Femanons, what's your opinion on Stacy?

Femanons, what's your opinion on Stacy?

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she doesn't even know that kaiji died, total brainlet

I don't mind her, i'm not jealous of girls that look better than me

I only fear that the love of my life will leave me for her

I don't really have any. As long as they treat me respectfully (and they mostly do) I'm alright.
I'm really happy for her if she looks hot as shit, and I'm happy she lives a chill life.

And I'm worse off than "Becky", probably.

They're okay. Usually oblivious to the suffering of others but mostly harmless.

I cannot understand how they choose who to go out with. That would confuse me. Oh, and I get so bloated on my period I could never wear what they wear.

Are you a Trudy then?

if the love of your life is an user he knows full well she's a thot and wouldn't cheat on you... with her

I don't know what it is supposed to mean.
I'm plain and introverted to a disgusting degree. No orbiters, and no desire to have them.

>no orbiters
>no desire to have them
White lie because why would you care to mention that?

Because it's in the Becky and Stacy photo.
I hate interacting with most people, the concept of orbiters seems absolutely disgusting.
I don't care about "Chad" much, I only liked maybe 2 dudes in my whole life. One was a 10/10 looks wise.
I don't really care about my career.
I don't fit anything on the Stacy side, beside maybe the fact that I have a nice body. No one is ever going to see it.

user....... Nice powst

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I hate beckys more than stacy by a long shot. They are always those girls who are in your league, into the same shit, but choose to let chad lead them on or fuck some crusty spergazoid.

Atleast stacy is honest with who she is/wants. Her with chad never bothered me.

No opinion, as long as they leave me the fuck alone.

Are you chubby normally, or just on your period? Wear what you like, user

Stacy is jealous of me jaj. She treats me poorly because she wants to be me.

Are you
>gay Becky femanon
>gay Omega-Becky femanon
>beta dude

>nice body
You sound perfect.

God this, kill me please

What kind of qualities do you have tho?

>tfw no schizoid gf

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Listen up femanons
If you bitch about people ghosting you, maybe you should actually put forth a tiny bit of effort to interact with someone who said they wouldn't

You sound lovely jubbly

I've never been in the dating scene and experienced competition with other women so it's hard to tell, but I've noticed that the moment I lose the sweatpants and wear something cute, they stare at me with a bitch face or if they work in retail and must approach me, act snobby and rude. I dress modestly with a cutesy style, so idk.

I am just sick of seeing girls who arent stacy, never will be and they wont even give me a shot. It is funny watching them cry after chad cheats on them for the 10th time

It'll be great if there was even an ounce of difference between Becky and Stacy in terms of thottiness. Same shit different makeup.

Why would you want one? Kek.

I'm unironically awful.

Fuck it, I wasn't going to address you, but I'll bite.
What makes you awful?

I am a robot and love Stacy, but only because I nearly lost my virginity to her

So you're a beta user then?

I find 99% of people frustrating to talk to, I live inside my head, I only care about my parents, I'd take being alone over being with anyone else.
No one wants to date me and it's a good thing, I'm awful and I'd be a terrible girlfriend.

This has to be a LARP
>I'm awful therefore undateable
>I'm undateable because I'm awful
>I don't want anyone and therefore awful
>no one dates me because I'm awful

Not a femamon, But just a dude here to say that he likes Beckys.

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The top bun hairstyle looks ridiculous and ugly.

I gave you the reasons why I'm awful - I hate talking to people to the point it is physically painful, I don't care about anybody, and hate being around people for more than 30 minutes at a time.
People frustrate me.

No you don't you just dropped your standards, if you had a choice you'd go for Stacy.

Not nearly as beta as most of this board lol. But im not a femanon.

The thing is Becky will still drool over chad and settle for a beta provider when she hits the wall in her mid thirties.

Becky is in fact Stacy. Stacy is a rare bimbo.

like what happens to half the earth you fucking retard

So you do get attention, therefore not awful.
Checkmate Becky

>implying Becky doesn't age horribly

Becky is better than stacy i'm a guy and i'd fall for a becky my mom is a becky and i'm like a male becky lol 6ft 150 lbs hmu

I bet that's the reason why other people have a ton of friends, relationships and shit while I want to shoot myself whenever someone talks to me for more than 5 minutes.

I don't get the point.
To have an orbiter you have to let him orbit, I don't have any form of social media, I don't give my number out, if someone engages with me I move away.

Becky can do squats an be awesome within a month or two.

Meanwhile, Stacy would manage to get through green eggs and ham, and halfway through hop on pop.

>To have an orbiter you have to let him orbit
This is not true, you can have stalkers or omegas, you should learn about this.

I thought the point of orbiters was that the girl benefits from the loser's thirst.

Attention is one of the benefits. See, I'm giving you attention right now, seems like discussing something doesn't feel that bad. I'm probably paying more attention becaus possible femanon and quite frankly male biology says to interact with females.
You got something out of it right now, you just don't realize it.

I unironically feel more respect and equity with a woman that is a total slut and dresses and openly acts as such than a woman that is a failed slut and is hypocritical about it on all levels of life.