/manlet general/

/manlet general/

Report in my little buddies

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If you ever break your legs make sure to get leg-lengthening surgery. It's grim to break them purposefully but not if the damage has been done accidentally.

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I gotta say it sucks being a manlet, but if you can somehow swing getting a hot or average gf, the butthurt is palpable everywhere you go.

5'4" reporting in, would human growth hormones still make an 18 year old taller?

Didnt make my friend much taller but he is muscular and cut. All he does is smoke weed all day.

if you guys use manlet as a self deprecating way to just pass the days then no prob but dont take it too seriously bros. dont let that word define you just do your thing and have some confidence

>tfw 5'4 and secretly wish to be even shorter thanks to my fetish

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5'4 18 here as well
Just embrace it

5'10 aka the king of all manlets.

Feels good being with my fellow 5'4s

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I'm 5'2 at 19. Mummy says I'm a big strong man.

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good thing about being only 5'9" is that my 16 cm cock looks huge on me, especially now since I lost most of the belly fat, and the qts that blow me are literally blushing when they see it

>be manlet
>decide to get buff
>look even shorter because i got muscular

I also love how we are on the bottom of everything and never get any help or sympathy. Gays, minorities, women, trans are all given so much love and support. But you short guys need to man up!!

Fuck normies, fuck tall guys, fuck jannies.

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6 american feet here, 183cm in non retard units. Also balkans so I'm basically a manlet

I really want to see this whole comic. What is the context?
Why is he shrunken, naked, and why are his first conscious moments in an alley about to be pissed on.
What is the fucking SETTING of this story?

185cm here. how the fuck do you guys find the will to live?

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no one over 6ft allowed in this thread !!

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I'm 5'7 without shoes but usually just say 5'8 so I at least am that lil bit taller. I'm hispanic though so I guess it's more reasonable but I've seen tall hispanics and I wish I was at least 5'11

Here you go.

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It's not that hard. I just watch a lot of anime and ignore normies and roasties.

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Go to your doctor. Sometimes your long bones don't fuse until 21. If the growth plates are still open it will work.

5'7'' manlet reporting in. I hate being this short but when I see other anons posting that they're 5'4'' I feel a little better. I wonder if my shortness has anything to do with my diet as a kid or whether genes screwed me over.

Go for ottermode body instead + wear slimfit/skinny jeans. It makes you appear taller

>5'4" reporting in
Transition when?

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How would this work even regarding proportion?
Wouldn't your arms and fingers still be short?