realising that theres nothing y-you can do anymore.

>i could jsut tell you ive "been width" more than enough women, but youd call me a lier. and that would ruin my fun :)

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And the anger is way for me to feel in control. Or a way to avoid truly coping.

Nothing truely "exists," everything can change based on your perception of it. Nothing is consistent. You can love someone one second, and they'll abandon you the next. You've thought you found the one true religion or lack-thereof, and suddenly your beliefs mean nothing. You'll be left with a crippling reality: remain alone forever to avoid the change that hurts like backstabbing friends or ever-changing politics. OR go out and face the world; take the shit it gives you just to find the temporary highs OR cut your losses early and suicide. No matter what you chose, you always lose. Your only purpose is to exist, and then not. You feel, then you die. You basically just decide what makes you feel the best, or at least, not the worst.

thanks wise user, im on a self improvement grind and im constantly looking for flaws in my approach

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Flaws you will find in plenty! but that's good.

Better to discover them now than to be blindsided by them later.

And you're very welcome. I wish you smooth sailing.

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they let you have Jow Forums in hospital?

>they let you have Jow Forums in hospital?

PWNd... Like A Boss !!

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all you do is reply to people with their own insults. do you actually have a brain or what?

In my (different user) experience, the difference comes down to what you think you should do, vs. what you want to do. If what you want to do lines up and matches, congrats you're a "good" person. If what you want to do isn't what is "good", then you're just a person.
Conversely, if what you want to do goes against society, then you're a bad person. Theft, murder, etc.

Now, that's one view. The other view is that it's the actions you pursue that determines your "worth". If you're a person who would love to sexually torture someone until they die, but you volunteer at orphanages, and make people's lives better, then I would say you're a "good person" despite having inner darkness.
I hold that this second one is a better indicator because the first one is too thought-crime for my taste.

That the quality of your life is entirely determined by your looks

yet tons of good looking people have committed suicide

does not compute

Yep this is the one, not only did I miss out on positive social experiences as a child but had years straight of overwhelmingly negative ones so on top of being irreparably inexperienced I also have all kinds of fucking complexes and shit stemming from various things

At least they sell vodka for 10 dollars a handle at the store down the street

>Born ugly
>Born stupid
>Born socially retarded
>Born depressed
>try and try but can change myself

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when a nigger raped my sister
i fell into a great depression and had seething hatred for ooga booga men
felt like the whole world was evil
the world only cares about nig nogs who are animalistic and need to be gassed i didn't know what to do for a long time until i joined the KKK
also why do stacys like bbc so much do all women have rape fantasy's?

My mom and dad separated either before or very soon after I was born. Raised by a single mother who was bouncing from man to man, I was already guaranteed to have trust issues and difficulty in maintaining a romantic relationship.
But the real blackpill, was me realizing that the emotional neglect and psychological abuse my mother subjected me to has left me stunted forever. I just don't think at all like other people do, my mind goes places no one's should.
I'm permanently hamstrung in any social situation and I can't take care of myself, because I have been conditioned to think I have no value and that all my choices will lead to failure.

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Status: fully toasted
Tits or gtfo thot

theres no point in having kids if youre ugly. even if i became wealthy, it wouldnt change anything. my son would have a hard time picking up thots. daughter would wear a pound of paint to mask her nasty features. okay so i look better since listening to lifehack threads from /b/ but im still 5/10 ON A GOOD DAY. for reference some nig called me andre the giant in freshman year and another called me fucking ugly. that was just the first month of freshman year

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Found the rroastie

>Of course it is you fucking retard. You're like someone who hates dogs because of all the dog attack stories they've read online, and yet you've never seen a dog in real life before.

I've never encountered a python in real life before either, but based on what I have read about them if I ever do encounter one I am going to nope the fuck out of there. AND RIGHTFULLY SO.

So the question becomes: are women more like dogs, or more like pythons?

>The blackpill is that women are like either dogs OR pythons, depending on whether or not you're attractive.

While you were playing League of Legends at 12, she was sucking and fucking Chad at 12.

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i've interacted with women enough times to know they're all garbage

>chem trails

This is the closest thing to what I personally believe in.
People who blame themselves are looking for the easy answer.

That's pretty deep user, not original

Natural selection only selects for the strong. I'm going to die a miserable virgin in a hole because I'm weak.

I don't care though.
Life doesn't matter to me.
It was fucked-up from the start.
I am better off dead.

>you are completely responsible for your own happiness and this is what you've done with it

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But all members of the human species are productive and worthwhile.

Menial jobs are necessitated to run the industrial system. The money Mcdonalds runs through human labor is circulated back into the economy which ultimately runs everything going on in modern life. The Mcdonalds employee, though of average or above-average to below-average intelligence, is necessary for this exchange to occur.

Just because the engineer's life is more gratifying doesn't mean they're more valuable and irreplaceable. There is almost no job in the world that the average physically fit Mcdonalds worker can't pick-up and learn and do well.

It's just financial hierarchy and generational wealth in action.

Go ER. Don't rope, take some normies with you brother.

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We were born into a era of decay, and we will witness the steady but rapid decline of society. Everything gets worse from now into the future, better strap in for the ride.

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>Just because the engineer's life is more gratifying doesn't mean they're more valuable and irreplaceable.
are you even reading what you're typing?

genuinely laughed my arse off at seeing that roastie use the most stereotypical feminine pseudo arguments in existence
the arguing with holes meme is truly alive & well, holy shit


If someone has an IQ of 100, they can exercise and bump it out to an IQ of 110-115

The only people smart enough to figure this out are Jewish/Chess players



Everyone else thinks it's impossible for some stupid reason. There is too much value in an average bodied Mcdonalds worker with an IQ of 100.

Yes. Engineers aren't special.
They are actually a dime a dozen, but people don't know this. Most people can do the job of an engineer if they get fit in the body and mind, but they revere the job of engineer too much.

The wealthy aren't any smarter than the middle class or even the poor, but they pretend they are superior.

Western civilization is utterly doomed and we've passed the point of no return
Shitskins will overrun our civilization and will eventually destroy all our cultural and scientific achievements
A new dark age will come about from which the human race will never recover
Globally we'll literally just become one gigantic Africa

sterilizing myself with rubber bands and a knife

>Natural selection only selects for the strong
Wrong faggot
It only selects those that are most adaptable to change
You refuse to change yourself being a faggot so you'll fail to reproduce

Mexico isn't even bad, so if everyone suddenly dipped to 92 IQ, the world would be alright. Whites are 1 billion strong, so you're over-reacting there.

>Adaptability to change
>Not strength

That's all it is.
If you are born a white mouse on a dark-landscape, you die. You can't hide like the others, so you are picked off.

I truly can not think of a black pill.

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>personality abnormal

my personality is completely fucked and women love to be around me, i disgust them on a regular basis and dont give a fuck and they still come

although to be honest that may because im fucked in a positively received way, you may be in a negatively perceived way, also im a 5-6/10 at the most, maybe that makes a difference

either way decent post

that my autism makes me a social retard and that I will be always alone and probably going to kill myself because I can't keep up with other people

One day I'm going to wake up and 50 years will have passed and I'll regret every waking moment I spent on this dumb shithole yet still I come here.

I'm not special.

From the moment i swallowed that one pill, it was the beginning of the end.

The blackest pill I've ever swalloed is the black & white pill. The fact that you and I are not only one and the same but we/I created this reality and all of the suffering within it. Black because all of the pain humans cause to eachother is pain we cause to ourself, we chose this. White in the sense that this play/dream is of our making and has a purpose and will be over at some point. Black also in the sense that we are all NPCs, we are all actors playing a role in this great play, there is only one PC and that is the godhead that we all add up to make. Those degenerates next to you on the train are you living through different eyes.

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We only do good things because we don't want to look bad.

>The blackest pill I've ever swalloed is the black & white pill.

What was the name of the nigger who came in your mouth faggot?

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