What kind of facial hair does Jow Forums have...

What kind of facial hair does Jow Forums have? Thinking of going the clean shaved look for a change getting tired of the beard.

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Beards in length of more than 5mm are tryhard chinlets/jawlets.
If you are clean shave it already shows you have supreme confidence in your facial structure.

2 day stubble usually, don't grow that great of a beard even if I wanted one.
Clean shave from my barber if I have a special occasion (wedding, funeral, etc.)
I'd clean shave more often but gf likes my stubble and my electric trimmer is faster than my razor.
Waiting for someone to die so I can grab a haircut while I'm in there next.
This is generally true, most beards look shitty. Some people pull it off, but they're in the extreme minority.

Full beard. I live in Montana, it's fucking cold. I have a good chin / jawline, but I don't care.

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>tfw you can only grow your beard like this

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every couple of weeks I trim it to 3mm and then let it grow full.
beard is game changer and i don't think i will be clean shaven ever again.

Clean-shaved, stubble-beard because it's fashionable, or close-form because you live somewhere out in the sticks and you can actually grow one.

Anything else will get you ridiculed immediately on Jow Forums. Everywhere else will think less of you for it too, they just won't ridicule you to your face.

Made some good face-gains in the past year and the stubble beard has been suiting me well. I only have to do a clean-up shave every 4-5 days or so.

Trim everyday to a 1mm or less shade. Fitted jeans and rolled sleeves is as informal as I go in public so it evens out. If I was clean shaven I'd be a bit stuck up (I work with "creatives")

-12 in Laurel Monday brother.

Full beard, Its a display of genetic health, and indicates high societal standing, typically only the people who answer to no one, true alpha males, get to grow their beards out. This enrages most men with either poor genetics or men who take orders so they will feverishly denounce any man who has one in an attempt to make themselves feel better.

Cringe jawlet cope
Enjoy your face pubes looklets

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For me it's clean shave, however clean shave only looks better if you have sub 12% bodyfat typically

Nope, its a cope mechanism for shitty genetics.
>hur muh chin/jaw arent square and defined like clean shave Chad
>i know ill just grow a beard and have a false sense of superiority even though Chad could grow a better beard faster than me

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been taking biotin since I was 14, on top of good genetics, my beard is almost as thick as my near infinitely lush head hair.
Listen faggot, the actual purpose of beards is to exaggerate facial expressions so they can be seen at a distance, this was vital for our ancestors who hunted to survive, they had to communicate through facial expression alone as making noise would scare prey.
>ant got a thick beard, ant a man.


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lmao babby faced manlet cope

looks a lot like me except I am hairy, have terrible skin, an asymmetric chest, acne scars, gyno scars and a worse hairline.
Other than that it's like looking in the mirror

>cant counter my logic
Enjoy being clean shaven and cucked

>Anyone who does not look like a trucker is a baby faced manlet
lol ok bud

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I use a beard trimmer down to the lowest setting usually leaves me with very slight stubble which my gf likes

>trying to paint every bearded man as someone who sits all day and is typically old and weak.
Would a silverback shave his back, not unless he wanted to look like a woman and wanted to other silverbacks to fuck him.
literally smiling into the mirror, being prideful over my beard while waiting for replies from angry beardlets.

>Would a silverback shave his back, not unless he wanted to look like a woman and wanted to other silverbacks to fuck him.

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>literally your only retort is
This it the typical mental capacity of a beardlet.

Like a 1inch beard cuz I'm lazy as fuck and shaving + working outside is shit.

Retort what newfag?
That unintelligible wordsoup about silverbacks?

>attacks my flawless logic instead of countering it
Wait, that was your counter.

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Clean shaven because I can't grow more than a bad Van Dyke. Getting kinda sick of people assuming i'm 16 though.

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Mine is a really short beard, maybe .5 inches in long. I use a #2 for my beard trimmer about once/week.
I can go clean shaven too if I want, but my skin is really pale, so I look sickly without the beard.

any union road construction jobs in Montana? asking for a friend