If you didn't reproduce with a fine lass before you turned 30 you pretty much failed at life
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
If you didn't reproduce with a fine lass before you turned 30 you pretty much failed at life
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
I lost my virginity to your mom at 31 lmao
Can you pass, or fail life? Where did you get this information from? Anyways thank you for posting this image.
Must be why OP has Autism
lmao nice one originally
>Can you pass, or fail life?
yes desu, when you're old and have no family of your own you pretty much failed at life, you will die lonely and depressed and you're gonna feel a strong regret for not chasing women
fuck desu u hit top right here.
I reproduced at 32. I regret it every day. Mostly because we split up and I have never seen the child. And also because the world is so fucked up and I feel very bad about bringing a person into it.
You don't need your first child before 30, but if you're not out of your parents' house and moved in with a long-term girlfriend by 30, you're pretty much out of time and the best you're going to be able to manage is some former slut who's been hit by that post-wall lightning bolt of her ticking biological clock and now has the baby rabies.
If you're single and childless at 30 you'd basically better find yourself something to help you beat the pain of lonliness, or you might as well kill yourself, because from this point on, every single day of your life is gonna be slightly shittier than the one before it.
You're wrong becuase we're not women so our junk doesn't turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes 30. You can fuck around having fun and getting yourself established for a long time before making some babies if you take care of yourself.
And then she dumps you and you failed again. Fuck off with this shit sage
If your crowning achievement in life is shitting out another resource-hog in an overpopulated planet then your definition of what is "failing" at life isn't relevant. Even the most retarded subhumans in third world shitholes can do that. Doesn't mean they're benefiting anyone or improving anything.
this ain't it chief
Not only that, your friends will all bail on you for the girl they ended up with. Take it from somebody who knows.
Fuck you im going to be a 30yo rich zoomer pulling Gen C 18yo pussy
Is that the meaning of life? Where did you get this information from? It sounds like you're increasingly projecting more and more as you typed that post out.
Most people regret giving too much a shit about meeting external expectations and not doing what they actually wanted to do.
That is still a likely outcome of like 50%-80% of families. Just you also feel alienated to your offspring as well.
i impregnated my wife less than one month after i turned 30 and can confirm that i have failed at life.
I made it my mission to donate to every sperm bank in the country. 27 down, 51 to go.
I'm 29 and will turn 30 in a few months.
I'm just now getting my shit together. I'll probably reproduce but it won't be until I'm in my 30s. What's wrong with that.
I think it's far more likely to get married and have kids too soon, only to end up hating your wife after a year or two and stay together "for the kids". All of your dreams get put on hold, while your time and finances get invested in kids who hate you and hardly see you because of long work hours. You spend your days taking extra hours at work just to get by, you may even enjoy work as an escape of your home life. You come home to a messy house, kids screaming and a wife demanding that you do this and that. Eventually the kids turn 18 and you divorce your wife. You hardly see your own kids because they are off busy with their own life at that point.
Divorce rates are over 50% man. It's a huge roll of the dice to base your life around. Especially if you try to force it.
Life is a failed experiment anyways.
Our own species is about to ace itself out of existence, but nobody gives a fuck.
Napoleon himself considered his life a failure staring at the never ending sea each day without hope, asking himself "was it all worth it?"
in the end he was so depressed he spent his last year in bed entirely
quelle tragedie
Prove, through first principles alone, that you can fail at life.
>Divorce rates are over 50% man
wrong divorce rates are low among millennials. Especially college educated millennials. If you got divorced it's because you picked the wrong social circle.
>That is still a likely outcome of like 50%-80% of families.
Most people pass on their genes. Like literally 90% of humanity. Only people that don't are the disabled, "career" women who were too picky, and faggots.
Are you me? Except my family is pressuring me and I fear they'll all die before I get married
>tfw 33 and a failure
>but living the NEET life and can afford to buy a house outright
I guess it evens itself out. Had I been a normalfag and pursued females I wouldn't have amassed this money and would most certainly be wage slaving and miserable. I got lucky though, it almost ended badly and probably still will but I can enjoy life for now at least with no stress.
My mom is dropping subtle hints about how I should be "friends" with this single mother from her work.
The entire thing is ridiculous my family has never mentioned relationships or sex in my presence ever. I always assumed because I was so weird they just felt bad for me and knew not to talk about it around me.
But I'm going back to uni in the fall. My plan is to find a girl in early to mid 20s and go with that.
Millennials have much lower divorce rates, college educated individuals have an 80% chance of having a long lasting marriage. Two employed individuals have divorce rates only in the 30% range. If you're an educated white young couple with professional jobs and you've dated a few years your divorce rate is like 10-20%. Just don't pick a shit one and stop comparing yourself to minorities living in poverty collecting welfare.
My dad sends me pics of girls he meets on his business trips. Most of them are actually really cute.
>my family has never mentioned relationships or sex in my presence ever
fucking this. whenever I expressed interest in girls growing up it was always "that's a waste of time just focus on school" and now all of a sudden they can't shut up about marriage.
Where the fuck were they when I was trying to figure all this shit out?
>But I'm going back to uni in the fall. My plan is to find a girl in early to mid 20s and go with that.
I actually did that when I was 25, found a 19 year old but was super clingy and it failed of course
Nah, we've still got another few years in us before children need to be considered. Only loser incels and poltards think that you're fucked if you don't reproduce before 30. We don't live in the dark ages anymore, its not like you are going to die.
Most men throughout history didnt get a chance to reproduce.
Besides, there is more to life than breeding you porn addicted child.
>Most men throughout history didnt get a chance to reproduce.
cuz they never had a chance, duh, now anybody can start a family, almost anybody
>Besides, there is more to life than breeding you porn addicted child.
doing hobbies and shit gets old sooner or later
for any man who is married and has kids the family is the most important thing, relationships with other people is the strongest force in the universe, you can't deny it
Shhhh, let him cope in peace.
I'm sure his lego collection is just as life-affirming as experiencing love and raising children.
Does choosing not to reproduce with a fine lass count?
>doing hobbies and shit gets old sooner or later
The exact thing can be said about idiots like you who are obsessed with starting families and breeding.
You think there aren't any men in the world who get bored with being a father and hate their kids and wish they never had them?
>now anybody can start a family
If that were true then incels wouldn't exist. And just because you can start a family, doesn't mean you should. You could be completely incapable of supporting another human being and only make their lives miserable.
Feel free to respond to me again when you have a real again, retard.
My Dad had 2 kids at 37
>failed at life
there is no such thing as failing in life. nothing really matters. we don't matter. in a thousand years no one is going to give a fuck about what we are doing now. not even the most brilliant men of our time will be remembered.
so no having one more child in a hopelessly world doesn't fucking matter.
33 , have mixed thoughts about marriage and kids . dont know i dont wanna fuck up my life . what if she gets out of control and fucks me over. dont want to be that guy that has to get to see his kids for a few hours.
>doing hobbies and shit gets old sooner or later
t.27 year old.
You're a kid. Are video games still fun, lad?
>no loving wife
i regret everything
can I live with you?
i eat alot but im rly smart and have big butt n stuff
>be me
>30 year old virgin
>dad already sired me by the time he was 24
I just calculated this the other day and wasn't prepared for this feel. When I was 24 I was locked in the basement fapping to really degenerate porn for weeks at a time and failing out of uni.
i know nobody asked for source but i have a few
You can't even afford the living standards previous families did at 30 in modern times. A quarter of people hitting 30 are in extreme poverty supported by family and or government. A small percentage are successful to the point all they have to do with their day is complain about how people talk shit about them online. A majority of people have no chance of meeting the standards of being middle class and work multiple jobs.
Ask your mom if raising her loser son was still fun
>tfw 30
>suffering from severe anxiety
>doctor just gave you meds for it that kill your dick
yeah, it's pretty much over for me
why is it so hard to resist this. I mean I've tried a few hours without it. but I can't!
I don't know if I'll be wed before 30. If it's to happen I'm definitely not ready now
You ask yours, kid. Mine is dead. Is that castle in Minecraft going along nicely? Are you leveling up that knight paladin? Hmmm, there sure is more to life, there are hobbies! This is what you loser always say when you don't even have any real hobbies.
>youre a kid
Nice argument
>are video games still fun lad
And if they are? Just because you cant enjoy things in your life anymore and need validation from women doesnt mean everyone else has to.
youre more likely to be broke enjoy your miserable life. Trump didn't have kids untill he was 32
You sound really insecure.
Just saying...
Funny since I know a bunch of dudes who did just that and hate every moment of their life.
And the way I see it you sound like a kid, so you either are:
1. A kid and you shouldn't be wasting your time on Jow Forums or your retarded hobbies and should try to make the most of it before you grow up and regret it.
2. Are a manchild who still has yet to become self-aware or is past the point of no return.
Neither looks good for you. Just saying...
yeah i'm a 33 yo khhv, suicide soon maybe
I guarantee you there are some single moms out there because of his 20s.
>the world is so fucked up and I feel very bad about bringing a person into it
Same. Think if the daughter or son turned into a degenerate whore or transgender or gay or something like that. Absolutely shameful
>overpopulated planet
The Jews have since then admitted that the world is far from overpopulated and now it's even admitted that we NEED as many people as we have today or more for the amount of technological advancements we are making
holy fuck can't imagine being virgin over 30 must be absolutely painful to watch young couples or teen girls and seeing in the news about the shit they do with men
t. mid 20s virgin
the thing is a billion niggers in africa uses fewer resources than 150 million whites in africa. Primitive culture means less harm to the environment.
People who worship "chasing women" like it's the ultimate goal of life are fucking sad.
>family is the most important thing
Imagine being so cucked you're willing to forget about hobbies, dreams and aspirations as you crumble under the weight of societal pressure.
youre so fucking bitter kys
>tfw 31
I'm actually a normie and have had plenty of chances but I haven't done it because of abandonment issues. I always dump girls before they have the chance to leave me... having a kid gives them all the power.
Nah, I just hate kids like you. Get off my board child.
same guy here. the most annoying this is people who complain about the relationships they have and act like maintaining a relationship is the hard part, not establishing one in the first place
I have already given up i'm only 18 but i know was born to fail i am a broken machine i come out wrong i am Gods mistake